Archived Why The Two Character Rule?

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Lurketh Lurky Lurk
Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
I've been wondering this for a while, but why the two character limit on approval? My question is mostly because I've been role playing for a long time now (Give or take 10 years), and nearly every roleplay group, site, etc I've encountered had either a one character limit, or three.

So I guess the point of this thread would me asking if the character limit could be raised to three, and seeing what others have to say about the limit in general. My reasoning and my reasoning of why it could be bad is below, so while you read mine, please keep an open mind also while putting in your input as well. ^^

So why have one extra character?:
  • It would allow more opportunities to RP.
Let's say you had an approved slave character, and another character. The slave character is restricted to role play in certain instances, and then the other character can be "boring" at times or not fit certain situations. Adding the third character could add to the possibility of more opportunities for a person and group of people in a general sense.
  • More creativity.
With another character possibility it could open opportunity for more creative ideas for families, groups, activities within groups and families, etc.
  • Awkward number of two character limit.
When you are limited to one character you know what's done is done. When you are subject to two, sometimes your creativity flows and you end up with two more ideas of possibly good characters and have to choose between the two and could end up getting rid of a character that could be both enjoyable and entertaining to others.

Why a third character would be a bad idea:
  • Influx of random unused characters.
  • Some may not be able to balance more than two.
  • Extra work for RP staff on account of the extra applications.
So what are your guy's opinion on the limit of two characters?

Also on a side note, if you disagree please tell me why. I'm very interested in hearing out everyone's opinions.
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I've been wondering this for a while, but why the two character limit on approval? My question is mostly because I've been role playing for a long time now (Give or take 10 years), and nearly every roleplay group, site, etc I've encountered had either a one character limit, or three.

So I guess the point of this thread would me asking if the character limit could be raised to three, and seeing what others have to say about the limit in general. My reasoning and my reasoning of why it could be bad is below, so while you read mine, please keep an open mind also while putting in your input as well. ^^

So why have one extra character?:
  • It would allow more opportunities to RP.
Let's say you had an approved slave character, and another character. The slave character is restricted to role play in certain instances, and then the other character can be "boring" at times or not fit certain situations. Adding the third character could add to the possibility of more opportunities for a person and group of people in a general sense.
  • More creativity.
With another character possibility it could open opportunity for more creative ideas for families, groups, activities within groups and families, etc.
  • Awkward number of two character limit.
When you are limited to one character you know what's done is done. When you are subject to two, sometimes your creativity flows and you end up with two more ideas of possibly good characters and have to choose between the two and could end up getting rid of a character that could be both enjoyable and entertaining to others.

Why a third character would be a bad idea:
  • Influx of random unused characters.
  • Some may not be able to balance more than two.
  • Extra work for RP staff on account of the extra applications.
So what are your guy's opinion on the limit of two characters?

Also on a side note, if you disagree please tell me why. I'm very interested in hearing out everyone's opinions.

Really I think the main reason here is that most people want two approved characters, but they'd rather not kill their first one off. It'd a shame to put so much effort into something, only to be forced to get rid of it to make room for something else. Why they don't want a third one, it's likely because the staff want balance in the roleplay characters, because you can basically guarantee one or two will be really unused. Not only that, but after a while people start losing ideas and the quality of the characters starts going down. At least this is the case for some people, not everyone.
In addition to the reasons you listed in the bad idea part, I also recall hearing that the goal was for players to develop the characters they have instead of going and creating new ones.

I personally stick with one character so this is either-way for me.
Really I think the main reason here is that most people want two approved characters, but they'd rather not kill their first one off. It'd a shame to put so much effort into something, only to be forced to get rid of it to make room for something else. Why they don't want a third one, it's likely because the staff want balance in the roleplay characters, because you can basically guarantee one or two will be really unused. Not only that, but after a while people start losing ideas and the quality of the characters starts going down. At least this is the case for some people, not everyone.

Yes, I agree with you. There is a group of people that would have a hard time keeping up three characters, but then some would be able to do so. I've had to get a character removed from the active character lists only on account of the fact that I wanted more attention on another character that was not yet approved. Both of my approved characters were active, but I had to choose between giving attention to the non-approved character, or getting rid of my less-known silent character.
In addition to the reasons you listed in the bad idea part, I also recall hearing that the goal was for players to develop the characters they have instead of going and creating new ones.

I personally stick with one character so this is either-way for me.

