Archived Witchbloods And Hunting

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No Rest For The Wicked
Apr 21, 2013
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Witchbloods are a created counter against magic users and Silven alike. As the wiki states, they survive off of the magical energy that is produced by the two. While in theory this could make a very interesting force that pushes against the goals of Silven and mages while also getting involved with them, it has been found by those using it (as asked by @TheDongler , myself, and who once was one, @Pastellanar ) that it hinders characters more than benefits them by a significant amount. In the spoiler below is my argument, whereas outside the spoiler is my recommendation.

It becomes very difficult using them with the current weaknesses they have, which are listed as:
  • Must consume normal food along with magical essences (not so big an issue)
  • Must consume magical essences from mages or Silven only (time-span being a couple days, most certainly a threat)
    • Failure to do so decreases raw strength by 50%, which means that one with an athletic build could rival the strength of a skinny build, then gaunt, then emaciated, then comatose before death follows directly afterward
  • Unpopular with the law and public, heralded as 'demons'
  • Glowing eyes, making disguises unusable (not so big an issue)
  • Cannot feel the presence of Arken, and no information is given as to whether or not feeding on Arken is possible or a guaranteed death-sentence from the moment it starts
  • Cannot feel Folelsa mages when they remove their ring (not so big an issue)
These weaknesses make role-playing a Witchblood very difficult without having every day involving grumbling about mages and hunting Silven. Here are their bonuses:
  • Capable of draining a target of magical energy (30 second procedure that paralyzes the target, as well as makes Silven disabled for 4 days and mages un-castable for 4 days)
  • Cannot be infected by the Vampiric infection
  • Witchblood ritual, which requires the hair of a target, a doll, and will immediately reduce a Witchblood to a 'hungry' state
While these bonuses are enjoyable, it's very difficult to actually drain a target because those 30 very obvious seconds allow for others to interrupt the Witchblood. This means that Silven, who tend to group together, and mages, who tend to have hired hands or friends nearby, are basically out of the question unless the Witchblood can take down all of their companions and still have the strength to get their target who wasn't smart enough to run away. Because of how difficult hunting is, that 1 week of free-time with normal strength is spent just hunting down another source of food because hunting with only 50% of one's strength is very counterproductive and is basically a death-sentence to the Witchblood. Not only this, but because hunting is so difficult, the Witchblood ritual, which could prove to create some interesting scenarios, is completely unusable since the current Witchbloods are only more concerned about surviving without having the crap beaten out of them each time they either step into public or remotely close to anyone with magical powers.

During the event with the dragon blowing up the tavern and seeking down Silven to drain, all of the existing Witchblood had gone hungry. @TheDongler 's Witchblood had managed to take down a Silven who was alone in the tavern, but only because of a pre-organized kidnapping that was almost interrupted. In fact, my own character had to take the brunt of the lynch-mob so that Dongler's character could escape with the Silven and stop themselves from dropping to that 50% strength threshold that they were so close to hitting. Throughout the rest of the day, @Suzzie's and my Witchblood were essentially following every Silven they could, getting the tar beat out of them or being without any source of food because they were well-protected and too close together to pick off, or taken away due to the event. Both of our characters went hungry, and the only reason my character is not currently starved is because Dongler allowed me to feed off of his Silven which he doesn't use as often as his other characters. With both Suzzie's Witchblood and my own being only half as strong as they should be, hunting became literally impossible because even Yanar and old mages were as mighty as our own.

So as to not forget @Pastellanar , the reason she stopped using a Witchblood was because role-play became very stressful and boring. Many of their OOC friends played Silven and mages, which essentially caused her to become ostracized from all of her magic-infused friends and unable to enjoy her character since the rest of her role-play involved hunting down a group of extremely difficult to beat groups and becoming scorned by both the law and commoners.

With all of the above stated, my personal experience with Witchblood is simply having a character I love getting the snot beat out of him. He's constantly becoming starved because he's a sinewy build and only a Fighter in Mariposa, which makes him outclassed by many combat schools and magic users. What seems to be a trend is that Wilfre (my character) must drop his weapon to grab onto the mage or Silven, he gets interrupted during the feeding procedure by a substantial wound, and then he is surrounded, without a weapon, and still hungry (and usually at 50% his strength). Death is inevitable in many circumstances, which leaves me needing to beg my attackers IC and OOC to let me escape (which they do, but not before throwing knives or kicking me until I'm KO'd) since the only reason I started the fight was so I could keep my character alive in the first place. Since I didn't manage to get any food from the fight, I have to start this procedure all over again until, by sheer luck, I succeed.

I am personally a fan of the Witchblood, believing that there is much that can be done with their push against Silven and seeming involvement with special parts of the lore. However, it's currently more stressful than enjoyable to use, especially since those 'special' parts of the lore are out of our reach since we have to feed rather than push plots or we get kicked out of it because we are an unholy entity. My recommendations are:
  1. Increase the time required until the next feeding be 2 weeks so that the Witchblood ritual may be used and stress may be reduced.
  2. Decrease how long Silven and mages are disabled, perhaps to only 1 - 2 days. Because they have 4 whole days that they can't do anything and it's possible that they be drained the moment the 4 days end, no one wants to be fed on since it'll interrupt future RP and ruin progression plans that could have big impacts on the Arken plots.
  3. Perhaps decrease the time it takes to feed or add other small bonuses?
As a closing statement, I wish to state that I do not hate the Witchblood lore. It's a very fun idea that has a lot of potential (which I am bias about since it obviously fits both my username and my favourite character literally at almost 100%), but currently is having its potential stifled by its own limitations. I purposefully tried to recommend small things be changed about it so that the lore itself be kept while only a couple words-- or numbers-- would need to be modified. I do apologize if this came off as a complaint rather than a suggestion with details held behind it! However, most importantly of all...

What do you think?
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Decrease how long Silven and mages are disabled. Because they have 4 whole days that they can't do anything and it's possible that they be drained the moment the 4 days end, no one wants to be fed on since it'll interrupt future RP and ruin progression plans that could have big impacts on the Arken plots.

I feel with this one. I have a Silven who was fed off by a witch blood about 3 days ago. She cannot fight because of her exhaustion, and because of that I missed out the most recent progression post (Saint Helena), and couldn't fight with my friends. I would suggest maybe decreasing it to 2 days, maybe 3?
I thought this when it first came out: This looks cool but its like vampirism with an exceptionally limited food supply right?

These looks like some good fixes though.
( i wouldnt say all of them tho )
I'm glad you put this out there. I know we discussed all this, and I even witnessed all of this happening several times in roleplay. @Magivore You are very right, this is a quick and easy fix that needs to be addressed.