Visiting Home...

"Now remember… this will be the least extravagant holiday you have ever been on."

Some time had passed since everything. The city was calm and the young Ravenstad couple had found themselves with some time to spare. What better way to spend it with family? Czylle and Erwald spoke idly as they gathered their things. Peasant clothing had been bought for them, and the nobles were swapping out their trinkets for necessities. Even little Bastian found himself in simple garb.. not that the child knew what was happening.

"I mean, unless you count the naval voyages, I haven't been on any sort of holiday in years. Though I will remember those words to prevent myself from becoming -too- excited." Erwald replied with a light-hearted tone, clearly jesting as he finished packing.

"Ready then? Shall we leave?"



Despite not having revisited her home since she arrived in Regalia, Czylle could navigate from the port perfectly after the family had made their way down from the boat. There was much that changed- no doubt thanks to the floods, but repairs were done or on their way. All around them we people from varying walks of life. Farmers or fishers or maids.. shopping on the docks edge or loading up the next boat. Breathing in, Czylle took comfort in the not-so-pleasant smell. It was good to be away from the city, she thought. It was nice for a change.

Being an admiral, this was not the first time that Erwald visited such a port and made no complaints as he wandered along the docks. On the contrary, whilst the Ravenstad was usually known for his dislike of busy areas, he seemed quite content to be strolling along with his family through the crowds. Realising this, Erwald concluded that it was because none of the attention was upon him for once, which left him free to take in the sights and sounds without worry for how he looked or what was expected of him.

Czylle encouraged Erwald to linger about briefly, to browse any potential shops or peddlers before they located a cart willing to take them to their destination…



Czylle recalled the time she had travelled long this similar route when she had been invited to Regalia by her brother. How nervous she had been.. how uncertain. It had been close to ten years since then, but she could recall the emotions perfectly. Whilst she daydreamed, Erwald caught her gaze.

"A regal for your thoughts?" he asked.

Czylle adjusted Bastian in her arms. He was swaddled tightly in several layers of linen, along with the patchwork blanket his mother had made. She drew her gaze away from the passing scenery and rest it upon her husband.

"I am more nervous than on our wedding day. What if they do not recognise me? What if they do not welcome us?"

She had swapped letters as often as she could but in her mind lingered doubt. Shaking it away, the woman smiled to her husband and made her way carefully across the cart a few steps to sit besides him.

Erwald rested an arm around his wife's shoulders as she sat down, ensuring she was comfortable as he returning a reassuring smile. Briefly glancing down to check on his son, the man soon returned his gaze to admiring the view as he muttered a response to her.

"You are thinking far too much, all of those possibilities are very unlikely. You've maintained a correspondence with them ever since you left and even if they don't recognise you initially, that hardly means we won't be welcomed. Rest your mind, you are finally home."

The trip took several hours. Czylle could only tell thanks to the suns change in position over the sky. Bastian had fallen asleep thanks to the constant vibrations as the cart dragged itself across stony makeshift paths, dug into the ground by consistent work of horse and cart. But soon enough the surroundings became familiar, and Czylle knew they were close. Her anticipation piqued again, and it made her feel uneasy.

Eliora and Aelfric Baleford.

Their names made their appearance in her mind now. She knew she had to make introductions.. she had to introduce them to Bastian, and she would have to fill them in on everything that had happened..

Having kept an eye on his family for the majority of the trip, Erwald had tried to settle Czylle's worries as much as he could but knew that most of them would vanish upon reaching their destination. He was not fond of meeting new people himself but was willing to make an effort to please his wife, with comfort coming from knowing that they were the couple that raised her. This relaxed the man somewhat, allowing him time to enjoy the journey and look after their son to ensure Czylle was able to rest.

The cart came to a sudden stop. Gaze travelling along a long thin road, the couple could make out the shape of a small farm house. It was bigger than Czylle remembered. The two offered curt exchanges to the driver, offering payment twice over what he had expected. He made a promise to be return to collect the family in two weeks time, and then went off to likely waste away the coin he had just earnt.

The couple exchanged a glance. Erwald passed over Bastian to his wife, and gathered their various bags and satchels. They then began their way along the path..



Fields. Some worked and some grown. They went on for miles, though Czylle knew they did not all belong to her family. At least, they had not when she had been here. Fields and fields of wheat- no wonder Anglia had been named 'the grain barn'. Forest surrounded that. From a great distance to as far as the eye could see was forest. Dense, lush green trees kept the various farmland secluded and closed. Several wells were dotted about upon the farmland, the roofs of such could just be made out in the already worked fields.The family trudged further along the path until they approached the home.

