Archived Wiki Involvement With Lore Q&a

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Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
The Q&A
So, when I came back to the server there was a newly added Lore Q&A section added to the forums. I knew it would happen eventually since massivecraft Lore continued to expand, pretty rapidly at that, so it was definitely a great feature.

But here is the thing. I've been paying attention to the Lore Q&A page for a while now, and a lot of the questions are repeated, or really simple. So, on that note, I'm not sure if it's been suggested before but. I think it would be really nice if the Wiki pages for individual Lore had either a drop down menu with Questions and answers under each question. Or a Link to a page with all the "useful" asked Q&A.

Why I think this would benefit~
First of all, this would void out repeatedly asked questions, or if they were asked, just put a link in the page to where the question and answer is. Secondly it would make people who want to rush to play a mage char have a much easier time, not having to ask a bunch of Q&A because magic like Soul Magic, Hex, Sometimes even light magic. They can be confusing. At first it would be a cluster of work to do and would take time to let it adapt on the Wiki pages. But over time it will benefit everyone (especially newer players) because people won't have to ask as many questions.

The Layout
To make this as simple as possible, no, we don't want to dig through links. How I would like it to be organized would be like this.

Example Q&A:
Can you use Shadow and Evergrowth magic together?

No they're completely different fields of magic. Being able to study, understand, and individualize casting between the two would be Impossible. But, you can learn how to use water, and fire magic. This is because they're both "Elemental". Just like you could learn Hex and Lyre, because lyre is a branch of Hex. Basically, the magics /must/ be related.
And it will be a downward scrolling list, maybe even a search bar could eventually be added, or an entire separate part of the wiki, if the questions pile up.

Thanks for reading!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this is an excellent idea. Like a little FAQ. Maybe added to the bottom of each page. +1
Excellent idea. It would also be aesthetically pleasing if created properly. Would be a good way to make things easier for newer players or people wanting to try new things.
Excellent idea. It would also be aesthetically pleasing if created properly. Would be a good way to make things easier for newer players or people wanting to try new things.
Or even older players who want to learn more about the lore. I feel like having everything about a specific topic in a more concise location would really help people learn more and you probably would get better thought out characters too.