Archived What If Diamond Armor Was Not Craftable.

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Well that is that. the question is the title.

  • Ive been thinking that without diamond armor mobs would be a hell of allot harder to fight and players may be forced to take shelter at night in places like fenderfell and daendroc.
  • Also it would be better for war since most players would be able to afford the armor and armor would break faster in elongated battles.
  • Its makes more sense to wear iron armor then diamond armor.
Making an edit that the problem I was trying to solve with this thread would not work unless you ether got rid of item enchants like sharpness and protection or just made it so they did not affect player damage and only worked on mobs.
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Personally I think most pots and enchanted armor should be thrown out the window. But i'm an old school kind of guy.
Confronting all your complaints with simple answers.

  • Mobs are simple, even with iron armor, nothing can change that.
  • Diamonds cost a regal a pop.
  • In RP diamond armor and weapons are actually just a strong steel, not actual diamonds.
And what about enchants? is their a made up RP reason for that trout?
Like its just better quality forged or whatever?
Because although the RP reasons towards it could be feasible but outside the gates or regalia
Armor is more than just a skin.
No enchants or diamond armor!!! Throw str pot lvl 2 out the window as well.
And what about enchants? is their a made up RP reason for that trout?
Like its just better quality forged or whatever?
Because although the RP reasons towards it could be feasible but outside the gates or regalia
Armor is more than just a skin.
No enchants or diamond armor!!! Throw str pot lvl 2 out the window as well.
To be completely honest yes, a feasible explanation for most Regalian high guards when wearing a suit of god armor is usually Coen forged. But saying it is /enchanted/ is not lore compliant, since no magic has the ability to do this. As me and many others understand you tend to get angry when you don't have something your way, so I'll keep my arguments short and blunt.
And what about enchants? is their a made up RP reason for that trout?
Like its just better quality forged or whatever?
Because although the RP reasons towards it could be feasible but outside the gates or regalia
Armor is more than just a skin.
No enchants or diamond armor!!! Throw str pot lvl 2 out the window as well.

Diamond armour has, and always will be, available to use. You saying this, is almost like me saying that they should remove skins for roleplayers and just have everyone Steve so that if people cant make skins they don't feel bad.
The reasoning that it would make Armor cheaper is just plain invalid.
With the cost of 8 iron vs 8 diamonds in comparison to the amount a God Chest piece costs the difference there is negligable.
If anything it would increase the cost of god armor because Iron is not as enchanteble as diamond.

From an RP standpoint i believe enchants are how well made the tools/armor is. (Not sure)
And diamond is a medium to low carbon content steel, such as crucible, wootz, or Damascus steel.
Bottom line is most people using enchanted diamond armor, aka god armor, are not roleplaying at the time, but pvping. In the rare cases where they are, it is as was previously stated.
Made an edit of the original post.
I don't think the RP reason should matter since you can wear orange leather and say its this new steel that is stronger than mithril.
I was thinking of it in a pure pvp sence. I mean I bet battles on the server would be more frequent and way more large scale if it where all in iron armor and no enchanted armor.
Don't bother refurbishing the idea. Under no circumstance will we decide to disable a standard minecraft feature that doesn't impose a server security issue.
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