What Other Rp Setting Would You Want The Staff Of Massive To Create?

What Era/Setting would you prefer for RP? (Explain why in Comments Section)

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I'd like to see a sci-fi /futuristic world.
I'd like to see Aloria about 500-1,000 years in the future, during an industrial revolution in a world that also has magic. Will mysticism meld with science? Or will one destroy the other? What new creatures, cultures, legends, magics, and technology would we see in such a world?
Exactly what I thought. I can imagine it being a lot like Dishonored, a fantasy world where technology and magic exists, and I really love the setting there.
Steam-punk Aloria :O

Yes. Must.


What are your orders, Rebel Leader Annju?
No other rp setting... Fine as is. Bring back large scale PvP... Only what 3? 4? PvP facs left?
I would like something different.
What about the Aztecs?
How do you think Carthage felt fighting Rome?
Maybe Celtic Gaul in the iron age?
Age of enlightenment?
Romantic Era?
Some dystopian worlds?
What about the world in which the Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness is set?
For now, I don't feel I need to pick, I can dream about the highlights of each one, and it is only when this becomes reality, which if it does happen, will be a while in the waiting, that I feel picking and choosing might be necessary. But gee wouldn't it be great!
I wouldn't mind seeing like a Fallout-esque type of Aloria...
The nobles could be those humans that still survived the fallout
and then people like me would just be like totally dead OR zombified :3