Whispers In The Shadows.


"So-.. So cold..."

Found in the Early Hours of the 28th of November, 305AC was none other but Tobie Peirgarten, lain in the snow beneath a tree of the Noble District. A blood trail indicated towards the Freisnolder Mercenary Keep, the path he had taken to escape a dreary fate.

His makeup had been torn away, removing his usual good looks and showing off a scarred and damaged face from his younger years. It took well enough time for people to identify him, nobody had seen Tobie without his makeup on and many people hardly noticed. The Clinic found him a simple patient to work with, many people speculating he had done this to himself as there were no signs of a struggle within the keeps' holdings.

To truly shine a light upon the event, one however must go back to the time of the event and look on with weary eyes. Things that came once before, being shown again with a dark, wretching, heaving and appalling view.


The evening of the 27th held many an event and even throughout the daytime there were many merriments to compliment the season, though Tobie was hardly seen during the afternoon. It was presumed he had been in his estate, paperwork piles up when you're such a man as Tobie.

The afternoon had taken Tobie on a walk outwith the city walls, he had went in search of peace and quiet from the inner workings of Regalia and it's people. He soon found himself somewhere to rest and focus calmly on his book, seemingly it had given him plenty of joy to be away from the rest of the world about him.

His mind was, yet, still crowded by whispers and screams. It was alike a memory that he'd never made and slowly his mind started snapping, breaking under the pressure of the noise that clouded his mind. Of course, he had knowledge of where he was and why he was there. Simply no idea what was happening.

A branch snapped behind him as a scream repeated in his head like the booming of cannon fire on repeat and his hand quickly launched a knife backwards, Tobie let out his own violent scream at whatever he was stabbing, tears rolling down his cheeks as blood spattered upon his person and flesh tore from the poor fox that had so delicately wandered up behind him.

He reared his head in shame, lifting the knife once again and plunging it downwards into the suffering creature's head to stop the pain it had felt at his hand. He fell backwards unto the snow and let out whimpers and cries as he realized what he'd done to the oh' so innocent animal.

Minutes went by with the screams and whispers in his head continuing, breaking down his mentality as he knew it and creating naught but a shell of a man that used to be. He stood himself, stumbling to the riverside that ran by the tree he had found and wiping away the blood that covered his person, it was fair to say he was broken in faith. His makeup flaked and washed off with the blood, revealing his scarred and unruly appearance that was seldom shown to anyone.

Soon he found himself walking back to the city, reminding himself that his mind was playing tricks on him as the darkness grew ever closer and the cold bit at his features. He stumbled into the courtyard of the Freisnolder Keep, kneeling in the pit as his mind once again fell to little more than a faded memory.

The illness that took him brought about many a symptom, shivering and heaving at his own actions and memories, he soon saw those of his past through eyes that would not witness anything but despair and suffering. A figure had appeared afront him, in his own mind at least. A faded man with cuts deep enough that he should've been dead, eyes of blackness and skin as pale as the snow that Tobie had knelt in.

"You doubt your senses, Peirgarten?" The hallucination spoke out to him in a fine, lingering voice as it brought a finger to point towards him "Man of the worldly mind, do you believe in me or not?"
Tobie's eyes fell downwards towards the floor as he retorted "Many things can douse the senses, you're probably a bit of undigested beef. There is more of gravy than the grave about you."

The hallucination let out a terrifying shriek that left the Peirgarten beneath himself in tears and shreds, his hands planting firmly upon the gravel beneath him. "Why do you torment me so, Spirit?" He uttered in a moment of pure fear.

That of the man before Tobie removed his upper clothing and clawed at his own face, tearing chunks of rotted and diseased flesh away as his body was shown to be shredded. Tobie gave a light nod and removed his own jacket with a grim look about him, falling into silence as he drew his knife and ran it up his arms in a daze.

The creature nodded approvingly and walked slowly away from his field of view, leaving only the whispers to torment him now as blood pooled within the snow and clotted about his arms. The Peirgarten slowly dragged himself from the pit, leaving a trail of crimson behind as he let out grunts and groans with each movement. He was dragging himself through dirt, tearing away at the wounds he'd made with the cobbles he so soon brought himself across.

An hour later, after the second chime of the city bells to indicate the morning hour; he reached the Noble District and in his blindness he rest his head in the snow beneath a tree. It felt like minutes to him, though he passed out for more than a good three hours before being found by guardsmen.

He was quickly rushed off to the clinic with only his shallow breaths to keep the guards company on their walk to the establishment, the bleeding had stopped and his eyes were lightly shut in his sickened state.

When he awoke in a Clinic bed, surrounded by doctors and guardsmen. It was safe to say that he did not see them at first, but again the figure of pale skin and blackened eyes which gave him a nod as he slipped back into silent slumber.

"This is the beginning of your madness, Peirgarten. Take it as you will."


"So-.. So cold..."

Found in the Early Hours of the 28th of November, 305AC was none other but Tobie Peirgarten, lain in the snow beneath a tree of the Noble District. A blood trail indicated towards the Freisnolder Mercenary Keep, the path he had taken to escape a dreary fate.

