Viduggla House Guard | Antikk Talons


Captain Greybeard
Jun 12, 2018
Reaction score
New York, USA






The Antikk Talons serve as the personal guard of the noble house Viduggla. They are tasked with a number of duties, including but not limited to protection of family members and friends, protection of their assets and interests, and the delivering of important letters and parcels. The Talons are lead by the Drottsete, usually a member of the family, who ensures that they function appropriately and find success in their work. The Talons are expected to adhere to the requests of the family, lest they contradict that of the Patriarch, and to carry out these requests in a timely fashion.



The Patriark (or Patriarch) is the male head of the Viduggla family. He is a respected title holder and a proven combatant and leader. While the Patriark doesn't generally take the reigns in administrating the House Guard, his word goes unquestioned above all other commands and policies.
- Lord Garth Viduggla | BeashSlap

The Drottsete is the leader of the Talons. Traditionally a member of the family, the individual in this post works alongside the patriarch to ensure the House Guard runs smoothly and performs well in their duties. Additionally, this individual handles the hiring, firing, discipline, and settling of disputes between members.
- Grevven Viduggla | Ekizu

The Skutelsveiner are the elite of the Talons. These individuals have proven themselves above all others as the most trustworthy and capable in combat and leadership. In the absence of the Drottsete these individuals will rule as a council. It is the primary duty of this group to set an example for the Huskars and to lead them when the situation demands it.
- Shane Marth | Dolittleguy
- Ved Berdalfsson | A_r_e_s
- Aedarhon Jouhari | Sebbysc

The Huskars make up the primary body of the Talons. These individuals are proven warriors who can be relied on to protect the family and their interests, and to remain stalwart against any foreign threats and offers of bribery. As with all House Guards these individuals are expected to adhere to not only their own code of conduct but to the laws of the state.
- Qiang Zhou | Avemechanicus
- Bjørnolf Sundenn | NathanSandwiches
- Valeria | Ailethi


We are currently Hiring!

Apply with the following format:
Character Name:
Character App:
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla and Grevven Viduggla:
Last edited:
Username: Ailethi
Character Name: Valeria (Anna Caladwen)
Character App: ah
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla and Grevven Viduggla:

To whole it may concern,

I use to be a member of the Wardens and wish to protect you lot further for what you have done for me. However I have fallen to the Phantasma curse, do with that for what you wish. Garth is familiar with my skills.

(Anna Caladwen)
The Wolf of Daendroc
Username: NathanSandwiches.

Character Name: Bjørnolf Sundenn.

Character App: WIP.

Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla and Grevven Viduggla:

"Lord Viduggla,

May I return to your House Guard?"


IGN: Marytr_321
Char Name: Chengis
Char App: Still in Oof mode. More Oof.
Letter to Garth Viduggla.

Ser Viduggla,

I would like to join your House Guard, you know my skills and my strengths. I have over forty years combat experience and I will join your family in the wars if you demand it. Thank you.

Sincerely Chengis.