I will agree that it is a good goal to have, but also as I mentioned when you have slave/servant characters it makes it hard to do so without the master/owner being present. Unless they are the ones that are able to roam around freely, but that is not seen too often, least I would think not. xD
Also, you can have as many characters as you want, just only two can be approved on the forums, you could feel free to write up character bios and set up links to the google doc for them in your signature, but you're only allowed two on the forums, which in the long run isn't a big deal because the main difference between approved and non-approved characters is the ability to use magic or apply for nobility, in which case you could always use your approved character spaces for these sorts of characters if it ever came up.
Well it gets confusing having one person playing multiple characters, and ive met some people who have created many characters just to benefit themselves, for an example (not naming names) There is one player who is notorious for making multiple for each new girl he meets so he can ERP with them all and not suffer from repercussions from it.
Also, you can have as many characters as you want, just only two can be approved on the forums, you could feel free to write up character bios and set up links to the google doc for them in your signature, but you're only allowed two on the forums, which in the long run isn't a big deal because the main difference between approved and non-approved characters is the ability to use magic or apply for nobility, in which case you could always use your approved character spaces for these sorts of characters if it ever came up.

That's a good suggestion. I guess the only thing that could be bad about the signature suggestion is that not everyone posts actively on the forums. Those who lurk, and actively read but never post would not have people see their characters as opposed to those who respond and talk often.
Well it gets confusing having one person playing multiple characters, and ive met some people who have created many characters just to benefit themselves, for an example (not naming names) There is one player who is notorious for making multiple for each new girl he meets so he can ERP with them all and not suffer from repercussions from it.

Ah yes, good point. I could see how that could be a bit of an annoyance and a problem to deal with.

Also, it may be a bit of annoyance on said person's part to continuously create a new application with enough detail to get approved in order to ERP with a new girl every time. I'm only asking for those who can hold up three characters, can keep it organized between them, and can make a good story for all three.
We limit the amount of characters, as we wish to encourage players to build up their characters instead of killing them off every month for a new flavor. We don't believe players will build a good character if we allow them to have a larger number of characters to simultaneously swap between.
We limit the amount of characters, as we wish to encourage players to build up their characters instead of killing them off every month for a new flavor. We don't believe players will build a good character if we allow them to have a larger number of characters to simultaneously swap between.

That makes sense. Not everyone can build and keep on building between characters at the same time. Thank you for answering my question.
I kinda like the 2 char rule. That said, people *can* make more characters - they just can't get them approved without killing of an older one. As Mon said, having only 2 allows some flexibility without costing much in the way of character development.
๖ۣۜTo honestly say, I think having 3 characters would spam up the storage over time. Counting up the current amount, if everyone had 2 introductions, but wanting 1 more, the already crammed RP staff are going to be greatly loved for spending A LOT of time on these new introductions. I know some people who make a new character after a month of doing so. Can you imagine 3 characters trying to be approved by one person at once? Even just two seems like a nightmare to the staff... I personally wonder why people don't use the already 2 slots as an advantage, ex.
Paul's time was beginning to near, so in the time I worked on Richard Lamian.
Not longer after Richard's approval, I kill off Paul, now I have another slot for my next character.
William Chronicler --> ???
William Chronicler --> Paul Beauveret
Paul Beauveret --> ???
Paul Beauveret --> Richard Lamian
Richard Lamian --> ???
Let alone, if one is having trouble keeping one character at a time, EMBRACE situations. Hop into other group RPs, not too excessive, of course. You might begin bothering them if you try too hard to force into it. Do a basic scene, example being greeting OOC friends, making new ones at the tavern by approaching them with a problem, question, boredom, yata yata, etc. Avoid arguing with Guards, avoid violence, and keep arguing with nobles to a minimum. Despite Richard absolutely hating Amalia's guts {{ <3 u Buffy }} he argues with her to a small extent, only doing it here and there. If guards approach, he succumbs and just lets his argument go. If you feel that isn't enough like your character to do that, do be sure to put yourself in the character's shoes. Would you rather be yourself for 15 seconds and die, or walk away and be kind for 15 seconds and live?

Well, I'd have to agree with you on the storage, and RP staff notes, only because you said what I had already stated above, lol.
However, I speak from personal experience when I say that I put myself in my characters shoes more often than anyone else I know. I also have personal experience with juggling 15+ characters while writing personal stories, short stories, novel length stories, etc. So I know how to balance characters, development and growth, and planning out their next moves in their life as well as how to prepare them for what may lay ahead. Yes, I know this is not the same as role play, but it was enough for me to ask the simple question of why, of which was answered for me prior. I know plenty of others that also are in the same boat as I, and were also wondering why there was only a limit of two.
Also, I have to ask why you rated the post as disagree when you had basically just agreed with what I had put under the reasons why it would be a bad idea. Just simply curious, but would you care to elaborate on the rating?
Well, I'd have to agree with you on the storage, and RP staff notes, only because you said what I had already stated above, lol.
However, I speak from personal experience when I say that I put myself in my characters shoes more often than anyone else I know. I also have personal experience with juggling 15+ characters while writing personal stories, short stories, novel length stories, etc. So I know how to balance characters, development and growth, and planning out their next moves in their life as well as how to prepare them for what may lay ahead. Yes, I know this is not the same as role play, but it was enough for me to ask the simple question of why, of which was answered for me prior. I know plenty of others that also are in the same boat as I, and were also wondering why there was only a limit of two.
Also, I have to ask why you rated the post as disagree when you had basically just agreed with what I had put under the reasons why it would be a bad idea. Just simply curious, but would you care to elaborate on the rating?

