The Whimsy & Wanderlust


Staff member
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score


(Art done by @oldbooksmell)

Aberrant Cabaret
Established June 308 AC
| -=[ Discord Link ]=- |
The Whimsy & Wanderlust (Which will be shortened to just 'The Whimsy' or 'W&W' from here on out) was established for one reason: to bring luxury, joy and entertainment to the Regalian masses, preferably through means magical and whimsical. The Whimsy's target audience is the seedier populous of old town - mainly aberrants and aberrant lovers. However, all are welcome in the Whimsy, so long as they come to be entertained.
This is the Whimsy and Wanderlust's master post, so everything W&W can be found here!


The Whimsy, although a place meant for fun, is not a place of anarchy. There are a few rules that are generally adhered to. These rules can be assumed to be pinned publicly at the Whimsy's door, at the bar, and on the notice board outside for all to see. Failure to follow rules will result in removal from the property, multiple instances of ignoring rules will result in revocation of membership or VIP passes.​
| Weapons are not permitted on the property. Drawing a weapon, be it a physical weapon or magically summoned, will result in confrontation from a bouncer or bartender. Should the offending party fail to put the weapon away or un-summon it, then measures will be taken to remove the patron.
| The Whimsy does not permit vandalism. Please don't carve into our counter or slash up our pillows. Thanks.
| Pets and familiars are not permitted. This includes abilities where one turns into an animal. Leave animals by the door, or dispel familiars, before coming in. The only ones exempt from this rule are employees who have discussed using animals in any performance(s) beforehand. Yanar companions are also exempt from this, so long they do not cause a fuss.
| Kathar may not give out jewelry or trinkets of any kind while on Whimsy property. Any caught doing this will be removed immediately.
| Use of mind-altering occult abilities by patrons is strictly prohibited, any caught using magic to alter memories or emotions will be removed and barred from the building. The only ones exempt to this rule are staff members who have been approved to use such abilities.
| Any outside alchemy employed in the Whimsy MUST be brightly and unnaturally colored. The Whimsy sells its own alchemical products, all of which are bright colored, and patrons are free to bring in their own alchemy, but it absolutely must be brightly colored, especially so if it can be added to drinks or opium.​

The Rules are liable to be updated and changed at any point.


Post 1 - Introduction |
1.1 Introduction
1.2 House Rules
1.3 Post Directory
1.4 Upcoming and past events

Post 2 - Menu |
2.1 Drinks menu
2.2 Food Menu
2.3 Static Menu
2.4 Menu suggestions and submissions

Post 3 - Other Services |
3.1 Renting and Reservations
3.2 Specialty employee services

Post 4 - VIP |
4.1 VIP benefits

Post 5 - Employees |
5.1 Current list of employees
5.2 Employee expectations
5.3 Hiring

The Whimsy runs in events, particularly parties! Partying is an important part of the W&W identity, and we try to host parties, and other events, often! When a party is announced, it will be listed here under 'upcoming', and any previously thrown events can be found under 'past events!​
If you click [ HERE ] You'll be taken to an event Calendar for the Whimsy and Wanderlust, which lays out any 'lesser' events not on this thread!​

Upcoming events
Coming soon. . .
Previous Events
Coming Soon. . .
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The Whimsy and Wanderlust aspires only to bring enjoyment and luxury to the downtrodden and the desolate populations of Regalia: What better way than through affordable, potent drink and delicious food? Worry not of expense when visiting the Whimsy, all items on the menu are on the house! However, the Menu will change between the months and the seasons, meaning it won't always be the same. The menu will always be updated on the first of the month and the first of the season. The seasons will be as follows:
Winter | Beginning of December - End of February
Spring | Beginning of March - End of May
Summer | Beginning of June - End of August
Fall | Beginning of September - End of November​

The following symbols have meaning on the menu:
✪ - Seasonal Item
✦ - Monthly Item


This is the menu for the Winter season on the month of December.
Alcoholic |
✪ | Gallovian Hard Whiskey
✪ | Mulled Wine
✪ | Northern Nordskag Mead
✪ | Pear Schnapps
✪ | Vladno Vodka
✦ | Dark Hallonq Rum
✦ | Eggnog
✦ | Gingerbread Spiced Ale
✦ | Peppermint Schnapps
✦ | Spiced Brandy
Non-Alcoholic |
✪ | Apple-Cinnamon Herbal Tea
✪ | Goat's Milk
✪ | Hot Chocolate
✪ | Kaffee
✪ | Sweet Grapefruit Juice
✦ | Chocolate Tea
✦ | Green Tea
✦ | Orange Juice
✦ | Peppermint Kaffee
✦ | Spiced Cranberry Apple Cider​


