World Claim Limit: Ideas And Thoughts For The Future

Would you like to see any of these ideas put in place?

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The Tickler
Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
The Issue:
I got in Hyarroc right as it opened like many of the other openings on the server such as original regalia, where I crashed numerous times due to the flood of people teleporting to one area. I was also mailed by staff to stop flood claiming in the new world, which I was just claiming raid portals. I'm sure other factions received this too. Not only was I mailed by staff but I've been mailed by other factions to fix claiming issues that they have with raid portals. I resolved it by turning claimnear ON to all relations.

This "problem" that the staff is trying to resolve was created by the staff themselves, with claimnear. The simple fact that anyone can claim anywhere and create a 10x10chunk oasis around them is ridiculous. It basically removes over 100chunks for claiming of other factions. Flood claiming doesn't happen, its just more people needing more land and none being available. One of the most common examples of this was raid portals near Vanos. The amount of portals dictated that either your raid portal had to be in the water, which made it so harmwater would be unable to be used while raiding the fishes, or you claim a chunk about five minutes away. I did the latter.

The adjustments to faction perms with the update with claimnear screwed over the normal faction members ability to claim land, yet not only was that the only reason this is happening. Now anyone who joins the server and plays for 1 days can claim 30chunks and technically secure 3000 chunks of land with the 100regals they earned from charity. That's a lot of land.

Well that can't be right! 3000 chunks you say? That's ridiculous... These are some things you might be thinking. Lets do the math:

If one chunk secures a 10x10 chunk area around it thats 100 chunks with one land claim. Now lets say they claimed 30 chunks around different worlds in different areas. With the 30 power they receive, they can secure 30*100=3000 chunks of land. This is from decreases in faction creation costs(From 300silver to 100regals), which now promote users to create a keep a faction for at least 30days. The decrease in faction costs which 300 silver was a lot of money as people would start with 30 silver and there was no way to get more silver except for killing mobs, which gave you copper(100copper=1 silver) or trading. Neither of the ways were easy to make money. But now the 300silver which is 3000regals is now 100regals. Thats a 2900regal or a 97% reduction(rounded) of cost.

Now anyone who wants to claim 3000chunks of land can do it in one day. Not only is this land now limited to small factions who go inactive after 30days except keep large sums of land "secure", Old worlds such as Ellador, Ceardia, Daedroc, Silverwind(roleplay), and Kelmoria decreased the land claims and forced large factions to relocate and expand into multiple claims. How many cities are in Tyberia and Enigma combined? How many of those cities are actively being used? It's not just these factions either, It's all big factions the decide to create more land and more cities, when in reality only 10% of their members are actively on everyday. These expansions and other claims are holding out land that people can't claim by. Thousands of chunks are being claimed by these monster factions. Anyone remember how big Asteria was? basically controlled 3000chunks on the northeast of teled. That would house four to ten smaller factions.​

I think if the server wants to fix this issue they have to do a few things:
  • First either remove claimnear entirely or reduce it astronomically, maybe two chunks. Yes I understand that everyone wants to keep their place pretty and don't want nerd poles over their walls and people claiming raid portals or griefing outside, well if you're an active faction and want to keep your base nice and tidy than I feel that it shouldn't be a large issue. And if it is than create a ticket! The staff is here to make everyone's experience so use them and don't complain in general, it helps no one.
  • Second all factions should have a cap on their players. I played an old strategy game called Tribal wars, in which everyone could join a tribe, but all tribes had capacities. I feel that one this will promote more activity as you will be more dedicated to your smaller faction and it will also make it so land claims don't get so big. So all factions will have nice small cities like it was in medieval times. Yes maybe some factions who are more active will utilize and create this base bigger and nicer, using their land more strategically. But I mean some cities were nicer in medieval times right?
  • Third there should be an increase in the cost of factions. Like most faction servers I would try and join other than massive would give me tools and kit and a bunch of diamonds and armor that I would lose interest in right away, because I didn't work for squat. I feel that the 300Silver it used to cost for a faction promoted activity as people would have to work towards a goal and it was no easy goal. I understand they tried to even out the cost of creating a faction and taxes. Taxes are a joke. It costs me 6 regals a day to keep my storage faction afloat, I get 100regals a day from right clicking a guy in regalia, that comes to me making 94regals(almost enough for a new faction) a day for doing absolutely nothing. Ya I sure love being rich, I also love working to be rich. Because now it's becoming that I'm not working for anything. Don't get me started on big factions! Sevak is making hundreds of regals a day from taxing his members. Sure you can tax a larger faction hundreds a day, but theyre also taxing their members thousands a day. It comes out to the bigger factions making money from taxes, not having money be taken away with taxes. No it doesn't take a lot to make a big faction too, you just have to invite a bunch of random new people tax them a bunch and tell them to vote once a day.
  • Fourth factions shouldn't be able to claim anywhere in a world. Before factions would have to snake across worlds to create more than one town, it took hours. If you don't remember, factions used to only be able to claim one connected plot of land in each world, so to claim more than one area in a world you would need 2 people one to auto claim and run to that area and other to run behind and unclaim everything. This took a very long time and often wasn't worth it to claim things such as raid portals. This would solve two issues. First it would discourage people from making raid portals which as I did the math above "secures" 100 chunks of land. Second it would stop as staff call it flood claiming, as people could only claim in areas connected to itself, which would be limited to their faction power. (This could be linked to faction capping their players, as if they only had a certain amount of power could only claim so much land)
These resolutions could solve the issues that the staff are having with flood claiming and help bring back old ways that were successful and introduce some new ideas that could work very well.
Close enough, you can't claim near in 10 chunks in every direction, that means it's a deadzone of 21x21, since 10 on each side and the 1 chunk in the middle that is the claim. This would mean one chunk claimed by a faction kills 441 chunks, with 30 power that would be 13.230 chunks a new member could make unavailable for other players. The square root of 13.230 is 115, which means the area unclaimable is 115 by 115 chunks, aka 1840 blocks by 1840 blocks you can't claim in, might not sound like a lot but Fendarfell is only 10k by 10k blocks, the 1840 blocks square would contain 3.386.239 blocks or so just as the floor, (multiply by 258 for total amount of blocks claimed) the 10k by 10k Fendarfell would have 100 million surface blocks, which means 30 new players could claim ALL of Fendarfell, which is dangerous considering the daily amount of new players and how slowly new maps are released, so yea, this is WAY worse than you thought.

