Ah, what do I remember? Hmmm...
I remember lagging out in
SilverEdge on my first login ever. 2 years and 9 months ago I think (/seen MasterMachine100)
I remember digging out a tiny hobbit hole in VSTC, my first faction, after joining thanks to ThomasOverMany, who got me on Massive.
I remember fighting* Badru way back when the highest mcMMO stats didn't pass 2k.
I remember the Expansion of Ceardia.
I remember the coup-de-etat against Pidog10 where Thomas and I took over VSTC.
I remember the banning of ItsNickBarry and the subsequent collapse of the Pristinian Empire.
I remember being sad/furious that bbgun99 was banned because her IP matched Nicks due to being siblings.
I remember the Pinkcraftian Empire and Original Magenta.
I remember to destruction of Farmlands by Mrs.Baver.
I remember Zpade and his Japanese faction.
I remember the civil war between Osion and Pristina(VSTC) where I mined out a giant trench between the two halves of the island we shared.
I remember when Fishing was OP as f*ck.
I remember the construction of Gran Laurona, named after Laura Redblock, after Thomas and I founded it.
I remember Wessexstock (#1 Staff member from Old Massive.)
I remember taking over Osion after Thomas went inactive.
I remember founding Fort Osion in the ruins of an old Pristina fortress in Daendroc.
I remember Osion Empire and the war between BlackMagic and Osion.
I remember the 2nd Pristina, under srox111, which built a large city near Osion.
I remember SilverWind and SilverEdge. And the Doom of Ceardia.
I remember leaving Osion because of f*cking griefers who I will never forgive (and totally haven't completely 4gotten the names of... totally!)
I remember founding Osai Town when Ellador came out.
I remember the old Argonia-Osai conflict.
I remember the 2nd Serenum Empire.
I remember TheEnclave.
I remember the Imperials Conflict an the FHFDoomCannon (FIRE ZE FHFHDOOMCANNON!)
I remember the collapse of Argonia and Valyria and the fall of the Imperial Empire.
I remember TheMirk, founded when Ithania came out after I gave Osai to OctoberGwen.
I remember Fort Mirk, the best castle ever created (not too big, not too fancy, a perfect military base

I remember being cursed by Mrs.Baver and becoming evil.
I remember Hisoka (faction) and expanding from just myself and an alt into the largest faction (108 members) on the server.
I remember Solaris.
I remember Igelson and FireSoap an Luke (from Lukkerdam).
I remember the founding of the Hisokian Collective in order to avoid McMufffin's McRaid4Moniez policy.
I remember the early stages of Docktown.
I remember the Alamut-Docktown conflict.
I remember the Chronikatr War.
I remember the Kelmorian Conflict and the renaming of Docktown into Okyno.
I remember finding out that
@bjoan had a faction and being so proud that on of my old Osion members had turned into a faction leader.
I remember the 2nd Imperials Conflict.
I remember the Chaos of Osai and the destruction of Hallows End.
I remember the Crimson Inquisition.
I remember the Return to Docktown.
I'm sure I've forgotten a great deal, but this is as much as I remember right now. I've been on this server since before MonMarty joined, back when it had just a single world. I've seen a shitton of stuff go down, I've been on the good and bad side of conflicts, an there was a time when I even could have PvPed well. I feel f*cking old xD