This is the menu for the Winter season for the month of December.
Sweets |
✪ | Black Licorice
✪ | Caramel Pear Pudding
✪ | Dark Chocolate Ingots
✪ | Frosted Sugar Cookies
✪ | Mint Filled Milk Chocolate
✦ | Candy Canes
✦ | Gingerbread Men
✦ | Pine-Shaped Brownies
✦ | Syrup Candy
✦ | Toffee

Coming soon. . .


The Whimsy and Wanderlust is open and receptive to new menu ideas, and strives to have the most diverse and exotic menu possible. To any who feel like something is missing from the Whimsy's menu, pen a suggestion to Abigail Tucker (send me a letter through the Forum DMs). VIP member suggestions will be heavier considered, and only VIP members can suggest items for the static menu!​
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The Whimsy is not just a place of entertainment, but it is a venue, too! The topmost floor of the Whimsy is able to be reserved for events - albeit, at price. Additionally, some of the Whimsy's staff offer unique services that are difficult to find anywhere else.​


As a Venue |
Parts of the Whimsy's building are open for renting, and can be used comfortably as a venue for an event, and will come with the additional benefit of catering from available Whimsy staff members. There is no set price for renting the Whimsy out - as it generally depends on which part of the Whimsy is being reserved, what kind of event is being held, how many Whimsy staff will be required, and so forth. As a rule of thumb, renting out the Whimsy as a venue can range anywhere from 100 ((progression)) regals for small or low-maintenance events to 10,000 ((progression)) regals for extremely large or extremely risky events. Typically the Whimsy will only charge between 200 - 2,000 ((progression)) regals, however, as we want the service to be open to most in the city.
As a Place to Play |
The Whimsy opens its stages to any aspiring bards and entertainers outside the Whimsy staff. Typically an entertainer or a troupe will receive an invitation to play on the Whimsy's stages - for which the entertainers will receive compensation. However! One can still use the Whimsy as a place to go public without an invitation, albeit for a small price. Entertainers are favored by the Whimsy, and shows performed by non-whimsy staff without an invitation cost anywhere from 100 to 1,000 ((progression)) regals, depending on what sort of act will be performed.
As a Note |
The Whimsy wants its service as a venue and a place to play to be readily available to even those who may not be fortunate enough to have coin in their pocket. Any ((progression)) regal price may be waived for one (or multiple, depending on what is being purchased) 'Favor Debts' to Abigail Tucker. Any favor debts must be first discussed in person with Abigail.​


Some members of the Whimsy's staff have special talents and unique skills that are difficult to find anywhere else in Regalia. Due to this, some of the staff see it fit to sell their services as an entity separate to the Whimsy! All specialty services may differ in price, but will always cost some amount of ((progression)) regals. Below is a list of staff members that are offering a specialty service.​
Abigail Tucker |

Province-wide Party! |

Abigail Tucker will offer any buyer her services ((progression ability)) as an excellent host and hypewoman. Her talent lies in redirecting negative emotions and dissipating them through partying! It's said she can stop whole riots in their tracks, and placate general unease in a population. Abigail charges anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 ((progression)) regals for this service. Price depends entirely on how dangerous the province is for her, the nature of the riot, and her standing with the buyer. Additionally, any regal price can be substituted for one or more favor debts.​
Partypoopers-b-gone! |
Abigail Tucker will offer any buyer protection to any party or celebration, so long as Abigail is invited. Abigail can 100% guarantee that the party will not be interrupted without a hitch through the use of a super secret and super awesome technique passed down through generations and generations of Carnvaal Ailor. Abigail charges anywhere from 100 to 5,000 ((progression)) regals for this service, price depending entirely on the nature of the party and her standing with its host. Additionally, any regal price can be substituted for a single favor debt.​
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The Whimsy offers a VIP service for any investors in the Whimsy. VIP isn't technically a 'purchase', as it's more of a thank you from the Whimsy. Those who donate at least 1,000 ((progression)) regals to the Whimsy and Wanderlust will receive the following VIP benefits:

