Archived War Machines!

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
May 31, 2014
Reaction score
So, yeah. Prems can build cannons. One, I think that non-prems should be able to build cannons. Two, maybe there could be other war machines, like maybe catapults, or battering rams. Things like that, you know?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
You can build such mechanisms wherever you want, they just don't work.
You need to expand on this idea. If you want to see this implemented, I suggest researching this topic more. Look up similar plugins to what you are suggesting. The staff are unlikely to focus efforts on something like this until they finish what they are doing now. To make a good suggestion, you need to have at least two or three decent length paragraphs explaining in detail why something is needed. I also suggest adding a pole to any suggestion made in the future, as this shows what the community thinks without needing to read the comments.
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