Preserved Sheet Xorakk - Dul Krilge

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Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score

«❅» Full Name | Xorakk - Dul Krilge
«❅» Race | North Clad Urlan - Eronidas Blend - Bull Head
«❅» Age | 35
«❅» Gender | Male
«❅» Sexuality | Heterosexual
«❅» Eye Color | Orange

«❅» Belief | Xorakk believes there are beings of great power and influence but is not specific towards any.

«❅» Char Concept | Xorakk is an Urlan who strives for two things, Knowledge, and The Hunt. He strives to learn more as a librarian and respects the hunts for food when the time is needed.




Total Points | « 14 Prof Points

«❅» « 7 Strength
«❅» « 7 Constitution
«❅» « 0 Wisdom
«❅» « 0 Dexterity
«❅» « 0 Magic
«❅» « 0 Charisma



«❅» Strength Point Buy

Force Toss
Break Down

Concussive Blow
Cheap Shot
Unyielding Strike
Technique Parry
Diving Tackle

«❅» Constitutional Point Buy

Rage Counter
Debuff Endurance

Tank Rush
Tank Tremor
Tank Charge

Shield Block


« Vasar | (Racial Language) » Lost through Symbiosis
« Common | (Taught by Parents) »
« Skodje | (Taught by Comrades) »


«❅» Appearance | Xorakk stands at a height of 7'5 with a hulking mass of muscle abnormal to most Urlan builds. His Urlan head represents the white bull with hooked-straight horns curving out of his head and forward just like a regular bull. Xorakk holds well-dressed designs while containing a greatly tended to lower half of clothing, themed to more sky colors and librarian picks. He tends to keep his upper body open for time of casual gatherings and when he needs to go on hunts.


Life Story

«❅» Birth - Childhood | On April 26th, 275 AC, Xorakk were born to two loving fierce parents along the Eronidas lands. Xorakk quickly consumed large amounts of food and were taken into the military after his growth seemed absurdly rapid. Upon meeting shamans by all means luckily, Xorakk were granted special treatment to which he were given something to shamanize himself at such a young age.

«❅» Childhood - Adolescence | Xorakk had much discrimination against him as he were tall, strangely dense and muscular as a child. Even by the military commanders of a Polon force, he were treated as an object, being faced against the largest adults in combat, training with the highest expectancy required, mastering multiple skills and weapons. Even along the battlefield he were purposely put at the front of the line with no form of defense as a method to get rid of him.

«❅» Adolescence - Adulthood | Xorakk even with no wisdom or intelligence could tell no one in the place he stayed in appreciated his Prescence, calling him both a failure and an outcast. After many years of taking on this brutal life in the military, Xorakk decided it were best to leave and journey elsewhere where perhaps he may be treated better.

«❅» Adulthood - The Regalian Times | Xorakk came across numerous observers both curious about his state and abnormal build, some aggressive towards him such as the Darkwald Order, and some who understood him which were mainly the slizzar. After years of travelling and settling into a city under Regalia, he found comfort and those unjudging towards himself, losing a rather hesitant and aggressive nature, adopting one of clumsiness, goofiness and happiness. He spent his time here in Regalia, meeting many others, experiencing many events and training with aim of becoming the strongest. After a life of training, beast hunting and finding settlement among others, Xorakk took on an Oorl worm from an Acquaintance known as Revna, now with aim of bettering himself, enjoying the hunt, and striving for something new... knowledge.

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Added edition to skin color: Greenish Grey @Mollymock will be a bit for the skin as I have to recolor it a bit.
@Mollymock Updated Azog to the Eronidas kit, changed all Orc/Orcon to Eronidas including the Life Story and added the Beast Kills he's turned in.
Changed the languages from the previous Vashkular and Vashnolar to the now Vasar.
@Mollymock or other staff, could I have someone review this? Just added in Strength training but it's been a while.
@Mollymock Azog got infected with werebeastism, added to special traits. Changed some points and spent them on genetics for Voluism, and Herculean. App is up for Re-review.
Could I have another reviewer? Molly has been very busy/inactive.
+20 Fist-Combat (+5 Racial Boost, +15 Core)
+19 Two-Hand Blunt Combat (+19 Core)
+10 Strength Training (+10 Core)
-Great Force 1, -Gate Smash 1
3 Voluism(+3 Core)
+3 Herculean (+3 Core)
+10 Writing Art (+10 Hobby Points)
I feel as if your combat profs paired with your Cahalism makes the character feel a bit ott. I ask that you do not exceed 30 total points in your combat proficiencies.
@Mollymock is it the two hand blunt that makes the cahalism pair seem odd? Or is it the amount of profs I have for combat in general?
@Mollymock is it the two hand blunt that makes the cahalism pair seem odd? Or is it the amount of profs I have for combat in general?
Combat in general. At the moment, this seems less of a character, and more of a crp weapon. Perhaps consider what else the character does, outside of just fighting all day every day.
-Took away 5 points from two hand blunt
-Removed strength training and total combat prof is now 30.
-Added Volacorum and linguistics.
- Saved 2 points for some rp experimenting in student-teacher rp for the future and may change points around for what occurs by then.
+6 Linguistics (+6 Core)
+6 Volacorum (+6 Core)
You cannot invest in these proficiencies if you character is Herculean. And, when the limit of 30 was given, strength training wasn't considered in that bracket. You still have 5 too many points, due to your racial boost here anyways.

Make these edits, tag me and we should be good to go.
@Mollymock I'm starting to see how this is not pairing well with what I chose for Azog. I'm going to leave 9 points available for a student-teacher rp that way I can fully flesh the character out. I removed 5 points from fist combat so the total is now 30 for combat.
Just realized I still had linguistics written in so edited that out.
@Mollymock Small update of points!
- Spent remaining points on Medical Training
- Removed points from Blunt combat to allow for progression in Metallurgy. Only 6 were added until I icly find another to aid Azog.
- I will get to the new application format soon (Currently away for vacation).
@Mollymock Removed Genetics as per the wiping of it on the wiki!
6 points for student-rp on metallurgy remaining available.
Format is underway!
@Caelamus Changed points to just focus strength and constitution!
This character needs to go through a larger overhaul and I would instead advise against dumping solely into combat relevant proficiency. As combat doesn't benefit from having a lot of specials like magic or other abilities you can use to make roleplay interesting outside of the sphere of combat. You might find yourself more than a bit shoehorned into being only relevant in CRP, and CRP tends to be the bottom of the barrel when it comes to everyday scenarios.

But for a larger overhaul, we no longer do the whole 'unga bunga orc' aesthetic. You should begin modernizing Azog, and maybe even their name, to fit with current Eronidas lore. Religion was also overhauled. I would recommend a rewrite of the character from the ground up.
@Caelamus R.I.P Azog ;,(
-Large overhaul complete. Xorakk is born. I'd like to know what age Xorakk would be given he were born in 275 AC. I'll edit it in, thanks!
@Caelamus Phew big changes! Xorakk became an Urlan, mentioned in life story.
-Cut out a lot of points from magic, dexterity and strength to limit combat abilities, focusing a more librarian/Hunter urlan.
-Implementing a much more supportive character from the change
-New name to fit the Urlan /may/ be coming but will be rped icly.
- App is up for re-review.