Archived Werewolfs

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Jul 16, 2016
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Hello everyone. Welcome to my first suggestion.
I'm not sure if they have already suggested this but i believe that it will be a very nice thing to have in the server.


Human at Day, Wolf at Night!

The server currently use 2 racees the first one is the Humans and the second one is the Vampires
Of course the most players act like Orcs, Elfs, Dwarfs with the MassiveTraits and the Nicknames
But these players who wants to be Warewolfs can't do many things!


The Idea
Warewolfs? What do you mean Warewolfs!

There are many plugins out there that allowes you to add Warewolfs at your server,
Of course everyone here knows that MassiveCraft have it own lovely and talentred developers.

There are many mobs in the factions with nick names like a Wolf named Aplha Wolf or
Cows named Im Not A Sheep and many more! So there can be some npc's named however you want
with ripped off T-Shirt and Pants and if you go very close he will bite and infect you!
There can also be an Altar to cure or infect the player at /tp Altars.
So when someone is a Warewolf he have some strenghts and some wesknesses


Try to kill me!

There are 5 strenghts:

Wolf Morph
Wolf Morph allowes you to turn into a wolf for 60 seconds you can enable the wolf morph by /w morph ON/OFF.

Wolf Rampage

Wolf Rampage gives you Strenght II for 20 seconds you can enable the Wolf Rampage by /w rampage ON/OFF.

Wolf NightVision
Wolf NightVision gives you NightVision for unlimited time you can enable the Wolf NightVision by /w NightVision ON/OFF.

Wolf Illusion
Wolf Illusion creates an army of 20 angry wolfs for 2.5 minutes they can't kill anyone nor die if you enable the Wolf Illusion you will be invisible for 2.5 seconds But you can't go more than 150 blocks away.

Wolf Scream
Wolf Scream gives Blidness II, Weakness II, Mining Fatigure II to all the players 10 blocks around you for 5 seconds
and you get Jump Boost II for 5 seconds.


Let me live!

There are 5 weaknesses:

Ultimate Hunger
You get Ultimate Hunger when you do Wolf Rampage and Wolf Scream, that means that if you lose 0.5 food per 10 seconds now you lose 1 food per 5 seconds.

Strong Weakness
You get Strong Weakness when you use the Wolf Illusion. That means that you get Weakness II and you deal x2 times less damage than you normally do.

Your nametag is shown when you are in the Wolf Morph, so you can't stalk anyone! Of course when you shift your name tag is hidden like the normal players.

When you are Warewolf you automatically get Carnivore Trait, it's the only trait you have that means that you can only eat meat based food like Cooked Porchop.

Weakness I
Vampires burn to death when they are under the DayLight, Warewolfs have Weakness I when its Day that means that you deal x1 time less damage than you normaly do.


Thats all for today! Be sure to live your opinion below and if you have anything that
can improve my idea send me a Private Message!

⛏ ~Amy

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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I really don't want to burst your bubble, but there's been about 20 or so threads with Werewolfs, cool concept, every thread has good ideas, they just really do not fit anywhere in the lore.
I really don't want to burst your bubble, but there's been about 20 or so threads with Werewolfs, cool concept, every thread has good ideas, they just really do not fit anywhere in the lore.
I didn't knew that they have already posted that. But honsetly it's the same as the Vampires!
It could be some kind of mild possesion like the vampires.
Also read first and then comment please :) There can be something that you might like
It's been stated numerous times it's not gonna happen, sorry bud.
I don't know if either of them are about or have the time to give you a legit reason why, but I'll tag two people anyway. @Shayin and @MonMarty
Dont get us wrong. Werewolves sound like an amazing concept and could add a great experience in game.

However its been stated that new races arent being discussed at the moment. And werewolves have been specifically mentioned as not in the near future.
I never asked someone to give me a legit reason i can understand why they might don't add them. But addign new races will make it a bit more roleplay. Not saying that they MUST add it, and because they have already mention it in the far past it doesn't mean that they are will not add them. Of course they might never add them but its worth to try and give them some good reasons about why they have to add it.
I cannot officially speak on behalf of the Tech Department, however I do not think a Werewolf Plugin is high on their list of things to do, even if it were to be accepted.

In terms of Lore, we are not currently accepting suggestions for Races. The concept of Werewolves have been suggested and brought up time after time again and every time they have been shut down.

