Why That Race?

Favorite Race

  • Total voters

The Golem

chiken nugge
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
Hael's Fungeon
So the idea is simple, why did you choose your character's race to be that race? Would your character be any different as another race?

As for myself, I chose to play a Yanar character since they share a love for nature and tend to be calm, two things which I share. If he was any other race, he might look like some scrawny plant nerd
I chose to play two Ailors due to the cultural diversity it would have to offer. An Etosian and a Daendroque-Catala? Rather uncommon.

I really love bears, so it's obvious why I wanted to play an Ur.

As for my Qadir, the lore for them deeply fascinates me as well as their culture.
I exclusively play Ailor or Nelfin because I like to limit race-inherent traits that affect the character's personality. Gets tiring to see every yanar act like the same nature-loving, friendly plant people, or the Urs being oafish gentle giants.
I play ailors. Uh. I like boring races. I'm not sure. ^^; Naushe is a bit of an exception, due to his peculiar hair and skin tone, but Iunno. For some reason, I can't really get into playing anything other than humans :< Also, Regalia is supposed to be highly populated by ailors, so I figured I'd help out in that aspect x'3
Ee, if you can't tell. I love Yanar, a lot. I love the silent Nenya speech and having Evergrowth is pretty fun. Perhaps it's also that they have something of a Luna Lovegood-ish feel to them, since other races are not likely to get the listening-to-plants thing. I don't really know, but they're unusual and I like them!~
I love the Naylar, always have since the first day I joined the server back when they were called the Naga.
Yanar! I've always been a Yanar since way back when they healed with red flowers and had a Nymph subrace.

They are very reserved and peaceful, which I relate to a lot, and I also find them very unique appearance-wise so it was a lot of fun deciding the plantlife on Ni!
I like to stick to the races I can skin without too-too much trouble. But I like the Naylar because lizards. Nelfin have some pretty nice lore behind them and I like how Humans are the more flexible race. Florae are pretty cool too because I am a big plant lover and stuff.

i just realized i have stupid reasons for liking races.
I chose my race out of a quick decision for Alea when I first joined. I didn't know what I was gonna do, but I just wanted to be an elf. Simple 'nuff.
Naylar pls. Especially Dakkar.

I dunno. I just really like the Idea of a Dakkar. Their underground and spartan lifestyle seems interesting.
Also they eat metal, how cool is that
Also they kinda remind me of dinosaurs. I love dinosaurs <3
Ailors, cause they are freckin' awesome, like. All the different cultures to choose from, your bound to find one you like.
But also I like Q'urebo, because 1) They are cute af, and 2) they are fun af to play as. Being a small little creature, scavenging and being a little rascal just seems fun to me (H)(hug)
I generally don't like playing humans. Mainly because I am one. I really prefer Nelfin and Kleinfolk races. Also, The Mekket don't get enough love.
The Chi'en-Ji are where it's at. They have a supremely awesome history and culture (I've always loved East Asian/Oriental culture), have awesome golden eyes (I mean, who doesn't want golden eyes?), are naturally gifted in the art of magic, get a new language to speak that not many people know (Tatsugo, the dragon-tongue) and are generally a mysterious and introverted people. Perfect for me. I get skills and abilities I love, with a history that makes my character more dynamic. They're like the embodiment of everything I love.
The naylar are the most interesting to me, especially the dakkar because of their interesting culture and their near racist hate of the the dwarves makes rp more interesting.
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I Love the Mekket. I mean, it's difficult to think up a unique reason for one being in regalia, especially for the Vissi and Torrp, but actually playing them is really fun for me. I've loved them since I joined as a Vespid. <3