TL:DR 30 new players can claim an entire map. (Fendarfell) That is 3000 regals spend on factions, cheap to claim an entire map, huh?

@staff should probably read this thread...
Close enough, you can't claim near in 10 chunks in every direction, that means it's a deadzone of 21x21, since 10 on each side and the 1 chunk in the middle that is the claim. This would mean one chunk claimed by a faction kills 441 chunks, with 30 power that would be 13.230 chunks a new member could make unavailable for other players. The square root of 13.230 is 115, which means the area unclaimable is 115 by 115 chunks, aka 1840 blocks by 1840 blocks you can't claim in, might not sound like a lot but Fendarfell is only 10k by 10k blocks, the 1840 blocks square would contain 3.386.239 blocks or so just as the floor, (multiply by 258 for total amount of blocks claimed) the 10k by 10k Fendarfell would have 100 million surface blocks, which means 30 new players could claim ALL of Fendarfell, which is dangerous considering the daily amount of new players and how slowly new maps are released, so yea, this is WAY worse than you thought.

TL:DR 30 new players can claim an entire map. (Fendarfell) That is 3000 regals spend on factions, cheap to claim an entire map, huh?

@staff should probably read this thread...
Factions used to cost 300silver which was 3000regals before economy went super inflated and staff(government) intervened causing it to not be player based at all. That's a whole different conversation, one that staff have disagreed with me about for years, and yet trade chat is dead and the players are trying to create their own markets (MassiveMall & MassiveMart). Which isn't helpful. It's just players trying to get money as the economy is so stagnant. INFLATION ONLY HELPS SO MUCH!!!!

also ur @staff didnt work so I just did @Cayorion
I read it, but I still don't agree with the whole "We need to make factions more expensive, everything was better when they were expensive". This is easy to say when you already have a faction, but this is a destructive reality to new players. It caps our ability to grow fast with every player that joins the server (which usually come in cluts of friends anyway) as many players simply decide they don't want to bother, log off and never come back. This option will never be considered for that reason.

I will think about the others though and consult them with Direction Staff.
The Issue:
I got in Hyarroc right as it opened like many of the other openings on the server such as original regalia, where I crashed numerous times due to the flood of people teleporting to one area. I was also mailed by staff to stop flood claiming in the new world, which I was just claiming raid portals. I'm sure other factions received this too. Not only was I mailed by staff but I've been mailed by other factions to fix claiming issues that they have with raid portals. I resolved it by turning claimnear ON to all relations.

This "problem" that the staff is trying to resolve was created by the staff themselves, with claimnear. The simple fact that anyone can claim anywhere and create a 10x10chunk oasis around them is ridiculous. It basically removes over 100chunks for claiming of other factions. Flood claiming doesn't happen, its just more people needing more land and none being available. One of the most common examples of this was raid portals near Vanos. The amount of portals dictated that either your raid portal had to be in the water, which made it so harmwater would be unable to be used while raiding the fishes, or you claim a chunk about five minutes away. I did the latter.

The adjustments to faction perms with the update with claimnear screwed over the normal faction members ability to claim land, yet not only was that the only reason this is happening. Now anyone who joins the server and plays for 1 days can claim 30chunks and technically secure 3000 chunks of land with the 100regals they earned from charity. That's a lot of land.

