Preserved Sheet Gwenfrewi The Witch

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haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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"I have gone out, a possessed witch,
haunting the black air, braver at night;
dreaming evil, I have done my hitch
over the plain houses, light by light:


lonely thing, twelve-fingered, out of mind.
A woman like that is not a woman, quite.
I have been her kind."
(Anne Sexton)
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"Portrait of Juliet Manet" | Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Full Name: Gwenfrewi Ní Seaghán Oadhán Uí Mhártain
Nicknames: Gwen, Frost Witch, Winnie, Marth
Race & Culture: Aontaithe Ailor
Age: Twenty-Seven

Birthday: January 12th, 285 AC | Capricorn
Gender: Female | She/Her
Sexuality: Ambiguously Queer
Occult: Exist Mageborn

Core: An egocentric witch heavily tapped into her born arcanic abilities, she exists to combat against Anti-Occult sentiments within the rapidly hot and cold political climate of Regalia. She is an incredibly powerful twin-sparked mage, lacking the schooled basics and therefore constantly struggling between the right answer and the impulsive one.

Religion: Gwen was raised as a Dogmatic Unionist, although over the years has fallen out of favor with her vastly suffocating beliefs, and more so that people that worship it alongside her. Introduced by her brother, Gwenfrewi now considers herself a newly converted Eili Fornoss worshiper. She has no particular patron god, but is most drawn to Bev.

Appearance: The Aontaithe is a facet of average beauty, one face of the common people within the Regalian Empire. She hosts brown eyes and ginger curls, streaked by early greys, that are often half pulled up behind her head in order to keep strays from her face, although it is cut only to shoulder length. Her height is taller than the average woman, standing approximately 6'1" with softer figure. She mostly dresses comfortably in many sashes, and occasionally wears a brace around her right leg to support it.


PROFICIENCY POINTS | 7 Attack / 5 Defense
Strength, 0
Constitution, 0

Familiar Disrupt
Wisdom, 0
Dexterity, 1

Soft Landing
Exist Magic, 12
Magic Bolts
Magic Smog
Magic Resist
Magic Cleanse
Magic Bolster
Magic Disengage
Magic Barrier
Magic Warp
Magic Isolate
Magic Shove
Magic Revive
Magic Revenge
Intelligence, 1
Wardrobe Pack
Safeguard Pack
Faith, 0

Hobbies & Talents,
Alchemy Hobby
Magic Talent
Ailor Pack I: Destined Familiar (Cot, Ithanian Fluff Cat)
Ailor Pack II: Safeguard Pack
Ailor Mechanic I: Master of Languages
Ailor Mechanic II/III: Preferential Treatment
Ailor Mechanic IV: Spontaneous Divinium
Ailor V: Closed Heart



CHILDHOOD, Gwenfrewi Seaghán Uí Mhártain was born within Daenshore to her immigrant parents, Shane and Merina Marth, alongside her twin mage brother: Cadwyn Seaghán Uí Mhártain. Not long after her birth, her parents violently divorced and Merina gave her daughter to her employer: General-Count Hamelin von Rahm, who then took her to Calderliga as his own.

ADOLESCENCE, By her teenaged years, Gwenfrewi- now known as Winifred Yvonne von Rahm zu Klötzer-Roschewald- became obsessed with her science, with a particular interest in plants. She aspired to enroll into Die Akademie von Kaiserman in Waldmark, but was turned away on application. Instead, she focused on her solitary studies, suppressing her magespark as it began to fully manifest.

REGALIA, In her late teens, Winifred arrived in Regalia at the beckoning of her adoptive father. It was here that she became involved with the medical community in search of a calling, although the bit that she learned was lost with time as it never quite stuck. Nonetheless, by now, she would realize her natural inclination towards the Occult was becoming harder to shield. Seeking refuge and someone to lean on, she came across a man of particular familiarity to her within the city: Shane Marth, her father.

EARLY ADULTHOOD, Escaping during the turning of power within House van Rahm, Winifred returned to her true father's fold, happily accepting the invitation to come home, even if she did not plan on leaving Regalia itself. With time, she reunited with her brother, Cadwyn, now a knighted Aelriggan, and the two formed an unbreaking bond of companionship, despite the unending hardships of Regalian life.


The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe | C.S. Lewis
"The Sorceress" | John William Waterhouse
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  • Under race, clarify whether she is Leutz or Alt-Regalian. You need to pick one or the other. Seeing as you took the Leutz cultural boost, I assume the former.
  • Petite isn't a listed bodybuild. What you're looking for is skinny. See here.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @AtticCat
Removed the +2 in horse riding and added it to medicine, making it now +5 Medicine. @Bagley_
Adjusted her cultural points:
+2 from Dancing into Horticultural

(+2 Dancing and +10 Horticulture totals now)
Given that she was raised in a non-Claith household, it is probably more appropriate for her to have the culture boost of the Von Rahms being non-Claith cultured. @AtticCat
Aged her up to 16 and added one point to alchemy!
Edited her points a little bit.
Edited her points a little (added one as she aged up as of yesterday due to her birthday) and included that she took of Oath of No Harm, graduating the school of medicine. @Bagley_
Basically changed her personality to fit her getting more social! @Bagley_
Need a new reviewer!
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  • Since she's an Ériunin raised Alt-Regalian from her childhood with the von Rahms, using Alt-Regalian as your parental language is totally fine, however, the Leutz-Vixe will need to be reflected with at least 6 linguistics points if you want to keep it.
  • Since she's an Ériunin raised Alt-Regalian from her childhood with the von Rahms, using Alt-Regalian as your parental language is totally fine, however, the Leutz-Vixe will need to be reflected with at least 6 linguistics points if you want to keep it.
Do nobles no long have a language boost to know an additional one? I assumed that she'd have that considering she was nobility for a long time
im not sure who my reviewer is now so i'll just tag you both, if i need to get a new reviewer nbd just tell me

I added something under special permissions...
@TheVigilantWolf @BillyTheScroofy
I'll just change it to needs reviewer
@Katiesc aged her up to 24 and changed her points appropriately xd
@Katiesc um babe got infected with vampy vamp
i have ... ques tionzz

do I actually NEED linguistics to know Ériunin since Winifred is ériunin or would I have to take away alt-regalian even tho she grew up speaking it ¿