"Definitely bigger," Czylle commented with a gesture to a newer looking section of the building. It was all painted white, with a simple thatch roof and strong wooden structures to keep the stone secure. It was certainly nothing elaborate, but it was home.

Erwald gave a rough shrug in response, not seeming too concerned with the specifics. He could respect people that had to live in conditions like this and had no complaints about spending a fortnight experiencing it for himself. His attention fell upon a nearby paddock, containing a small number of horses which he admired from afar, before turning forwards again as they approached the front entrance to the farmstead.

Czylle rapped her knuckles against the door three times...and waited.
A gruff voice answered, rather, he shouted loudly in open question,
"<Ang> Visitors? Who is it? We never get visitors! Miriam, answer the door will you!"
Miriam? Czylle thought, that was not a name she recalled.
As the door opened, the family were greeted by a small girl who appeared around five or six. Her eyes widened at their guests and she called out in the Anglian tongue.
"<Ang> Pa! A princess with yellow hair and a king with fire hair and a baby with fire hair too!"
Czylle smiled at the child though she said nothing.
Erwald similarly glanced down at the girl in silence, not having understood a word she had said. In that moment, he prayed that their hosts would speak a language he could understand at least vaguely.
The girl ran off then, leaving the door ajar for her fathers inspection.

A man soon approached the door. Now his was a face Czylle could recognise. Her agitation seemed to melt away at seeing the face of the man she once called father. The two stared at one another in stunned silence, even after Miriam had found her way back to her pa, with another character in tow. The newcomer, a female Czylle also recognised, took her place besides the man.

"<Ang> Czylle.." the man spoke, "<Ang> It has been… how many years?"
"<Ang> It will soon be ten," Czys replied quietly, sparing a glance between her husband, to the family. With a gesture of her free hand she began her introductions. She made sure to change the language she spoke to common, to ensure her husband could understand. "Erwald, this is Eliora and Aelfric.. And Miriam Baleford it seems. These are.. My parents, The people who raised me here. Ah- and this," she said as she switched her gesture to Erwald, and then to her son, "is Erwald and Bastian Ravenstad. My husband and son."



The couple were ushered in, with Aelfric gathering some of their belongings from Erwald in assistance. Between their feet ran chickens, which Miriam was more happy to chase away. Czylle cringed in fright. The interior of the farmhouse was lacking. Most furniture was handmade and rickety, made from unfinished wood nailed together to provide purpose rather than aesthetics. A stove and fire stood side by side, filling the air with a combination of smoke and scent. An ashy smell combined with that of fresh, baking bread. There were two rooms, which Czylle recognised as the kitchen/dining area and then the room in which the family slept. Though, off to her right was a new door, that which led to the newer section of the home. Eliora caught the Ravenstad females unanswered question, and answered promptly.

"Ael built Miriam and her brother a new room for themselves. We adopted her brother, Tobias first… and then once the space was built we adopted Miriam too. It was too lonely, after you left us. We wanted to have a family again."

Meanwhile, Aelfric had lead Erwald outside to visit the horses he had seen earlier. He was a talkative man, seeming to have realised Erwald was more of a listener and was completely accomodating to it. Nevertheless, the two men had eventually fallen into a conversation about the livestock that the family kept and how they made a living. The Ravenstad was leant upon the fence, gently patting the nose of one of the horses that had wandered over, as Aelfric continued to speak.

"I suppose it gets tough at times, but Eliora and I wouldn't change any of it for the world. This is our life and we're proud of it." Aelfric cracked a broad grin, which faltered slightly as he spoke up again in a more hesitant tone. "Lord Ravenstad… is Czylle happy in Regalia? I know we've received her letters and I could ask her myself, but I figure you'd know how she feels better than anyone."

Erwald straightened his posture and turned to face the man, maintaining a light smile as he gave a solitary nod. "There are days where she's wished to return to Anglia to escape the hardships of the city. And the both of us have struggled through hard times together, just as she has before I met her. But aye, I would say Czylle is happy with what she has accomplished and where she stands now."

Aelfric let out a sigh of relief that he had not seemed to notice he was holding, his own smile returning as he walked over to join Erwald at the fence to return to their previous topics of conversation.

Czys had watched as Erwald and Aelfric left the home in search of activities. Silently she begged him to stay though the gesture seemed to have been missed. The women; Eliora, Czylle and the young Miriam stood in silence, a moment which seemed to grow more and more awkward until it was broken by the cry of a certain baby Ravenstad.

"Ah-he likes to be moving," Czys commented as she began to rock the baby side to side.

Eliora looked upon the blonde Ravenstad. "How you have changed," she said softly, "when you were younger, you were always against the idea of settling, much to our amusement. You held a quiet hatred for the boy who used to live in the farm besides us. You know- your fa-ah-Aelf threatened to marry you to him when you were having spouts of rebelliousness. How your reaction was priceless."

