
Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by peerage, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. peerage

    peerage sword elf

    Jul 15, 2021
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    Character Information
    • Full Name: Aulric Grande-Regalois Temoin Coeur Volier
      • Goes by his chosen name 'Witness'.
    • Race: Ithanian Ailor
    • Age: 36
    • Gender: Male
    • Eye Color: Blue
    Core Concept
    • Witness is a closely handled asset of the Villiers-Eclaire Order, often rotated throughout the Unionist world to protect, secure and uphold the hegemony of the faith.
    • Strength: 7
      • Duelist Pack
        • Technique Parry
      • Heavy Pack
        • Knockback Sweep
      • Hunter Pack
        • Concussive Strike
      • Unyielding Pack
        • Steady Body
      • Brutalist Pack
        • Disarming Strike
      • Demolisher Pack
        • Force Smash
      • Pursuer Pack
        • Leaping Charge
    • Constitution: 2
      • Protectorate Pack
        • Interception
      • Bruteforce Pack
    • Wisdom: 2
      • Affliction Wisdom Pack
      • Mech-Suit Pack (Gothitech)
    • Dexterity: 3
      • Buster Pack
        • Piercing Shot
      • Purity Pack
        • Purifying Shot
      • Rushdown Pack
        • Spray and Pray
    • Magic: 0
    • Charisma: 0
    • Common
    • D’Ithanie
    Appearance Information
    • Witness stands at 6’5 and is of a muscular build typical of men who earn their keep through physical combat - even if that can be a rare occurance for some knights. His skin is a handsome tan colour, and his head is adrned with flowing deep-brown locks. With a heavy forward brow and a stony jaw and chin, he is homely by most standards.
    Life Story
    • Aulric was born to two lower class, pious, Ithanian Ailor just outside the walls of Arvost. Most of his youth was spent running with a rabble of other misbeggoten children, thieving to keep themselves fed.
    • At the age of 9, Aulric had grown to become one of the largest of the rabble, and was a capable scrapper, often handling himself well even against the older boys. Later, a local lieutenant of the Villiers-Eclaire, Sera Amoros took an interest in the youth’s plucky nature, and soon after took him as a page.
    • Graduating in due course from page to squire, squire to man-at-arms, and then finally to sergeant, Aulric had grown into a capable knight under the tutelage of his master. During one fateful raid, Aulric became separated from the main contingent of knights, and was ambushed by their target - a particularly vicious coven of Cahal. When his comrades found him, he had been butchered, and was mere moments from death. Instead, he was saved, and his lost limbs replaced.
    • Though Aulric survived that brush with death, he was forever changed by the trauma, and disassociated from his former self. The question of whether Aulric, who now goes by Witness, could remain a knight was delayed at the insistance of Amoros, who offered to instead have him relocated to the capital wher ehe could be closely watched by colleagues and a local handler. Time will tell if this Witness is fit to remain a member of his order.
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    #1 peerage, Jun 27, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022
  2. Yurs

    Yurs real life catgirl

    Jun 27, 2019
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  3. peerage

    peerage sword elf

    Jul 15, 2021
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  4. ezalB

    ezalB Student of Hydration Supremium

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Hey there! Quick review.
    Just one thing! The Tolonne culture no longer fully exists, and was merged into the Ithanian culture with the Ailor culture consolidation. You can still flavor yourself in a more Tolonne style if you wish, but I would change this to say Ithanian instead.

    And, though I suppose I will not make you change it, I will point it out and say that 6'7 is a bit on the exceedingly tall end for Ailor. Ailor are basically humans, and there are very, very few people who are that height. Additionally, you may also consider aligning Witness's name to Ithanian naming customs. But again I won't make you change that either.

    Regardless, mark any changes you make in blue and @tag me when you're all set.
  5. peerage

    peerage sword elf

    Jul 15, 2021
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    @ezalB I think the stature is appropriate for the character, but I've toned it down a bit. Kept the original name but added more of the Ithanian flavour and removed mention of Tolonne culture.
  6. ezalB

    ezalB Student of Hydration Supremium

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Looks good to me, you're free to unblue. Approved!!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  7. peerage

    peerage sword elf

    Jul 15, 2021
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    @ezalB Not sure if this is too soon for a change, but I shuffled around some of the stats. Changes in blue.
  8. ezalB

    ezalB Student of Hydration Supremium

    Dec 9, 2013
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    You can change things as frequently as you wish. I've re-approved re-reviews within a day me initially approving them. Design intentions change and people find they want to use other stats. It's all good. The only point off the top of my head when I personally would say "you shouldn't be changing this" is if someone is switching dimensional alignment/afflictions frequently, because that sort of a thing isn't really just a coat of paint.

    The +1 Strength/Constitution only works when Witness is in a mech-suit, so I would remove those since they are only temporary bonuses, not something that apply to the character as a whole. Otherwise, everything is looking good. I suppose one thing I will say though, is that having the ability descriptions here on the page (if you plan to use it as a reference sheet) might run you into trouble if some of the abilities are tweaked in future and you don't notice by mistake. I'd suggest instead using Ctrl+F and searching through the Ability List index when you need to quick-reference something in CRP.

    @Tag me when you've made that one change.
  9. peerage

    peerage sword elf

    Jul 15, 2021
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    Yeah, I'm still kinda feeling out how all the abilities and stats work, so it's good to know there's some flexibility there. When it comes to the mech-suit, is it unreasonable (or in poor taste balance wise or whatever) to wear it most of the time while RPing? I'm fine to remove those +1s regardless, but I don't want to be powergaming if really the mech suit is something that should only be used circumstantially rather than as a passive. Witness hulks around in armour all the time, so I figured he'd have the support of the suit beneath all the time as well.

    As for the ability descriptions, that's a good point... I'll remove 'em. Keeps it tidy.
  10. ezalB

    ezalB Student of Hydration Supremium

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Sorry about the wait, just had to confer with one other person. I think it's fine to wear it a lot of the time (which could change in future), though perceptually people might think you have chassis because of it, which is something to be aware of. It's akin to wearing armor all the time, which is like, weird, but ultimately something that you certainly can do.

    Everything else is looking good. Re-approved!
    • Like Like x 1

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