๖ۣۜI already elaborated on the rating, and it was to agree on one of the cons. All of my reasons were your cons, because I feel it spams up the storage, because it bothers RP staff, but this reason will be not in one of the cons, just because you asked:
In a way, it encourages people to juggle characters. Of course, one of the worse-case scenarios, but if there are 3 characters, it kinda brings forth the temptation to use all three. Although handy for someone who loves writing introductions, it has been used for noob RP, despite being 'approved' characters. I have had an occasion a person specifically hated me OOC, so he used it as an excuse to try and kill my character. When his was killed by the guards, he came back as his other approved character who 'had no connections to the other one' at all, despite the skin being nearly the same and their motives the same, 'just because they can'.
Also, I think in most cases, you want to teach people to work with what they have. The less characters you are allowed to have, the more you actually care about your characters and spend time RPing as them. Spending time on an RP character helps you learn a bit more how to manage despite some dangerous conditions, and helps you learn how to work as it in general. For example, Vampyre characters that are actually good at their role begin quite in danger of their character dying the moment they get approved. Despite that, they learn to stick to the shadows, cover their hoods, avoid guards and outside when necessary. Having three characters would kind of have you care less about your characters, because you could just summon another and feel like nothing happened.
To bring an immersive point of view, every-time your character argues, you should feel a little bit of anger as well, possibly a bit of 'competition' depending on what you are arguing over. When your characters loses something they loved, you should feel a bit of sadness, too. When a good joke is told, you laugh with them, if possible. Anything romantic told to you should give you the chills. That shows for sure that you are willing and attached to your character. It makes it really difficult to do such a thing with 3 people, from experience, I didn't feel that way when working with William Chronicler and Nendai-Ki Hensha II.

Pardon if my typing goes a bit in a circle, a bit tired, but wanted to respond anyways. (drunk)
๖ۣۜI already elaborated on the rating, and it was to agree on one of the cons. All of my reasons were your cons, because I feel it spams up the storage, because it bothers RP staff, but this reason will be not in one of the cons, just because you asked:
In a way, it encourages people to juggle characters. Of course, one of the worse-case scenarios, but if there are 3 characters, it kinda brings forth the temptation to use all three. Although handy for someone who loves writing introductions, it has been used for noob RP, despite being 'approved' characters. I have had an occasion a person specifically hated me OOC, so he used it as an excuse to try and kill my character. When his was killed by the guards, he came back as his other approved character who 'had no connections to the other one' at all, despite the skin being nearly the same and their motives the same, 'just because they can'.
Also, I think in most cases, you want to teach people to work with what they have. The less characters you are allowed to have, the more you actually care about your characters and spend time RPing as them. Spending time on an RP character helps you learn a bit more how to manage despite some dangerous conditions, and helps you learn how to work as it in general. For example, Vampyre characters that are actually good at their role begin quite in danger of their character dying the moment they get approved. Despite that, they learn to stick to the shadows, cover their hoods, avoid guards and outside when necessary. Having three characters would kind of have you care less about your characters, because you could just summon another and feel like nothing happened.
To bring an immersive point of view, every-time your character argues, you should feel a little bit of anger as well, possibly a bit of 'competition' depending on what you are arguing over. When your characters loses something they loved, you should feel a bit of sadness, too. When a good joke is told, you laugh with them, if possible. Anything romantic told to you should give you the chills. That shows for sure that you are willing and attached to your character. It makes it really difficult to do such a thing with 3 people, from experience, I didn't feel that way when working with William Chronicler and Nendai-Ki Hensha II.

Pardon if my typing goes a bit in a circle, a bit tired, but wanted to respond anyways. (drunk)

I agree with you on that aspect. But in the end, I feel as if it depends on the person portraying the character(s). If they can handle the character growth, if they can handle the emotions, and if they can use the three characters correctly. I also understand that it would be a pain for others to have more characters, especially those who would create havoc, which is why I understand all the disagreement that comes with asking the question that which was the point of this thread. I just wanted a legitimate reason as to why, because whenever I had asked someone one-on-one of what the reason of only having two characters as a limit no one had an actual answer for me. Only assumptions. Also I know a few people who were wondering the same thing, only did not want to be the ones to ask. It all came down to me wanting to find out the legitimate reason, as well as find out other's opinions.
I also apologize for asking you to further explain yourself. I suppose I just wanted a full answer when it comes to a rating, is all. I do not mind being disagreed with, unless it is just a blind disagreement, of course. You never know when someone disagrees with you because of one thing you said prior, or simply because they don't like you personally. (Which goes in with the person you mentioned where the person just wanted to have your character killed because they didn't like you.) You have some good points on your side of the argument, and I thank you for sharing them.
"Amalia is the best noble ever." -Richard Lamian

