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Played Character Xanthos Savile

This character is actively played.


Self-Certified Dumbass
Apr 27, 2020
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Xanthos Savile
  • Race / Culture: Sihndar
  • Age: 301 (born 11 AC)
  • Gender / Pronouns: Masculine
  • Occult: Warden Archon
Core Concept
A blind old Sihndar turned to Draconism, Xanthos spends his time healing the lands plagued by the void, as well as sending what he can back home to Drowda in its never-ending war.

Appearance Information
  • Height: 6'4"
  • Hair Color: White
  • Skin Color: Purple
  • Eye Color: Purple (Originally Blue)
  • Strength: 0
    • Break Down (Free, Sihndar)
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Chem Cleanse
    • Technique Parry
    • Chem Revive
    • Chem Bang
  • Magic: 5
    • Wardrobe Pack
    • Safegaurd Pack (Free, Sihndar)
    • Magic Bolster
    • Magic Barrier
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Feather
  • Faith: 5
    • Shaman Aura
    • Shaman Darkness
    • Shaman Earth
    • Sacred Healing
    • Sacred Siphon


Alchemy Hobby
Technology Hobby (Leytech & Doyentech)
Medical Hobby
Magical Talent
Cleric Talent​




  • Sihndar take less damage when hurt by Spirits or those possessed by Spirits. If a Spirit or a Spirit Possessed person applies -2 HP damage, reduce that by -1 Hp.
  • Sihndar cannot become Afflicted, some exceptions may apply in Soul Bargains, and some greater Entities like Gods and Arken can still force infect them.
  • Sihndar can perform the Weakening Ritual on a Greater Vampire, which does not kill them (ported back to a safe base), but turns them into a Fledgeling Vampire.
  • Sihndar are immune to mind control of any type, particularly Sinistral Mind Vex and all of its Mechanics to do with Thralling and Persuasion Dices, if used to convince them.
  • Sihndar: (meaning, pure-blood since Cataclysm) During Events, Sihndar may be warned of making a bad decision by Melca's Foresight that warns them with a vision of something they are about to do.
  • Mechanic 1: Archon can manifest Wings (of any design: Fairy, Draconic, or Mechanical), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
  • Mechanic 2: Archon can Point Buy Magic Point Buy Packs, re-classifying their Abilities to Dragon Magic. They cannot make use of the Sinistral Mechanic.
  • Mechanic 3: Archon can perform a Cleansing Ritual on a (willing) Character with Magic Point Buy that cannot become an Archon. Any Magic packs are refunded and can be re-spent.
  • Mechanic 4: Archon can perform a Cleansing Ritual that cleanses a (willing) Exist/Void/Ordial Mage of their Magic and makes them an Archon. Any Magic/Faith Point Buy Packs are refunded and can be re-spent.
  • Mechanic 5: Archon can perform a Cleansing Ritual that cleanses a (willing) Undead, to either pass onto the Afterlife, or become a Primal Revenant. Any Magic/Faith Point Buy Packs are refunded and can be re-spent.
  • Mechanic 6: Archon can see backwards in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past) or see glimpses of possible futures in multi-time thread theory (just make them up, there are thousands of possible futures).
  • Mechanic 7: Archon can live much longer than non-Archon, empowered by Dragon Magic, meaning they can live three times as long as their maximum. (Making an Archon 300+ years old may require ticket consultation).
  • Mechanic 8: Archon who convince a non-Archon to be cleansed of their infected Magic (Ordial, Void, Exist), and convert to Archon, gain 1 tradeable Dragonspark when they succeed in convincing the convert to cleanse.
  • Warden Mechanic: Warden Archon can grant any person Shapeshift Pack for free, but only for an Hour (or the duration of an Event), and with a 7 day Cooldown.
  • Warden Mechanic: Warden Archon are immune to all Mechanics from Arkenborn or Godborn insofar they are Mechanics that affect others, and aren't free Packs (not immune to Pack Abilities).
Life Story / Plot Hooks

Early Years
Born just a few years after the fifth Void Invasion, Xanthos' knows, just as any Sihndar would, the destruction of the Void all too well. Xanthos' home is the Xaster in the Westernmost region of Drowda, Xan-Farn; the swamps and forests blue with the taint of the Void. His younger years were of no real renown, he trained in combat the same as his kin. During one of his supply runs to Alamat, Xanthos was blinded by a fire-wielding demon.

Spread The Word, Hear The Whispers
After having lost his sight, Xanthos chose to help his homeland by venturing out, traveling across Aloria to spread awareness for his people's plight, finding himself most notably from the swamps of Xan-Farn to those of Anglia. In Anglia, Xanthos seemed to have found a second home, the people were kind, and looking at the land he saw what he wished for Drowda to be, if ever freed from the Void's taint. This was when he found himself in the company of Anglian Witches, who throughout the years, taught him of Draconism* and, eventually, allowed him to convert into an Archon. While part of the witches, Xanthos studied and learned how to combat the corrupting nature of the Void on the land, as well as studying the best ways to get the dragon aligned to help Drowda more directly, leaving Anglia to pursue his goal further.

The Hermit In The Woods
Most Recently, Xanthos spends his time more as a mentor than a fighter, although he still retains a few skills, and knows his way around fighting spirits and other extra-planar demons. He can be found mostly in the woods around Regalia, doing his part to stop any infection there, and attempting to send aid to Drowda in the form of supplies, awareness, and fighters.

Although a fully devout Draconist, Xanthos still has respect for Melca, seeing her as an important figure and guide to his people and their culture, and as such will sometimes offer a short, secular prayer to her when looking into the future.
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