Willem Lourens

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by BeashSlap, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. BeashSlap

    BeashSlap The Watcher

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Character Information

    Full Name: Willem Bas Lourens
    Nicknames: Will, Bas
    Race: Anglian Ailor
    ↠ Affliction: Marken
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
    Core Concept

    Willem will acknowledge most religious enitities and is a follower of Unionism.

    Willem is an Anglian Ailor afflicted with the Marken curse. He seeks to serve the realm as a means to learn to live with his curse, by protecting what he hid from for many recent years: Society.


    S T R E N G T H | 6
    ↠ Duelist Pack
    ↠ Heavy Pack
    ↠ Hunter Pack
    ↠ Fisticuff Pack
    ↠ Unyielding Pack
    ↠ Frenzy Pack
    C O N S T I T U T I O N | 4
    ↠ Protectorate Pack
    ↠ Counter-Play Pack
    ↠ Ironheart Pack
    ↠ Bruteforce Pack
    W I S D O M | 0
    ↠ Simple-minded.
    D E X T E R I T Y | 4
    ↠ Parkour Pack
    ↠ Belt Shot, Firearm Pack
    ↠ Piercing Shot, Firearm Pack
    ↠ Disguise Pack
    M A G I C | 0
    ↠ Mundaneish.
    C H A R I S M A | 0
    ↠ Lacks a people-person personality.

    ↠ Ailor Familiar
    ↠ Dark Empathy
    ↠ Seizing Destiny
    ↠ Practiced Speech
    ↠ Common
    ↠ Empire Linguist Pack

    Appearance Information

    Willem has no mutations.

    At first glance, Willem appears to be a young scruffian. He stands somewhere around five and half feet tall and is more lean in musculature, weighing around 160 pounds. He takes after his partner in noir clothing choice, having no sense of fashion following his time of isolation.

    Upon shift, Willem transforms into what one might describe as a large wolven monster. His fur is dark grey, save for spots of black to create an imperfect coat. Any attempt at hiding in the night is thwarted by the glowing purple eyes of the beast.

    Life Story

    ↠ Willem was born to Vald and Anneke Lourens on May 18th,284 AC within the province of Meere, Anglia. He grew up with two sisters, both of whom were younger than himself. His parents were both farmers, but his father had a failing aspiration for control of greater industry. This meant for a poor upbringing.

    ↠ Willem aspired to be more than his parents. A Knight, a Lord, even a Doctor. Nothing came to fruition, as his poverty-stricken family required his working hands as early as age 12. He worked in the farm fields alongside his father, and later worked as a cleaning boy. Will would sweep floors in closed shops and open bars late into the night, up until the age of 18. Upon one full moon, he found his regularly overworked schedule disrupted as he was attacked by a Marken. He lived to survive the encounter, though befell the affliction. The young adult could not handle what comes with the curse, and fell to its power not a day later. In the feral onslaught upon his hometown, he took the life of his dear and youngest sister. Lacking mental fortiutude, Willem spilt everything to his family– And created a divide with his parents. Unable to handle the repercussions of his actions, he fled North to greater Anglia to seek reconcilitation with the Heks Witches. This failed, and he fled again: Further North, to Drixagh, where one might revel the affliction he had.

    ↠ Following his desertion to Drixagh, Willem settled himself among a small town. He worked in the lumber yards, and found peace in the tranquility. The wolf inside of him rarely showed. This was short lived: For 3 years, he was a regular citizen living his life, only with the occasional oddity. A wrecking ball then struck his town, and many others: The Burning of the North. Willem and many others were caught between the games of politicians, and within this tragedy he turned. He took part in the massacre that followed unconsciously, and awoke amongst the destruction. In a similar position to his 18 year old self, Willem fled further North and attempted to live his life in hermitude.

    ↠ For five years, Willem lived alone. He rarely traveled to the nearest town miles away, and sought find inner peace where he could. He would read books, and hone a personal combative ability only to appease his younger self: Will had once aspired to be a knight, and so he practiced to be like one. While he lived a tranquil life, he began to lose his social aptitude as a result. He developed a struggling mind, and even caught himself in the act of talking to himself too often. This went on until he was disturbed in his home by one Malcolm Lowe. A prior partner of Willem’s father, Malcolm put the pieces together and realized the state of which Willem was in. After breaking news of his father’s passing, Will was taken under the wing of Malcolm to seek to better society.
    • Winner Winner x 5
    #1 BeashSlap, Aug 26, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
  2. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  3. BeashSlap

    BeashSlap The Watcher

    Apr 22, 2014
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    @Caelamus New proficiencies with the recent update
  4. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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