Additionally, Massivecraft has about twenty different races, and Vampires are not one of them. I strongly recommend you read up on the Wiki to see what all the Lore currently has to offer before you make suggestions on what we should add for Roleplay reasons.
Idea aside, why would you reply entirely in Grey Book Antiqua. My eyes, my poor eyes. q-q
To be completely honest, I usually don't like fonts and colors like that, but having the original poster have a different font or color makes the thread easier to follow

I have no problem with the original post.

But making every reply grey and cursive... eeek

I think it'd be more effective to make your font blue or red or something if that was what you're trying to achieve.
Who needs werewolves when you have Thylans? the Humanoid WOLF people, are practically like werewolfs.. that never change back into humans.
Sorry for making grammar mystakes Mr. Racist
Nothing racist about their comment.
If English isn't your first language, and someone makes the "ware-store wolf" pun, it doesn't make them a racist.

Racism is a horrific and horrible thing kept alive by "the old and bigoted".

This - the pun that @kudzzy made - is far from prejudice/discrimination against you because you're a different race to them, based on the belief that their own race is superior to yours. It's simply "lol 'warewolf' hehe".

Sorry to get all formal like this - I get there's no real way to write my opinion about this without coming across as a little bit of a twat or with a "high and mighty" vibe (which isn't my intent) - but I can't hold my tongue (or rather "my fingers" in this case) after seeing the word thrown around so lightly and so many times. Of course you can claim "Oh I was just joking; I don't actually think they're a racist", though I still feel that "racist" is a very powerful word and accusation, and to use it lightly only serves to water it down and almost - in a sense - cause actual racism to seem less important. I could go on for a very long time about this, if you'd like to have a private convo.

Geez, I'd not go as far as calling them a racist. They didn't imply you were inferior due to your race, nor did they even likely know you were a different race. I mean, all yah did was spell a few words wrong and all they did was point it out; with a pun.

@65jes89 Upon reading the subject again, I've been unable to notice anything I missed? I wrote only what happened - Kud making a pun, and DahCutiePlays calling them racist for it.

Please remove rating or hit me up in a convo to let me know what it is exactly you want me to fix / address :S
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Sorry for making grammar mystakes Mr. Racist
I've been called racist for so many mundane things that I almost didn't notice this. Racism, in my eyes, should only apply if someone is actively discriminating someone from doing something because of their race.

Jokes that happen to be about a certain race are not racist, in my opinion. People that actually harden their skin and not get offended so easily tend to make more friends than the opposite.

The point I'm trying to make with this post is, don't throw that word around so lightly. People have gotten fired because someone called them racist online, which is a bit more threatening than getting butthurt over a joke on the Internet.
Lol, you dont onyl call someone racist because he makes fun of your Color or Country, he didnt posted that in a way like 'Dude its Werewolf not Warewolf lel' he putted a picture with 'a Warewolf' to make fun of my typo and me.
See?? Not hard to understand :)

Im not gonna lose my time to explain you why what he posted makes him Racist, and if not racist at least
what he wrote might make some people feel bad. Im not one of them because i know that he is a guy
behind a screen and nothing more! So i dont want to make enemies here so i will stop now ;)

But werewolves don't exist!!
They are fake!

Anybody can spell this however the hell they want

You can't just bring a real world issue in and pretend they're equivalent.

See. not so hard to understand
Let's move away from political correctness and back to the op, aye?...
But werewolves don't exist!!
They are fake!

Anybody can spell this however the hell they want

You can't just bring a real world issue in and pretend they're equivalent.

See. not so hard to understand
That doesnt make sense v.v i never said anything about that the werewolfs exist., my problem is that some guys in the forums and in game are a$$#01e$
Whats the point of make fun of a grammer mistake? Anyways i will stop now :)
That doesnt make sense v.v i never said anything about that the werewolfs exist., my problem is that some guys in the forums and in game are a$$#01e$
Whats the point of make fun of a grammer mistake? Anyways i will stop now :)
So wait let me get this straight

He was being... racist..? by calling out a grammar mistake?

Am i understanding this right?
man i dont care if it was meant for rp would be pretty nice for survival
Its okay. This thread wasn't taken very seriously from the beginning and now youve lost all credibility. So reply or dont it doesnt matter honestly
Youre right. I dont understand. Enlighten me to what exactly was racist.
Jokes aside,they've got no point just blind idiotcy that everything that's not their opinion is racist,sexist and so on,it's a simple,and a rather shit,way to discredit people...

-with meh,tired grim
The funny thing is that you rate my posts 'Please red the subject again' xD
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