As you all now the WhiteRoses is rising and begining a fresh start. We are currently rebuilding our dead city because of the chunk bugg and after everything got destroyed. We are a peaceful faction who follows our belives and religon, The secret organisation of the WhiteRoses are top secret and have a special architect style following the Japanese medival buildings. Our goal is to unite the entire world and become as safe and peaceful as possible to create a new order of peace and well living. We are happy to take new recruits and also a very hardcore RP faction. You will have to become trusted to get in the faction and learn the rules and buildings skills of our japanese building skills and religon.
For more information just ask the four kings and the faction leader.
XSacrificeXzb, desert_eagle98 , Raxor03 , hatsish.
We will keep you updated about this.
// XSacrificeXzb
As you all now the WhiteRoses is rising and begining a fresh start. We are currently rebuilding our dead city because of the chunk bugg and after everything got destroyed. We are a peaceful faction who follows our belives and religon, The secret organisation of the WhiteRoses are top secret and have a special architect style following the Japanese medival buildings. Our goal is to unite the entire world and become as safe and peaceful as possible to create a new order of peace and well living. We are happy to take new recruits and also a very hardcore RP faction. You will have to become trusted to get in the faction and learn the rules and buildings skills of our japanese building skills and religon.
For more information just ask the four kings and the faction leader.
XSacrificeXzb, desert_eagle98 , Raxor03 , hatsish.
We will keep you updated about this.
// XSacrificeXzb