Archived World Angels (cleanup Team)

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Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Wel since we have some End demons seeking to distroy our world... I though why don't we open the path for angels to decent apon our world aswel? Wat is a world of demons if not for the sake of an angel.

Although the angels are something intirely different then you may think :3.

This is actualy a semi sulotion to our griefed worlds. The angels will be a group of selected community people who assist the staff in cleaning the worlds of griefed area's. There will be several ranks amongst the angel crew. As these individuals will be given the tools to make this world beautifull they may also potentialy abuse it so... We Always must Ensure there are trusted people cordinating the restorations.

Some examples to world restoration ranks,
(all are given fly mode for comfort)
-seeder- Given an infinite amount of bonemeal to do... Wel create tall grass on the empty plains.
-planter- given an infinite amount of samplings to regrow some of the compleetly cut away forrests.
(and replace floating trees with normal trees)
-leveler- Given grass and dirt blocks and stone blocks so they can fix dead holes and broken land.
-liquifier- Given infinite water/lava/empty bucket to restore rivers and lakes
-reconstructor- Given an extended amount of blocks to restore heavily griefed places to actualy good looking ruins.

In the end this will be done at given times and dates so that restoration can be done cordinatedly.
This will give the community the tools to restore their inviroment alot more efficiently. And the higher staff has to consern less on the griefed world problem.

To avoid world grief. I put a surgestion in another topic:
I put a more explained verios of it here:
Just make sure you read all the posts i wrote about it to get a good image of wat the Idea contains.

But yea thats pretty much the idea i have for you guys. Plz give your opinions if you like it or not.

appearantly I overlooked a topic similar to this as I was searching for anything related:(
Still consept idea of making them Angels still makes a little different right? ;3
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