What Do You Think Lies Beyond The Maps?


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
So, I recently tried to start a forum RP called "Beyond the Maps." Only one person joined, so... call it canceled unless a bunch of people show interest. But, the idea stayed with me. What is beyond the map of discovered Aloria? Presently discovered Aloria is supposed to take up about the size of modern day Europe, from what I understand. That leaves a lot of world to be discovered. Do you think it is all just open seas, or are there large continents waiting to be discovered? And what lives on these new lands? In the size of Europe, we see many of the cultures found here on Earth, from German, to Asian cultures, to French, to Russian, Native American, and other cultures.

What kinds of cultures are left to discover? Would they even be recognizable to us as cultures? Would their music sound anything like music to us? Would their languages have any parallel here on Earth? Would the flora, fauna, and fungi be completely alien?

Well, that's why I'm making this thread. To bounce ideas off of each other. We see a whole Earth of cultures packed into somewhere so small, so, what else exists? Let me know your thought below, and have a Massive day!

In all seriousness I think only 1/4 of Aloria is currently in game, with other places waiting to be explored. What is to the far south? Is there an American or Australian continent? Antarctica? Who knows!​
If you ask me, i'd argue that past Sendras's impassable mountains to the furthest south that the First Sendrassian Empire explored, I believe that this continent might extend all the way to the southern pole. How far that is.. is probably an equal distance it is to the northern pole as from the mountains, as generally considering as you travel south in the known map, the warmer it gets, meaning that (comparatively to our Earth) we near the equator of Aloria.

Now, i'm sure by calculations using the curvature of Aloria (probably someone in Yang-Tzu) someone has figured out the exact size, but if you ask me, we've discovered about 3/8 of Aloria, about just under half. While the entirety of the southern hemisphere is unexplored, (4/8th of the world), 3/8th of the northern hemisphere has been (3/8th). The remaining 1/8th is what lies beyond Guldar and the Dread Empire to the west, and Shen-Xi to the east. The reason I think there is only 1/8th remaining is due to the existence of similar bird races (using the existing lore, not the new Sihai) that being the Lovarr and the Avarr to both the far west and the far east of the known world, that they may be related in some sense. Now. This is just my thought, but, hey, whatever-- it's all fun to theorize!
Bird races? I need wiki links for this.

I've been interested in this topic before, and even considered forming a group with the intent of passing the known world.

It should be incredibly easy to calculate the size of Aloria, and I'd be surprised if it hasn't already been discovered. With the information of the size of Aloria, all that would be needed is figuring out the size of the discovered world, and how close to the equator and north pole has been discovered. Once we've got those facts figured out, we'd just need to see what has been said about the 'borders' to the world that exist, and find ways to surpass them.
Being that magic is a large force in most of aloria's evolution, I'd say that there is probably more allar and maiar-like species. The rest of aloria's probably hasn't hunted their dragons to extinction so the primal magic is probably more prevelent, which would mean more magic, so evolution for all creatures probably takes place at the rate of maiar, so there is probably much more specialization. Meriac rule might still be in place in some places, being that we aren't aware of how the cataclysm impacted Meriac outside of what is explored, and it is implied that they ruled a great majority of aloria's, so there had to be a lot of Meriac that we don't know of out there.
Tbqh I think that the void has likely taken over a portion of the world, there were likely more void interactions with Aloria than we currently know of, and I bet they are currently taking part on the other side of the equator.
I'd like to imagine a culture that's maybe a few tech advancements ahead of known Aloria, like an aussie/american inspired race, or even maybe an indian esc one