Archived Wulong And Chi'i Races. What I Think They Are.

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
For those of you who haven't looked at the new lore page, first off, you should, and second, they added a LOT of new races. Most of which we know about already.

Upon scrolling down, I saw two new races called the Chi'i and the Wulong.

The Chi'i is a peaceful, seafaring race, while the Wulong are a powerful, war torn race.

Their names have a strong Asian vibe to them. However, I did a little research on the two races names. Yes, I went that far for two new races.

The Chi'i most likely get their name from the Chinese word, Qi. Hard to believe, but Qi is actually pronounced "Chee". In Chinese, Qi means a natural energy. Life forces. Forces like air, water, life. Qi is written as Chi'i sometimes as well. Qi is a form if karma. Yin and Yang is a common symbol that represents balance. Good and bad must be equal in the world. Balance must be achived.

I hardly find this a coincidence. Because of this, I believe the the Chi'i will have a religion focused around life and energy. Seeing as they are a peaceful race, this is very believable. Possibly they will have their ideology based off of the idea of balance. Also, Chinese ships are very famous. The Chinese were good merchants and sailors.

The Wulong is up next. Again, very Chinese'y sounding. However, Wulong also something in China. Wulong County is in southern China. Wulong County is known for its high cliffs. It is Wulong could also come from the Wulong Karst, the coast that Wulong County is located on.

The Wulong's culture may be inspired by the Mongols. The Mongols had a huge empire. Larger then the Roman Empire, actually. And they did not play nice to get that land. They had a "surrender or die" mentality. So naturally, a race based off of them would be violent.

These are just my ideas and what info I got five minutes of Google searching. If you guys have any ideas, or if I got anything wrong, feel free to leave a comment.
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....I can...not read any of that.

Most of those are just credits. This is the opening theme to an old Journey to the West television series featuring Sun Wukong's birth, challenge of heaven, punishment, and finally his journey/atonement as he escorts a priest to retrieve some sacred scrolls from India.
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