Archived /walk

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That guy you might remember.
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
I'm from Verdandil!
Roleplay Guilds
I don't know if it's because I find it weird for grown ass adult characters to be running around everywhere or because of my pet peeve of having to make huge sweeping movements whenever I want a slight position adjustment without crouching due to lag.

Either way I've always thought that a command to turn on or off a Slowness I effect would be a brilliant little addition to RP. Having the ability to shut it down automatically in a response to sprint would be pretty nifty as well.
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This would be a fantastic feature especially when I'm in the tavern, cuz I lag like crazy....also maybe if guards are chasing a noob that won't slow down, find a way to put slowness lvl 10 on the noob?
love this idea, make people walking on the streets more realistic, I definitely support this
Yes, We need to move at the speed of those NPCS...thats walking..when we MC walk its like fast walking. RP wise..maybe we have slowness 1 in Regalia..I mean you're not really supposed to be running at breakneck speed through a bustling, busy city anyways are you? Unless you want to be stopped by guards. Maybe the citizens/pedestrians would have slowness 1 and the guards can go normal (or speed 1? o_0) making it more realistic that the guards would catch the pedestrians..? But in most medieval's I've seen..guards tended to have mounts (well at least the higher ranking ones..)
Yes, We need to move at the speed of those NPCS...thats walking..when we MC walk its like fast walking. RP wise..maybe we have slowness 1 in Regalia..I mean you're not really supposed to be running at breakneck speed through a bustling, busy city anyways are you? Unless you want to be stopped by guards. Maybe the citizens/pedestrians would have slowness 1 and the guards can go normal (or speed 1? o_0) making it more realistic that the guards would catch the pedestrians..? But in most medieval's I've seen..guards tended to have mounts (well at least the higher ranking ones..)
It appears you are mistaking this for a forced feature, as the title of the thread indicates I am referring to a command that you can toggle on or off at any time in any place.
Oh yes, I understood that, but i was wondering if we made it...not forced but mandatory in Regalia.. ;)
It sounds like a great idea. Due to lag, I happen to run into/through people...Er...A lot. It would be nice if we had a walk command. Most people don't run through busy cities on a regular basis. Though the coding would be rather hard, then again, I haven't ever made a plugin or mod.
I don't think the coding is hard. It exactly the same like nightvision for vampires, only that it is another command and another effect.
I thought this idea was so people can walk and chat at the same time, but this is good as well.
... Yes. This would be very nice so I don't have to starve myself to walk somewhat slowly.
Perhaps a slowness debuff, yes, but what of the particle effects? Personally that would be a great annoyance to myself and a few others I am sure. (I hope I am not the only insane one.) I say that if the /walk command is implemented, the particle effects should not be an element of it.
Perhaps a slowness debuff, yes, but what of the particle effects? Personally that would be a great annoyance to myself and a few others I am sure. (I hope I am not the only insane one.) I say that if the /walk command is implemented, the particle effects should not be an element of it.
I am in complete agreement, the idea of disabling particle effects however might be one that would need some working around. As I am sure you have seen, vampires, whose particle effects are hidden, have been made just barely visible with the coming of 1.7, also it's worth noting that prior to that, disabling particle effects was not a selective process as external influences such as potions wouldn't leave particles on the vampires due it being a player specific rather than effect specific function.
Oh yes, I understood that, but i was wondering if we made it...not forced but mandatory in Regalia.. ;)

Lolnope. Nobody wants to HAVE to walk all over the place, and besides, what if you were roleplaying and had to chase someone? Is it really a dramatic chase when you're walking behind the person? And what about guards chasing somebody? It would just ruin the whole thing. I support the /walk, but not the forced walking.
I posted a post exactly like this a few months ago. I ain't mad though, this needs to be implemented. SUPPORT +1!
It certainly is an Interesting Idea.
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