Preserved Sheet Viktor Vondrack

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@0romir I asked to join the Violet Order social forum but it's still being approved, I asked to join 5 days ago, will it take a long time? Also, is there an application I have to fill out for the forum and if so can you point me towards it? Thanks.
@0romir I asked to join the Violet Order social forum but it's still being approved, I asked to join 5 days ago, will it take a long time? Also, is there an application I have to fill out for the forum and if so can you point me towards it? Thanks.
It can take a bit, and sometimes there's the chance it gets overlooked. If anything, give Shayin a small nudge about it.
This is all under the assumption you're an accepted Violet Guard. Which to be you apply here:
Otherwise, if you weren't accepted you won't get into the social form.