• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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What Is True Fun?


Feb 19, 2023
Reaction score
What Truly is fun? Races of all kinds have pondered the question for eons and many had different answers. Some say that a simple sip of tea is enough for them, others say a horse ride through the Forests and Open Fields was plenty. However it remains the question, what is fun TRULY?

Coming into the land of Regalia I have had that question stirring in my head. I watched those around me and gained many friends along the way, we had good drinks, laughs, moments, and we had each other's backs.

All I knew was that, maybe it was the answer. It's not about the activity or how grand it is, but the friends and experiences we make along the way. We must learn to love others and be open to all, don't restrict them but instead approach with kindness. Don't restrict them from their traditions or shame for their history or race.

This was in my head as I saw a few books being published on how people are supposed to act or feel but the thing is.

If they all act the same, what uniqueness is left? Where does the fun go? A drop now gone into the sea, never knowing of its fate.

I ask you today, look at yourselves, are you truly having fun? Or are you waiting on the shore to dive into the sea and join the fun?


Awa Sayu (Party Queen of The Seven Seas)
"Murder is fun, yes."

Riftan Vaedra says to himself, drinking some tea while reading the board of notices.
"This was a fun read." Adds the Count of Penfork, sipping his evening brandy as he read over the missive.
"This was a fun read." Adds the Count of Penfork, sipping his evening brandy as he read over the missive.
"I politely agree," said one of Count Penfork's many butlers with a shiny bald head and a well-shaven beard. Like all of the Count's servants, this one was prim and proper and spoke with the class and sophistication that he'd been trained to speak with after graduating from Ithania's Butler Academy. "Would you like to continue taste-testing your brandy collection?"
Tarlok sat there in his homestead, leaning back after reading the missive, with one simple inquiry.

"There are seven seas?"