VIP members get the following list of benefits. All of these benefits are listed on the VIP Membership cards.
| Access to the upstairs VIP lounges, which offer comfy seating, an elevated view of the stage, and plenty of fresh pastries and drinks set out, all of which are free.
| A once-a-month (non-cumulative) 'free pass' for reserving and playing on the Whimsy's stages without an invite after owning VIP for at least a month.
| Priority when it comes to Whimsy stage or venue reservations.
| A once-a-month (non cumulative) free use of Abigail Tucker's specialty services without priority after owning VIP for at least a month.
| Priority for suggesting food, drink, or consumable items for the Whimsy's menu.
| (OOC) A special rank in the Whimsy Discord.​
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The Employees are what keep the Whimsy running and patrons happy. The Whimsy is always looking for more friendly faces to take in as hired employees.​
Employee List |
✪ | Abigail Tucker | @Lizmun | Contortionist and owner of the Whimsy and Wanderlust
✪ | Ana Cuerdez | @_e_money_ | Bartender and Dancer
✪ | Cosette | @ThatBurningFox | Mundane Entertainer and Socialite
✪ | Esmerava | @HorizonCythulu | Mute Violinist
✪ | Faelor | @hongkongmadaviet | Bartender and Socialite
✪ | Lark Redding | @Aphellon | Bouncer
✪ | Laurel | @Hierophant_ | ??? Cryptid
✪ | Leuthien | @invitica | General Staff Member
✪ | Nefer | @idk | Bouncer and Socialite
✪ | Niriana | @Spookmas | Archblood and Bouncer
✪ | Nishi | @Depressed_Bean | Dancer and Musician
✪ | Valleross | @PuffyPigeon | Sorcerer and Entertainer
Payment | ((This is a largely OOC section, though also assume that all of this is known IC with more IC friendly terminology.))
The Whimsy looks to be unique from other similar taverns by strictly not dealing in funny money. Meaning, any regals paid to employees will be exclusively in Progression Regals. (Though, feel free to assume your character also gets some sort of non-prog regal salary, too. I'm just not going to keep track of it.) I don't like hoarding money and I don't want to cheat people out of their time by not giving them anything of worth in return. Payment is calculated exclusively through how much rp a person brings in to the Whimsy. As a rule of thumb: If you get me more lines in the Whimsy's building, you'll be better compensated. Now, how are employees paid? It's simple:

There are two types of events recognized for payment purposes. Impromptu events, and Calendar events. Events will only be paid for if they are hosted on the Whimsy's property. Any character, despite what their job description says, can hold events at the Whimsy. Here's an explanation of what the differentiation of event types means:

Impromptu Events |
Impromptu events are things that are not planned beforehand, and are announced either in RP-OOC or in the #business-openings channel on the Massivecraft Discord. These sort of events are meant to be small and in the moment, examples of them include: Small shows, random parties, opening the gambling table, running the bar, or just hanging out. There isn't much restriction on what you can and cannot do for an 'impromptu' event, so long as it attracts rp. That being said, impromptu events should still be advertised in some manner. Bringing a group of friends to the Whimsy and chilling out under the radar for 5 minutes will not count as an impromptu event. Ultimately, it goes by my discretion, and I will not pay you prog regals if I feel like you are trying to cheat me.

Multiple staff members can head an impromptu event at once - for example, multiple staff members run the bar on a busy night, that would be an impromptu event. Or, multiple staff members participate in an impromptu show, or run the gambling tables.
Payment |
Impromptu events are meant to be small. Any event that draws 3 or more patrons will be considered successful. Successful impromptu events will earn the employee 150 progression regals for that event. If the event draws in more that 10 patrons, the event will be considered very successful, and will earn the character 500 progression regals.​
Calendar Events |
Calendar events are events that are much more planned out, and have a thread on the Massivecraft Forums and are on the forums calendar. While one staff member should head the event, more than one staff member can be involved as support - though it is up to the event host if they'd like to split the money they've earned between participants. Not everyone will be paid equally. Anything that is announced via thread AND calendar on the forums is considered a calendar event. I generally ask that any ideas for a calendar event be passed by me first, but otherwise anything that's on the Massivecraft calendar will count.
Payment |
Calendar events are supposed to be large and have a bit more thought put behind them. If the event draws in 5 or more patrons, it will be considered successful, and the host will earn 500 progression regals. If the event draws in 15 or more patrons, then it will be considered very successful, and the host will earn 1,500 regals. If the event draws in 30 or more patrons, it will be considered extremely successful, and the host will earn 3,000 regals. It is recommended that calendar events have some sort of RSVP attached to them so the host can have a more accurate means of counting attending patrons. An event will not be counted as 'extremely successful' without proof of patron attendance. Even if a calendar event proves unsuccessful, the host will still receive 100 progression regals for making an attempt.
Hiring |
The Whimsy is currently hiring! Fill out the following form and post it on this thread. Typically Abigail will hold an IC interview to finalize the hire.

