Archived Warning: Don't Loot Massive Armor

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


of Tranquility
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Remember those old voting rewards that were called Massive Armor? They were removed and people were refunded a bit of silver for them. I just found a piece lying around in an old chest of mine and was going to sort it into an armor chest. As I looted it, it was removed from the game, nothing strange about that seeing how they were not supposed to exist any longer.

The problem came that instead of getting a refund, I was charged 100 regals, as seen in the screenshot here:

I talked with Jadex about it, and he confirmed that I should have received 100 regals, instead of losing 100 regals, so I was virtually down 200 regals because of this bug, or faulty data entry. Now, while Jadex was kind enough to give me 76 regals from his own pocket, he told me that the server does not refund this kind of transaction because it's due to a bug.

So I would like to warn everyone, especially now that people might be looting a lot of old opened up Deadbolt-chests, if you find a piece of Massive Armor lying around, do not loot it. You'll find yourself short of a LOT of regals, with no way of getting it back, except for perhaps a kind moderator with shallow pockets. ;)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Thanks for the heads up, would piss me off to end up this way... someone remind me to send Jadex 100r since he's a nice guy.
Cayorion's accidental typo sometimes has hilarious results.

(also the server does kinda refund bug money deductions, Jadex made an incorrect statement on that part)
You will receive what you can prove you lost, and I'd ask you to send Jadex his money back.
I've sent back Jadex his 76 regals, as he can confirm. And as for proof, it's in the original post that instead of receiving 100 regals, I lost 100 regals, thus 200 regals are missing in total, but just covering what I lost (100 regals) would be completely fine.
I'll have to ask the nearest admin to execute this for me, as I am on holiday and unlikely to get on the server for the rest of today and tomorrow.

Mecharic Don't forget to pay Jadex!
i was just doing what i was told >.>

I can confirm that this at least was a rule, I've seen it stated before that money lost due bugs aren't refunded. The bank is for paying back scammed players, as far as I'm aware of. Not sure where I've read this, but it's out there somewhere.
I was under the impression Gethelp did the act when I requested him to. I will do it myself.
Thank you MonMarty, the money issue has been dealt with now.

I would request that the thread can stay open until the variable has been fixed to alert people. After that, feel free to close it.
Since this forum has been made private, and this is a public warning, perhaps some kind soul can move it to a better subforum until it gets fixed? Is there a forum that can be used for "server feedback and complaints"? Some things aren't covered in Ideas and Features such as this thread, but it's not really directed towards the staff either.
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Since this forum has been made private, and this is a public warning, perhaps some kind soul can move it to a better subforum until it gets fixed? Is there a forum that can be used for "server feedback and complaints"? Some things aren't covered in Ideas and Features such as this thread, but it's not really directed towards the staff either.
This thread is in the public section of he forums.
I know this because I cannot seethe complaints section.