William Alexander V2

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by MrNoot1, Mar 5, 2020.

  1. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    “My faith is at its strongest ever.”


    [Pinterest] [Theme]

    Basic Information

    • Full Name: William Alexander
    • Nickname: Will
    • Age: 45
    • Date of Birth: November 18th, 263 AC
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Ailor
    • Culture: Colonial
    • Lineage: Archan
    • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
    • Preferred Weapon: Blade and Faith

    Skill Information
    (50 points)
    10 Points for Learning
    • Combat
    • +15 Blades Combat (+10 Points & +5 Racial)
    • +12 Shielding Combat (+12 Points)
    • Special Training
    • +10 Perception Training (+10 Points)
    • +5 Strength Training (+5 Points)
    • Schooling
    • +3 Cleric School (+3 Points)
    • College of Vultdragonism
    • Musical Arts
    • +10 Vocal Arts (+10 Hobby Points)
    Body Shape:
    • 27 Combat + 5 Strength Training = 30 Body Stat
    • Type: Muscular
    • Fat: Low Body Fat
    • Common (Free Language)
    • Alt-Regalian (Parental Language)
    Racial Abilites:
    • Pure Body 1
    • Casting Light 1
    • Holy Manifestation 1
    Visual Information
    • Eye Color: Sea Blue
    • Hair Color: Brown
    • Hair Style: Mild & Well-Kept
    • Skin Color: Lightly Tanned
    • Clothing: Cleric Robes
    • Height: 6’2”
    • Aligenment
      • Lawful Neutral
    • Personality Type
      • The Thinker (INTP) - INTPs are well known for their brilliant theories and unrelenting logic, which makes sense since they are arguably the most logical minded of all the personality types. They love patterns, have a keen eye for picking up on discrepancies, and a good ability to read people, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. People of this personality type aren’t interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy INTPs will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.
    • Religion
      • Vultragonism Unionism (Thyemic Sect) (8/10)
      • Bintaar (The Lantern) (2/10)
    Life Story

    0-6 Years Old

    William was born to Hunter & Emily Alexander in the city of Dawnton on November 8th, 265 AC. Hunter worked as a Blacksmith within the city, having good craftsmanship and prices and Emily worked as a stay-at-home mom, who knew how to play music with her voice and different instruments.

    7-13 Years Old

    At age 7, William started to help out at home and at the Blacksmith Shop that his father owns, “The Silver Rush”. Over time, William decided to use what he helped earn at the Silver Rush to give to the sick and poor and that’s when he started his true nature. William also wanted to be a fighter, so he decided to work on his body as much as he could ever day until he turn to the age of 14.

    14-20 Years Old

    When William turn 14, he decided to leave and train with the School of Bloodcast. After he turn 19 years old, he continued to study under the tutor to keep his strength and skill up to where he could protect the people closest to him. He pushed himself to his limits just so he could climb the ladder of training with not just his body, but mind as well so he could think more clearly during a fight and for just normal thinking.

    21-27 Years Old

    William was almost finished with the training, only 3 more years until he was able to return home. He was 24 years of age and he had finally finished his training, ready to go home and see his mother and father. When he got home, he found out that his mother passed due to an illness that killed her in her sleep. His father was heartbroken, but turned happy when he saw his son who stayed until he turned 27 years old.

    28-Now Years Old

    William decided to head out to see the world, to meet new people, and make new friends. He slowly traveled around to see the world, in hopes of stopping at a city to call home. During his travels, he had begun his way of blacksmithing like his father, knowing that he may need it some day. After stopping his travellings within Regalia at the age of 30, he went to a Reverend to learn the ways of Unionism. William remained faithful for quite some time as he’d learn the ways of Sanktism. Truly returned back to society in the city in hopes of starting fresh for friends and maybe some love if he’s lucky. After a month of arriving within the city, he join the guard charter that was known as The Blackguard until he finally left after seen their evil ways. A week or two later, he joined House Kehlen within it's court of Knights as well as joining their House Guard as the only member within it. Within a few weeks later after joining the House Guard, Lord Wulfram Kehlen, Alain Kehlen, and many other Kehlens died after many horrible events that sent down into the end of House Kehlen. He wondered around the city to find himself a new job where he continue to make a living. After some time, William served House Von Rahm with their House Guard and Violet Charter. He left to live with a new court, in which they both got infected. After learning her death, he decided to continue as a Sanguine until he was captured and cured. When he was cured, he acted as a blacksmith for some time until he decided he didn't want to do forever. Afterwards, he had decided to return to the Church to help it grow and expand. His orders became more clear as he was ordered to serve The Reverend Mother, Margaret Henriche. Now, William has decided to put his life on the line for Purist views, in order to keep those around him free of the Void's grasp. He now stands with the Kreiguard, prepared to help them get ready for any battle that is to come. With the fall of the Inquisition, William has decided to dedicate himself to the Church as a devoted follower beyond measure. He served House Peirgarten for a time, but decided to retire and become a Celate after staying with the Vultdragon Church in Anglia. However, he learnt the Horopadosi Sect to spread the word of self betterment through enhancing your physical body. Now, he wishes to follow the ideology and is in search of an Url. With the Vampire Crisis in large toe, he would wonder into the forests of Regalia in search of a safe place to rest. However, he stumbled upon a small group of Undead. He guided them to the sewers and New Crookback. They told him of how there was an entity known as the Lantern, who guided Undead. The Celate took this to heart with the hopes of discovering more of it. He currently travels to search more of the Bintaar and even more upon Undeadism, with the hopes of being a guide who have returned.
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    #1 MrNoot1, Mar 5, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2021
  2. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    From what I can tell, this is all fine, so Approved.
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  3. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana Moved 5 Points from Metallurgy into Shielding and Blades.
  4. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana With the Burning Choirs being retconned, he is now back as a normal Alior and I decided to change his backstory a bit to give recent developments!
  5. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Remains Approved.
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  6. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana Updated William's points from 5 Metallurgy into 1 more Point in Shielding and 4 Points in Unionist Culture
  7. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana Also Moved 4 Points from Shielding to add upon Alior Culture! Requesting Re-Review!
  8. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  9. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana William's Ailor Lineage is now the Archan Lineage!
  10. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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  11. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana Relooked at the Union Blessings page and noticed that the Call of the Union ability is given automatically, so I added the Blessings of the Lord since I put 8 points in total. Just wanted to give you a heads up.
  12. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana With the Society Knowledge points dropped from 4 per to 3 per, I used the extra 2 points and put it onto Shielding. Since it's so small, no re-review is required, just needed to give a heads up.
  13. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana I decided to age William up from 41 to 45, as to try out some aging RP for William. I added the 4 points into Union Blessings. Re-Review is needed.
  14. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  15. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    With the new update to Unionism, William isn't a Curate, in which I moved his 6 points in Society Knowledge into Shielding while re-writing his life story a bit.
  16. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    @HydraLana Re-Review is required due to the new Prof Update!
  17. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    As underlined, you only use Talent Points in this application, despite listing 10 Hobby Points at the top of your application. Please remember that BOTH exist, it isn't one or the other. Tag me once you have fixed whatever is going on.
  18. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    I want to use the hobby points as a learning experience, as he doesn't do anything for a hobby. Plus, it'd be good RP.
  19. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Alright, the expression of that just confused me, but I can see it now.

    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  20. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    Deciding to bring back William! Need Re-Review!
  21. MrNoot1

    MrNoot1 Let there be Noot

    May 13, 2018
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    It has been 6 days, just doing a bump since it is about a week.
  22. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    • Powerful Powerful x 1

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