▸ | Username and Discord:
▸ | Character Name:
▸ | Timezone:
▸ | Times generally online:
▸ | General activity rating (1/10):
▸ | Past punishments if any:
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview:​
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8/1/2020 | made the thread.
8/2/2020| 1. added links 2. formatting things and making it prettier
11/22/2020 | overhauled the Whimsy post.​
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Username: hongkongmadaviet
Character Name: Faelor Tal'Yind
Timezone: EST
Times generally online: Between 3pm and 10pm EST, sometimes earlier, sometimes later
General activity rating: 8.5/10, less something comes up IRL
Past punishments: N/A
Best time available for an IC interview: Anytime past 3pm :)
▸ | Username: Werrington
▸ | Character Name: Erhan su-Arkhuri
▸ | Timezone: EST
▸ | Times generally online: Afternoons/Nights (work/school schedule)
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): 4, soon to be higher now that finals are done with.
▸ | Past punishments if any: Knowing Lizmun
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: Pretty much any time/day aside from 2:30-4:30
▸ | Username: _e_money_
▸ | Character Name: Ana Cuerdez
▸ | Timezone: EST
▸ | Times generally online: weekday evenings, weekend afternoons
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): 5-7 depending on the week
▸ | Past punishments if any: N/A
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: Wednesday afternoon
▸ | Username: mayino
▸ | Character Name: Nizal Cizvylas
▸ | Timezone: GMT+1
▸ | Times generally online: Sporadic appearances though mostly evenings.
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): I tend to be a 7-8, but i have a tendency to drop of the face of the earth whenever i'm busy with real life stuff.
▸ | Past punishments if any: None
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: 11 pm-1 am GMT+1 is the best for me. Just let me know what day suits you, and we can see if it works for me.
| Username and Discord: SimpPulverizer
▸ | Character Name: Aemilia Panayiotou
▸ | Timezone: EST
▸ | Times generally online: Evenings
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): 6/10
▸ | Past punishments if any: let someone share my forum account
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: Whenever's convenient. I'm usually around
▸ | Username and Discord: DiabloDonut, DiabloDonut#0666
▸ | Character Name: Yelisaveta Mikhailovich
▸ | Timezone: GMT
▸ | Times generally online: Between 5pm/8pm - 6am GMT depending on days
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): 5-7/10
▸ | Past punishments if any: N/A
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: Not picky, I can usually make it
▸ | Username and Discord: A_Jumping_Bean and BeaneyBoo#8023
▸ | Character Name: Nishi Toyair
▸ | Timezone: EST
▸ | Times generally online: 8am to 11pm unless im busy which is rare
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): usually a 9, Im usually always free
▸ | Past punishments if any: none
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: any time all day​
▸ | Username and Discord: StevenWeen, u got me
▸ | Character Name: Selussa Dalunia
▸ | Timezone: CST
▸ | Times generally online: whenever people are on, evenings and afternoons
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): 4/10, looking to improve
▸ | Past punishments if any: n/a
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: anytime thats not the middle of the night
▸ | Username and Discord: NoRezForYou, dont be a fool
▸ | Character Name: Zz, Red, Frank, Bob, Mark, Zizzy (Take your pick)
▸ | Timezone: AWST
▸ | Times generally online: Prime time & Australian dead hours
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): 7/10
▸ | Past punishments if any: n/a
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: Sometime past like 6 EST
▸ | Username and Discord: Finnay_ | Finnay#2280
▸ | Character Name: Fennec Alturaar
▸ | Timezone: EST (UTC -5:00)
▸ | Times generally online: Later evening hours, generally around midnight (6pm-3am aprox)
▸ | General activity rating (1/10): 5/6 -- Would be available mostly on the weekends, or Tuesday evening; dependent on schedule.
▸ | Past punishments if any: None.
▸ | Time best available for an IC interview: Whenever is convenient.
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