What's Your Character Based Off? + Character Trivia

Sure why not. I'll do Joppa.

Joppa as a character has some weird origins. A year back I played darksouls, and never really got into it. I'd played a basic knight, and the game never really took off with me. Fast forward six months and I'm doing a vampire horsmen play through on Skyrim.

A month laterish I started reading H.P. Lovecraft, and fell in love with his writing style. It's a little verbose for Minecraft, and I've been replicating it elsewhere, but I wanted to capture a bit of the mystery and shadow he creates with his characters.

Joppa eventually evolved into a placid, verbose knight from Etosil with a stench which makes it clear to many that he is a rotted man, and intends to fight hard to stay well alive.
Let's see... I'll put my 2 main characters here.

Phon, first I made from an old character concept I brought from my old RP community. As an old master. I put that here, combined it with another OC of my old novel who was a laughably short man. Resulting in Phon being Master Yoda-ish fighter with a flash of youthfulness. He wasn't originally intended to have one eye though, I just slapped an eyepatch on in the process of medievalifying him (first appearance was zany bathrobe man with a cigar). And then, over the top badassery was in order. He was intended to be a powerful fighter right off the bat but somehow I lost more fights playing him than actually winning. I built his story and character sheet later on.
  • His original story of him being a homosexual stemmed from a joke about his size, that he would've looked like a girl when he was young.
  • He was originally to be socially awkward, but I found that him being intrusive no-bull was quite better suited.
  • Despite that, he was a total joker. This was not planned but rather bled in from my own personality.
  • In fact, most of his traits were upscaled better parts of me, might be why I was able to play him so fluidly.
  • Not a coincidence either that we have the same name, however, with the rewrite I gave in to popularity and changed his pronunciation to "Fon" instead of "Pon".
  • He was also left handed, don't know why I put that quirk in.
  • It was also a time of madness, I could say I was the only one who ever tried dual wielding 2 handed weapons using him.
  • I went through a version of rewrite before settling on the current one. He was to turn into a wholely different person with a whole different storyline.
  • His original storyline was packed to the brim with fantasy and rpg-esque adventures, but the rewrite toned that down a lot to make him more human.

And then, Mr. Ford.

My only successful "evil" sided character. Mr. Ford started off as a simply bystander made out of boredom and a need for random character to join in. Then he somehow grew and made a name for his own mysteriousness (kind of like the smoking guy in the X Files). I mostly stayed in the dark with his story and stuff to avoid the need for establishing anything concrete with it (let's face it, he'll instantly lose all sense of shroudiness if I roll out his character sheet here, you're supposed to be confused). The partial absurdity was indeed not lost, as I'm notorious.
  • Was mentioned to have a large connection in the sewers, with the gangs and black market smugglers.
  • All the way up to the surface, though he is never mentioned to hold an official ill will against any player controlled organization.
  • Only a few people so far ever attacked him directly, most people leave him alone or be friendly for some reason and I went along with that.
  • Also somehow gained a reputation for being evil, I don't know how, but I am truly delightful.
  • Mentions several bits and pieces of his past, including a wife and kids and a past occupation as a violet guard.
  • Some people are confused about his actual identity which I am also really happy about. Yes you, I'm looking at you. @SkidishingAround @Cowlegs_
  • I officially use raugh in place of laugh when I play him.
  • Also has a knack for sudden appearances to amp up his shroudy tone, he's supposed to be like a ghost.
  • I know it's absurd, I like doing that kind of gimmick.
  • And is also constantly told to f*** off by Tristan on several occasions by simply being in his presence. Y u do dis to me daddy @SupremeCripple
Alinar Holaharice is mostly based off the idea of a stereotype noble or some game of thrones like character. He's racist, power-hungry, and is not scared to show it.

Jones Firewill is based off the extreme of a sociopath and abused person, his fashion sense, personality, and looks are like that of Joffrey Baratheon.

Naya Flowerblade is the idea of a loyal faith of Estel worshiper, and a mage who knows some combat.

Alenlor Hambard is based of gollum from the lord of the rings, he has a split personality, skin colour of gollum, and size of the corrupt hobbit. He is also one of the only half shendar, half dwarfs out there.

Wartug is the idea of a orc who is intelligent for an orc and skilled in stuff orcs are not normally skilled in, like archery or metal crafting.