Czylle could not help but laugh. Eliora gestured her further into the house, and the family sat themselves down. The two women fell into discussion then, about life and everything that had happened in the seven years Czylle had been away. Miriam sat besides the Ravenstad woman after she had built the confidence, and lovingly gazed at the baby Bastian. On noting this, Czys gestured for Miri to sit back onto the bed, and then passed the child over. The mothers kept watch on their children as discussions continued into the early evening.



The two weeks passed like a flash. Czylle spent very little time vacationing, as she put it and rather spent her days helping her adoptive mother around the house and with the livestock. She was forced and taught in hand, how to care for chickens. How to clean them, what to feed them. Eliora had explained that after Czylle had left them, they had received some funds in thanks for their care. With it, they had purchased a few chickens, and set aside the rest to aid in the adoption of Tobias and Miriam. Eliora and Miriam fauned over the baby Bastian at every opportunity they could, and equally spoiled him as much as they were able. A pile of gifts, Toys once belonging to Tobias, and even an old trinket of Czylles which she had left behind on her departure were brought together, ready for when ever the couple decided to leave.

They were taken to explore the surroundings. Through the forests on walks which lasted an entire day, even on a trip to the closest town. It was not often, apparently, that the family had reason to leave their little farm, so Czys ensured that they experienced the town for all it had to offer. Needless to say, the Balefords returned home after such a trip with an armful of gifts; of new clothes and tools, of toys and of food.

Erwald also threw himself into helping their hosts where he could, mainly helping Aelfric and Tobias to fix things around the house, assisting with the farming equipment and tending to the livestock out in the fields. Whilst he did not particularly enjoy the manual labour, he did not complain and was simply happy to be out in the countryside. He was content knowing they had fulfilled his wife's wish of returning to Anglia and was thankful to take a break from the city whilst tensions were high. The Ravenstad also focused on spending much needed time with Czylle and Bastian, mainly the evenings when the day's work was over and the two families could rest at home by the fire.

He also endeavoured to use his free time learning how to ride properly; something he had always wanted to do but never found the opportunity to try. Aelfric was more than happy to teach him along with Tobias' assistance and by the fortnight's end, Erwald was able to ride decently enough to accompany the Balefords on hunting trips to put food on the table. He personally considered this one of the highlights of the trip and spoke proudly of his trips to his wife.



In the end however, goodbyes had to be said. As scheduled, the cart driver and his horse arrived to collected the Ravenstads from their temporary home. Eliora pulled Czylle to one side, to share a quiet word.

"<Ang> Take care of yourself, will you?" pleaded the Anglian woman, "and your family. Tell them we miss them all - especially Hamelin. And your husband and son.. Be good to them.."
Trailing off, it was clear to Czylle that her adoptive mother was about to cry. Cradling her son in one arm, the other wrapped around the older woman.

"<Ang> I will. Thank you-for everything. I could not have imagined how difficult it all was for you. To take me in after what happened to my mother… to keep that a secret from me and, I cannot imagine how difficult it was to raise me as your own, to then have me leave. It never occured to me, and I apologise."

Eliora nodded her head, she kissed Czylle on the cheek, as she did with Bastian before she withdrew. Miriam came solely to see off Bastian, who she kissed lovingly on the forehead before she returned to her mother.

Aelfric offered a solem farewell, though he had intentions of speaking to Erwald before the family departed. As the Ravenstad went to step up onto the cart behind his wife, a firm hand clapped upon his shoulder and turned him to face the Balefold male.

"You're a good man, Erwald. I invite you and Czylle to come back to us whenever you're able." Aelfric paused and glanced up towards Czylle, who was currently ensuring both herself and Bastian were comfortable in the back of the cart. "Just.. take care of her for us, would you? She's important to us… as I'm sure you can imagine."

Erwald gave a firm nod in understanding, feeling it unnecessary to say something already obvious, and a sincere smile before stepping up to join his wife. He was both reflective on his time away and looking forward to seeing his kin again back in Buerg Eleng.

As the cart pulled away, and as the womans home began to disappear into the distance, Czylle found herself in tears. Her heart sank. No matter how much she loved Regalia, it would never be home to her. She loved it here, in such a simple place, but she loved her family as well. She sought comfort from her husband in the form of an embrace as the cart continued down the rocky, makeshift streets.

"<Ang> I will be back soon, I promise," Czylle muttered into the air, "<Ang> I love you, mother and father."

Czys, Erwald and Bastian had been on vacation for 2 weeks.
Nothing else really. If you made it all the way through, let us know what you thought, please. It's a days worth of colab writing.

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