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Played Character Vinny

This character is actively played.


I'm the guy who draw an cry :,)
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score

Basic Information

Full Name: Vinny Eleya Nullm

Age: 25

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Race: Songaskian Maraya (Romer) [Half-breed] {Happiness Arkenborn}

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occult: Mage (Exist) {Fire Based}


Vinny is constantly chasing the high of excitement to stave off guilt, anger, and instability. Cast out from her home, she seeks any praise and attention she can get, her cravings doubled by the Happiness Arkenborn traits she so desperately tries to disguise. Her moods can flip on a dime, causing most around her to find themselves constantly walking on eggshells, 'lest they set off her ticking time bomb of chaotic and destructive rage.


Religion is for people who enjoy following rules. That's what Vinny thinks, anyway.

Skill Information

Strength: 2

Pinning Throw

Unyielding Strike

Constitution: 0

Arcane: 2

Sinistral Puppet

Sinistral Mindvex

Wisdom: 6

Enchant Bolts

Enchant Defense

Enchant Shift

Tech Armory Pack (Maraya Buff)

Tech Gravity

Chem Technique Parry

Medical Barrier

Dexterity: 4

Dirty Fighter

Dye Shot

Soft Landing

Close Save

Faith: 0





Visual Information

Mutations, Scars, Tattoos and Unique Features:

Vinny's eyes almost immediately grab one's attention. Something is off about them, they're not right. The colors are set, and yet, one can picture them as an Exist Arkenborn's. While the colors might have changed, their disguise can still be seen through, much to her dismay. Her teeth have a slight gap between the front two, and her canines are slightly too sharp. Her skin is a hot pink, loud against the eyes, as if she'd taken the color on purpose. It's not a regular Marayan color, and of course, a mutation of sorts.

General Appearance:

With hot pink skin that almost looks a little too smooth, Vinny does her best to look as loud as possible, in an attempt to distract from her eyes. While she's able to change their colors to the yellow and blue they display as, one could instantly clock her as an Exist Arkenborn, despite the change. It feels almost like a pang of intuition. The horns protruding from her head resemble more of a Songaskian nature in shape, yet are smooth like a Maraya's are supposed to be when it comes to texture and color. Her tail is thin and shortened, as if it were modified to be so, unlike the thick muscular tails Maraya usually have. Her clothes seem skimpy, yet also give off a comfortable and comforting feel when viewed. She bares no scars, no imperfections, save for the tiniest gap between her front teeth when she smiles, and canines that seem slightly too sharp. She stands at a height of 5'6".

Life Story

Vinny was born as an only child of a grieving Marayan father, fresh out of the vault. She was loved, even once it was discovered she was an Arkenborn. Her constant attempts to bring joy into the lives of others were looked upon as nosy and meddling to all except him. She enjoyed the attention she received, but when her siblings were born, (Father name)'s attention became divided. Not only that, but because Maraya parenting often involves nannys and tech to do the dirty work, it gave their father a chance to work on his writings, and that in turn, allowed him to venture out to explore.

As the years went by, Vinny's starvation for attention grew too much for her to contain, and she branched out into mischief. Pranks, tricks, if it could be thought of, she'd done it. Pushing and pushing, she finally crossed the line one tragic night. She'd just turned 11, or so. What started as an innocent little fireworks display, turned into a raging fire that blazed inside a home. The life of a young man was lost that day, signifying a turning point. She'd already been disliked, but now, her community had enough backing and reason to toss her to the curb. Excommunicated, she dropped her last name in order to preserve her family's reputation, and headed off to Regalia.

Of course, poor Vinny didn't want to be on her own. She loved her family, and while her father couldn't join her, she urged her siblings to. All three of them were Arkenborn of some kind, and it was that fact she used to twirl them both around her fingers. 'We need to stick together,' She'd say. 'Life is dangerous for all of us. If we don't stay close, we could all end up on the wrong side of a grave.' Finally, after a few weeks of back-and-forth, they agreed. The trio set off together.

Down on her luck looking for a job, it seemed no-one would take such an unstable candidate, for good reason. However good the reason seemed to them, to Vinny, it was hogwash. She grew resentful and bitter of her siblings, watching them each grow and succeed while she stayed behind, immature and unsuccessful. She never confided in her siblings to tell them how she felt, or that she felt badly at all. It would bring them down, it wouldn't keep their smiles. She couldn't have that, after all.

Finally, fate shined a light on her path. She bumped into someone by the name of Nickolas, who offered her a job hunting Ordial shades, vampires, almost anything that caused trouble. She didn't need to stay between the lines, either. As long as she wasn't caught, she could do whatever she wanted, however she wanted, if it got the job done. The more she delved into violence, the more she felt that this was what she was meant for all along. She discovered a new smile. A broken smile. The smile of a shattered mind. -- A smile was still a smile after all, and this seemed a reasonable choice to fall back on, if she couldn't get someone to laugh at her jokes. She was never very good at being good, after all. Maybe it was time to be 'evil'.

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