Whimsy And Wanderlust Artist Competition


Staff member
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
W&W header , Jack and the Beanstalk line , 90 , df0f93.webp
An Out-Of-Character Art Competition!

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With the Hidden Dragon's re-branding into the Whimsy and Wanderlust came a most unfortunate realization: All the fonts, dividers, headers, and art I had gotten for the Hidden Dragon were now outdated! I've fixed ALMOST everything that's outdated, except for one thing… The image I plan to use as the 'face' for the Whimsy - mainly for our discord icon and as a header image for the Whimsy and Wanderlust thread. After a month of searching, I can't really find anything that I like, which leads us right into the competition:

I am looking for a new image to be the 'crest' for the Whimsy and Wanderlust, and I want to outsource the artists of Massivecraft for help! Here are the following rules, and prizes, for this competition:

  1. I am asking for ORIGINAL pieces only, please. Don't submit something that is not yours - this counts website-generated crests, too.
  2. I'd like to keep anything submitted strictly SFW please!!!
  3. Watermark your submissions. If you win first place, I'll ask for an unwatermarked version, but I don't want an unwatermarked one before.
The rules are simple enough, and only the first and second rules will get you disqualified, the third is more for the safety / security of the artist, if anything, and is a formality on my part. Here are the prizes:


First Place | 1000 ( OUT OF CHARACTER ) regals, and a pretty decent chance of getting a USD tip if I REALLY like your submission (Any potential real world money, however, is not a given and depends entirely on my financial situation.) (The winner's work will be credited wherever it is used.)
Second Place | 750 ( OUT OF CHARACTER ) regals
Third Place | 200 ( OUT OF CHARACTER ) regals​

Every first-time entry will be given 100 OUT OF CHARACTER REGALS. Contestants may submit as many times as they like, however, they will only be paid 100 for their first submission. Any submission regals will be paid up to a week after submission guaranteed, the final prize regals will be paid within two weeks of winning. The time delays are because I'm likely going to have to do some extra darkroom grinding, depending on how many submissions there are.

How to submit

  1. Submit through the Massivecraft forums, do NOT send me a discord pm, I will forget about it. Include that it is a submission for the contest AND your username for the submission.
  2. Please include your submission as a link to an imgur image, this will REALLY help me out with sorting out contest submissions.
  3. If you submit more than once, don't make a new thread, just add a new reply to the forum conversation
  4. Include in your submission if you'd like me to post the image in the post below this one, which will show off all the art that's been submitted so far. If you don't want me to post your image publicly, then I won't.
What we're looking for

I don't have anything in particular in mind for a crest design, which is why I'm doing a competition in the first place. But, I do have a few things I'm sorta drifting towards design wise that I like. You don't HAVE to follow these, just they're guidelines if you don't have an idea of what to do.

Colors | We're going with pastel pink and magenta as the Whimsy's main colors - it's what everything is decorated in! But, if you wanna use secondary colors to give some variation, I also recommend purples, light blues, or silver/gray!
Symbols | I've been using a combination of stars, sparkles, and hearts as little symbols to represent the Whimsy so far, any of these incorporated would be perfect! How much and were doesn't entirely matter.
Style | I have no particular look or style in mind besides friendly and whimsical, and even that doesn't have too much meaning. I think I'd like to have the crest framed within a circle or star shape, and generally have the crest be more colorful than not, favoring lighter colors over darker ones. I've been using either a star or a flower as the main 'symbol' to represent the Whimsy, and we have a flower on the Whimsy's minecraft banner. Either of these, star or flower, work as a main 'symbol' for the Whimsy, if you'd like to have a focal point in the design. Overall, though, I'd like to give contestants a lot of artistic freedom because that's a lot more fun than following a formula.

If you'd like to enter, but still aren't sure if your design would fit, or would just like to talk to me more before submitting, feel free to pass me a DM over discord or the forums.

What | An OOC art contest, with first place prize being 1000 OOC regals and potential USD. Every first time entry gets 100 OOC regals.
Why | I cannot decide on an exact look I want, so I'm giving everyone a chance to pitch in.
When | The submissions will close on july 20th, and a winner will be announced on july 25th, so roughly a month is given to submit!
How | Submit through a forum conversation titled something along the lines of 'Whimsy and Wanderlust contest submission'​

I would like to close with saying I welcome ALL submissions of ANY art quality. So long as you give it an earnest try, you could win! Don't let the defeatist mindset of 'maybe my art isn't good enough' stop you from submitting! And if you don't think submitting is worth the risk, you get a small prize for just submitting anyway, so like, who doesn't love a free 100 regals for giving it at least some effort?

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong forum section. I wasn't sure where to put it.
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W&W submissions , Jack and the Beanstalk line , 90 , df0f93.webp
These are submissions for the competition thus far! Submissions will be spoilered with the artist's name as the spoiler's title. If you'd like your submission shown off publicly, let me know in the forum conversation, please!
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We have 6 submissions so far from 5 different artists! Only 5 pieces are shown, however, because one of the artists did not want their submission to be publicly posted!

We are putting trust in the Massivecraft Community to not steal art.


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We've got our Winners!
Today's the 25th, and as promised, the winner for the competition has been decided!!

In first place we have: @oldbooksmell
I absolutely LOVED the compass design the submitted, I thought it was a clever play on the 'wanderlust' part, and I thought the placement of the wording was nice as well. Congratulations, oldbooksmell!

In second place we have: @HoshiWomp
Hoshi submitted two designs, but my favorite was the second! I liked the simplicity of the star design, and it was a VERY close contender for first place. Very good job!

In third place we have: @hawkeye1621
Hawkeye's submission was really nice and really simple, and would honestly make a nice visual design for the discord logo of any group. Top quality! Very nice job.

All winning payments will be given, with screenshot proof, within the next week. Expect a forum dm!
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