His makeup had been torn away, removing his usual good looks and showing off a scarred and damaged face from his younger years. It took well enough time for people to identify him, nobody had seen Tobie without his makeup on and many people hardly noticed. The Clinic found him a simple patient to work with, many people speculating he had done this to himself as there were no signs of a struggle within the keeps' holdings.

To truly shine a light upon the event, one however must go back to the time of the event and look on with weary eyes. Things that came once before, being shown again with a dark, wretching, heaving and appalling view.


The evening of the 27th held many an event and even throughout the daytime there were many merriments to compliment the season, though Tobie was hardly seen during the afternoon. It was presumed he had been in his estate, paperwork piles up when you're such a man as Tobie.

The afternoon had taken Tobie on a walk outwith the city walls, he had went in search of peace and quiet from the inner workings of Regalia and it's people. He soon found himself somewhere to rest and focus calmly on his book, seemingly it had given him plenty of joy to be away from the rest of the world about him.

His mind was, yet, still crowded by whispers and screams. It was alike a memory that he'd never made and slowly his mind started snapping, breaking under the pressure of the noise that clouded his mind. Of course, he had knowledge of where he was and why he was there. Simply no idea what was happening.

A branch snapped behind him as a scream repeated in his head like the booming of cannon fire on repeat and his hand quickly launched a knife backwards, Tobie let out his own violent scream at whatever he was stabbing, tears rolling down his cheeks as blood spattered upon his person and flesh tore from the poor fox that had so delicately wandered up behind him.

He reared his head in shame, lifting the knife once again and plunging it downwards into the suffering creature's head to stop the pain it had felt at his hand. He fell backwards unto the snow and let out whimpers and cries as he realized what he'd done to the oh' so innocent animal.

Minutes went by with the screams and whispers in his head continuing, breaking down his mentality as he knew it and creating naught but a shell of a man that used to be. He stood himself, stumbling to the riverside that ran by the tree he had found and wiping away the blood that covered his person, it was fair to say he was broken in faith. His makeup flaked and washed off with the blood, revealing his scarred and unruly appearance that was seldom shown to anyone.

Soon he found himself walking back to the city, reminding himself that his mind was playing tricks on him as the darkness grew ever closer and the cold bit at his features. He stumbled into the courtyard of the Freisnolder Keep, kneeling in the pit as his mind once again fell to little more than a faded memory.

The illness that took him brought about many a symptom, shivering and heaving at his own actions and memories, he soon saw those of his past through eyes that would not witness anything but despair and suffering. A figure had appeared afront him, in his own mind at least. A faded man with cuts deep enough that he should've been dead, eyes of blackness and skin as pale as the snow that Tobie had knelt in.

"You doubt your senses, Peirgarten?" The hallucination spoke out to him in a fine, lingering voice as it brought a finger to point towards him "Man of the worldly mind, do you believe in me or not?"
Tobie's eyes fell downwards towards the floor as he retorted "Many things can douse the senses, you're probably a bit of undigested beef. There is more of gravy than the grave about you."

The hallucination let out a terrifying shriek that left the Peirgarten beneath himself in tears and shreds, his hands planting firmly upon the gravel beneath him. "Why do you torment me so, Spirit?" He uttered in a moment of pure fear.

That of the man before Tobie removed his upper clothing and clawed at his own face, tearing chunks of rotted and diseased flesh away as his body was shown to be shredded. Tobie gave a light nod and removed his own jacket with a grim look about him, falling into silence as he drew his knife and ran it up his arms in a daze.

The creature nodded approvingly and walked slowly away from his field of view, leaving only the whispers to torment him now as blood pooled within the snow and clotted about his arms. The Peirgarten slowly dragged himself from the pit, leaving a trail of crimson behind as he let out grunts and groans with each movement. He was dragging himself through dirt, tearing away at the wounds he'd made with the cobbles he so soon brought himself across.

An hour later, after the second chime of the city bells to indicate the morning hour; he reached the Noble District and in his blindness he rest his head in the snow beneath a tree. It felt like minutes to him, though he passed out for more than a good three hours before being found by guardsmen.

He was quickly rushed off to the clinic with only his shallow breaths to keep the guards company on their walk to the establishment, the bleeding had stopped and his eyes were lightly shut in his sickened state.

When he awoke in a Clinic bed, surrounded by doctors and guardsmen. It was safe to say that he did not see them at first, but again the figure of pale skin and blackened eyes which gave him a nod as he slipped back into silent slumber.

"This is the beginning of your madness, Peirgarten. Take it as you will."

An OOC note:

I'd like to thank the folks that took the time to read this new writing style I've adopted, I would like all to note that Tobie's current state would be common knowledge as he was found in such a populated area. Please feel free to point out small grammatical mistakes and and inconsistencies you may notice.
Well written and also I saw your quote from A Christmas Carol. I like the way it's written, even though it's pretty dark, and it was a good read. Well done!
Well written and also I saw your quote from A Christmas Carol. I like the way it's written, even though it's pretty dark, and it was a good read. Well done!

Thank you for your kind words on the topic and I'm certainly happy that you noticed the little quote there from my favourite Christmas story!