Archived Vote All Link

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, this is just a suggestion I have. Instead of clicking on each 17 voting link individually, is there someway that a "Vote All" link could be implemented?

When the person clicks on the "Vote All" link, all of the voting websites will be opened onto different tabs or some sort. I don't even know if that is possible, just throwing that out in case if it is possible.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
@ulumulu1510 Is this possible?

I don't think it is but I don't really know so yeah
omg an open all feature would be amazing. a lot of the reason i dont like voting is because of the time it takes. if this was implemented it would be so much faster!
I really don't think this can be implemented, it would require too much effort on the side of each individual sites. (Implementing a system to connect all websites to one source).
I really don't think this can be implemented, it would require too much effort on the side of each individual sites. (Implementing a system to connect all websites to one source).
the idea isnt on the effort of each site at all tho.

the idea is essentially a thing that opens all the links at once in different tabs/windows what have you instead of having to click each one individually
I see this idea, then like it....
...but when I think about how it would work in more detail, I hit a wall.

Here's my big thing: Minecraft has a little thing in chat settings where it asks you if you are sure about the link you clicked. Accepting the link opens the window, and you're there.

So how would this Minecraft feature work with 17 different websites? You can't accept the link, because there is no link. One idea is to just have one link you click in Minecraft, which moves you to a webpage that opens up all 17 sites then. But that seems a bit out there.

For me, I love this idea, but have no idea how an implementation is even possible. So I'll just keep clicking links on one side of my window and have Minecraft on the other.
the idea isnt on the effort of each site at all tho.

the idea is essentially a thing that opens all the links at once in different tabs/windows what have you instead of having to click each one individually
Oh wow I completely misread the post! Sorry it's been a busy night. I believe you can open all of the tabs at once using a FireFox bookmark feature, @badbill089 was telling me about it the other day. It seems quite simple from what he told me... you'll have to look into it yourself or confirm it with Bill though. I thought you were trying to make a thingy which voted for each site at one time, seriously I need sleep sorry.
Oh wow I completely misread the post! Sorry it's been a busy night. I believe you can open all of the tabs at once using a FireFox bookmark feature, @badbill089 was telling me about it the other day. It seems quite simple from what he told me... you'll have to look into it yourself or confirm it with Bill though. I thought you were trying to make a thingy which voted for each site at one time, seriously I need sleep sorry.
YES! I just spoke in game with @badbill089

This method also works on chrome (idk about explorer)
You save all the websites into a bookmark folder by itself then you can right-click the folder and there is an option to open all.
Explorer is so trashy, that Microsoft got rid of it and had Edge now.

(I still use Chrome, cuz it's still a replacement to Explorer)
Perhaps the link opens to the Massivecraft voting page and from there you can vote? Having the links all in one window and choosing from there seems like less of a hassle as you can just open open a window for each site.
Well, what you can do in Google Chrome is Bookmark all 17 links, put them in their own Bookmark Folder and then right click that folder and open them all at once.

Aside from that I don´t think that it is possible to get a link that opens up all 17 pages at once.
Because im pretty sure that I would have experienced some sites to abuse that to force open a ton of adds at once by now.
But hey, im not an expert , there might be something I haven´t considered.
While I think this is an awesome idea for some, you would still kill my laptop with it. I overheat if I have more than 5 pages open while playing MC (and you need to be online to get the voting rewards). So yeah, please no.
This is easy, but your browser is going to complain about popups.
I made an example that only opens 3 links in one go.
But you'll see your browser will stop it from happening.
You'd have to specificity allow it to happen.

PS: you have to press RUN, top left button.
This is easy, but your browser is going to complain about popups.
I made an example that only opens 3 links in one go.
But you'll see your browser will stop it from happening.
You'd have to specificity allow it to happen.

PS: you have to press RUN, top left button.
I added all the links :P

You can enable pop-ups on that particular site and it'll work. For chrome, at least, just right click the icon at the end of the address bar and allow it.
I added all the links :P

You can enable pop-ups on that particular site and it'll work. For chrome, at least, just right click the icon at the end of the address bar and allow it.
Ofcourse what you'd want is that you'd receive a link ingame with arguments added that informs the page which links need to be added.
That way only the sites you haven't voted on are opened.
Anyone else already have this?
(I know there's probably a few above who've already posted this method before me.)
I'm on chrome and I have a folder named "MassiveVote" that contains all the links to all the voting websites.

Rightclick > Open all > CtrlTab + Write and copy name + Vote > CtrlTab + Paste Name + Vote > Repeat until done.
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