Well that can't be right! 3000 chunks you say? That's ridiculous... These are some things you might be thinking. Lets do the math:

If one chunk secures a 10x10 chunk area around it thats 100 chunks with one land claim. Now lets say they claimed 30 chunks around different worlds in different areas. With the 30 power they receive, they can secure 30*100=3000 chunks of land. This is from decreases in faction creation costs(From 300silver to 100regals), which now promote users to create a keep a faction for at least 30days. The decrease in faction costs which 300 silver was a lot of money as people would start with 30 silver and there was no way to get more silver except for killing mobs, which gave you copper(100copper=1 silver) or trading. Neither of the ways were easy to make money. But now the 300silver which is 3000regals is now 100regals. Thats a 2900regal or a 97% reduction(rounded) of cost.

Now anyone who wants to claim 3000chunks of land can do it in one day. Not only is this land now limited to small factions who go inactive after 30days except keep large sums of land "secure", Old worlds such as Ellador, Ceardia, Daedroc, Silverwind(roleplay), and Kelmoria decreased the land claims and forced large factions to relocate and expand into multiple claims. How many cities are in Tyberia and Enigma combined? How many of those cities are actively being used? It's not just these factions either, It's all big factions the decide to create more land and more cities, when in reality only 10% of their members are actively on everyday. These expansions and other claims are holding out land that people can't claim by. Thousands of chunks are being claimed by these monster factions. Anyone remember how big Asteria was? basically controlled 3000chunks on the northeast of teled. That would house four to ten smaller factions.​

I think if the server wants to fix this issue they have to do a few things:
  • First either remove claimnear entirely or reduce it astronomically, maybe two chunks. Yes I understand that everyone wants to keep their place pretty and don't want nerd poles over their walls and people claiming raid portals or griefing outside, well if you're an active faction and want to keep your base nice and tidy than I feel that it shouldn't be a large issue. And if it is than create a ticket! The staff is here to make everyone's experience so use them and don't complain in general, it helps no one.
  • Second all factions should have a cap on their players. I played an old strategy game called Tribal wars, in which everyone could join a tribe, but all tribes had capacities. I feel that one this will promote more activity as you will be more dedicated to your smaller faction and it will also make it so land claims don't get so big. So all factions will have nice small cities like it was in medieval times. Yes maybe some factions who are more active will utilize and create this base bigger and nicer, using their land more strategically. But I mean some cities were nicer in medieval times right?
  • Third there should be an increase in the cost of factions. Like most faction servers I would try and join other than massive would give me tools and kit and a bunch of diamonds and armor that I would lose interest in right away, because I didn't work for squat. I feel that the 300Silver it used to cost for a faction promoted activity as people would have to work towards a goal and it was no easy goal. I understand they tried to even out the cost of creating a faction and taxes. Taxes are a joke. It costs me 6 regals a day to keep my storage faction afloat, I get 100regals a day from right clicking a guy in regalia, that comes to me making 94regals(almost enough for a new faction) a day for doing absolutely nothing. Ya I sure love being rich, I also love working to be rich. Because now it's becoming that I'm not working for anything. Don't get me started on big factions! Sevak is making hundreds of regals a day from taxing his members. Sure you can tax a larger faction hundreds a day, but theyre also taxing their members thousands a day. It comes out to the bigger factions making money from taxes, not having money be taken away with taxes. No it doesn't take a lot to make a big faction too, you just have to invite a bunch of random new people tax them a bunch and tell them to vote once a day.
  • Fourth factions shouldn't be able to claim anywhere in a world. Before factions would have to snake across worlds to create more than one town, it took hours. If you don't remember, factions used to only be able to claim one connected plot of land in each world, so to claim more than one area in a world you would need 2 people one to auto claim and run to that area and other to run behind and unclaim everything. This took a very long time and often wasn't worth it to claim things such as raid portals. This would solve two issues. First it would discourage people from making raid portals which as I did the math above "secures" 100 chunks of land. Second it would stop as staff call it flood claiming, as people could only claim in areas connected to itself, which would be limited to their faction power. (This could be linked to faction capping their players, as if they only had a certain amount of power could only claim so much land)
These resolutions could solve the issues that the staff are having with flood claiming and help bring back old ways that were successful and introduce some new ideas that could work very well.

Very good post shin. I especially agree about the claimnear problem, two to four chunks of unclaimable space outside facton land is all that's really needed, just so people can't interfere with the land bordering another faction without their say so. It really is a problem when a few little one chunk raid portal claims, from different factions, dotting a whole region of 1000 or so chunks makes that whole area completely unusable. People should have to claim at least a majority of that land to have dibs on it. It's also counterproductive to the current low price of factions, that being 100r so new players can afford it, because new players will be hard pressed to find a reasonably sized, decent looking chunk of land to claim in an existing world anyways. I don't think claimnear should be gone, but 10 chunks is way too much.
Nerd poles like the one you left right next to my faction after you raided it? It wasn't hard to clean up, but come on. That was rude.