Victrix Legio Fulminata


Local Imperial Knight
Dec 20, 2020
Reaction score

Legio Fulminata

Certa Constans - Surely Constant


Legio Fulminata was breathed into being 15 years ago, with the Knight of the Villiers-Eclaire Order Aldüir Stormblade freshly graduating from his school. Headstrong and anxious to prove himself, he rallied a group of soldiers, forming what would be the first iteration of the Legion, as it became known.

The first one thousand soldiers and their commander travelled around the archipelago, assisting him in his holy quest to serve the Spirit, Church and Emperor. Over the years, the Commander and his Legion have grown battle hardened and grizzled, but have begun to expand their ranks. Welcoming aspiring commanders with battalions of their own, blacksmiths, siege commanders and more, the Legion has opened its gates, and ranks, to those who seek a higher calling, and wish to prove themselves.

For Emperor and Empire, for Spirit and Glory, the Legion marches onwards. Unrelenting in its cause, and Constant in its pace.

Legio Fulminata Current Strength:
One Legatus.
Four Centurions.
Five Cohorts.
5,000 Legionaries.

Positions inside Legio Fulminata:
Centurions: Frontline Commanders, lead cohorts of 1,000 troops
Praetorians: Heavy Infantry, champions of the Legion, make up the Prima Cohort.
Footmen: Standard Soldiers of the Legion, make up the brunt of the forces.
Immunes: People with specific skills. Smiths, Siege Commanders, Trainers, Advisors, etc.
Fautor: Supporters of the Legion who wish to donate arms, armor, funding, so on.


The Legion has it's own internal command structure, with special roles for those with special skills. If you're into playing the normal every day soldier, you're welcome to do so.


Send a letter to Aldüir Stormblade via Forum Conversation with the following format:
Character Name:
Character Application: (If you have one. Not mandatory, happy to help you write a character for the Legion.)
IC Letter to Ser Stormblade (Not needed if you're looking to write a new character.)

Alrighty! First off, thank you for checking this out, it's a small project of mine that I hope takes off.
The Legion is NOT a mercenary group. It's based around frontline commanders banding their personal regiments together to form an army, that can be used for progs where it can help them.
Whether it be assisting in war progs, searching for things, accompanying people on trips, whatever, it's meant to add more flavor to the frontline command skill.

That being said, I'm happy to take characters who just want to be a standard footman of the legion, or lead a cohort of your own! We're also looking for blacksmiths, siege engineers, and champions of great skill. I will be commissioning base armor skins for the standard ranks in time.

If you're interested, you can always shoot me a dm on discord, tag is Judgemental Paladin#2150

TL;DR: Frontline Commanders band together for Roman Legion to help Empire and eachother.

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