D'aaw, thanks.
Let's say you had an approved slave character, and another character. The slave character is restricted to role play in certain instances, and then the other character can be "boring" at times or not fit certain situations. Adding the third character could add to the possibility of more opportunities for a person and group of people in a general sense.
Actually, I do this. Surikia Tallie is a former slave, and still has the mentality of one. Amalia Kade is a egotistical noble. I actually don't find myself restricted to roleplay in certain instances with either of them. Due to character development, you wouldn't get the effect of characters becoming "boring" or not fitting into certain situations. You don't really need three characters for more possible opportunities, seeing as the two I'd assume you already have (if you're arguing for more) should be enough.

So, no, even though I've said it a few times, I don't think you should be allowed to have more than two characters. Character development is your answer.
D'aaw, thanks.

Actually, I do this. Surikia Tallie is a former slave, and still has the mentality of one. Amalia Kade is a egotistical noble. I actually don't find myself restricted to roleplay in certain instances with either of them. Due to character development, you wouldn't get the effect of characters becoming "boring" or not fitting into certain situations. You don't really need three characters for more possible opportunities, seeing as the two I'd assume you already have (if you're arguing for more) should be enough.

So, no, even though I've said it a few times, I don't think you should be allowed to have more than two characters. Character development is your answer.

Some may be able to balance it as you have, and then some cannot. But, even so it was merely an example, so I apologize if it came across as the main point of the debate. Also, to clarify, I am not arguing for more characters. I have one approved character and one in the works, so I have no real need for a third. However, I was simply just asking the question of why, which was answered above, and for other's opinions ^^. I am the type of person who has a very open mind, and would rather hear out others in order to either firm the validity of my own opinion, or to see it in another light and possibly change my views if compelled. So, with that being said, thank you for your input. It does make sense.
I find it hard switching between personalities. So I go off my mood. I play Shayin Crassan normally, but when I need to vent some emotions, or just feel like being a jerk in RP, I switch to Faylin, Shayin's jerk of a father who hates everything. It gets to be a good combo, seeing as they are alike in some ways but different elsewise. I'm currently writing a dwarven Character that will be named Radac. He will contrast Shayin in many ways, and will be an approved. (Faylin is not approved, I only use him temp.)

Shayin= Good, Serious yet wise, tender, tries to stay away from drinking, Negotiates before fights.
Faylin= Evil, Serious
Radac= Neutral/ Unaligned, Gruff, Silly, Drunkard, Battle ready

It also gives an opportunity for RPers to have different characteristics. I'll have one be a funny screw up drunkard and the other a serious kind of person who succeeds. Then I'll use them in weird ways and play both at the same exact time to have them meet...

It's too late. I'll stop talking before I say something I'll regret tomorrow.

That's a very good way to express your characters. Depending on my own mood determined which character I wanted to be back when I had more than just my pirate character Finley. It's a good outlet for any frustration you may be feeling, as well as keeping in character ^^
I'm in agreement with what Mon said here in that the more character options that are available, the less people are likely to focus on developing and playing characters. However, as Blue also said, a character doesn't have to necessarily be approved for you to play them, so there is that. It'd be hard to set a limit that worked for everyone, since everyone has a different capacity for what they can balance. Some people can only focus on one at a time, some can balance multiples pretty well. Two's a good balance as far as keeping a standard goes.

A lot of the time the character you want to play will depend on your inspiration/mood. At least, that's how it is for me. I know I've found myself wishing plenty of times for the limit to be a bit higher just because of how rapidly interesting character ideas pop up, those little moments of "Oh, you know what'd be cool to play?" Again, speaking more on a personal level than generalizing everyone else's experiences. While I wish sometimes to have profiles for these characters, being stuck at this limit does sort of wrangle you into playing characters you might not normally, which in the long run winds up being a journey in and of itself. Who knows, you might wind up pleasantly surprised at some of the things that occurred because you stuck around on a character when you otherwise wouldn't.

So I guess in short, I'm fine with the character limit being at what it's at. Yeah it'd create more work to up it, but even then that's less of a concern than the character developments that people would miss out on just by character hopping all the time. But I'm just a sucker for establishing histories and getting good stories, so maybe it's me.~

(For the record, I have three characters, two approved, one not. That's where I set my own limit. Any more and I'd be too scattered. Just so it's clear the experience I currently have when writing this opinion out.)
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