Preserved Sheet Valbrand Haagenvig

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Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites

Basic Information

Full Name: Valbrand Haagenvig.
Age: 38 years old.
Gender: Male.
Race: Ailor.
Main Ambition: To end his life on a good note: to make a family, succeed in his military career and leave an impression in some form.

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Basic Information Expansion
Valbrand has been in the city since 303 AC. Since then, he's formed plentiful relationships and had many different experiences. He initially came to check the capital of Regalia out, which eventually resulted him in staying as it kept him content. As of now, he's managed to become a captain in the Vigilant Shield and is striving to do more.
Valbrand is the second born Haagenvig of Osvald and Vera Haagenvig. He has two other siblings, him being the middle child. His older brother is named Hjalmar Haagenvig who handed him the title of patriarch of the Haagenvigs in 305 AC. His younger brother Markus doesn't tend to do much outside of his house within the walls of Regalia. Aside from his parents and brothers, he has one daughter who he had with his first lover, Irene Johansen. His daughter, Siselle Haagenvig, is one of his most treasured things if not the most valuable thing in his life. She is the last thing he can remember of his first and last lover. He does his best to keep Siselle away from the bad things in life, though that won't work forever.
His secondary ambitions relates to his spot within nobility, or just in the Empire. He is constantly working to climb the ladder of power. He hopes to get a higher noble title, or to simply get better positions in what jobs he has.
Valbrand Haagenvig is a Velheim Ailor like the rest of his family.

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Skill Information
Total Points: 38 Points
Proficiency Points:

+ 30 Skagger Axe ( +10 from School of Skagger, +10 from staying loyal to Skagger Code, +10 from Points)
+ 10 Tracking (+10 from School of Skagger)
+15 Battle Command (+10 from School of Skagger, +5 from Points,)
+10 Commanding Speech (+10 from Points)
+1 Small Shield (+1 from Points)
+1 Horse Riding (+1 from Points)
+1 Judicial (+1 from Points)
Cultural Points:
+20 Ship Sailing (+20 from Points)
+5 Carving (+5 from being Velheim Ailor)
+5 Vocal Music (+5 from Points)

+5 Cuisine Cooking (+5 from Points)
+6 Husbandry (+6 from Points)
Als-Tunge Dialect (Native)
Skodje Dialect (Noble heritage)
Tunge Dialect
Alt-Regalian Dialect

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Visual Information
Eye Color: Arctic blue.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Hair Style: Slicked back.
Skin Color: Pale, though slightly tanned due to his time in Regalia.
Clothing: His outfits tend to stick to Velheim fashion. He always dons some sort of pelt on top of his shoulders.
Height: 5 feet 10 inches (177.8 cm).
Body Build: Ripped.
Weapon of Choice: Dual-wielded Skagger axes. However, he tends to use a shield and a bearded axe now and then.

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Visual Information Expansion
Valbrand's head resembles an oblong, with his chin being the narrowest point of his head. He fits the stereotypical look of a Northerner, which is mainly because of his blonde hair and ice blue eyes. His features, however, may have their own uniqueness compared to other Velheim men. He has almond shaped eyes with thick eyebrows that end in a slight curve. His beard covers the majority of the lower portion of his face. His nose compliments his face, going down at an angle before coming to a round point. His ears are somewhat big compared to the size of his head, though they don't exactly stick out. He has his slicked back hair which is accompanied by shaved sides. The most unique feature about his face are his sky blue face tattoos. He has two vertical lines in a runic fashion going over his eyes, and two horizontal lines going across his nose. To top it off, he has a line starting below his bottom lip, to the top of his beard. Two arrowheads can be seen on either side of the line.
His Skagger training is the main reason behind his current body build. He sports a ripped build, enabling him to have both strength and speed, although sacrificing complete brute strength to be more agile. He stands at a height of 5 feet and 10 inches, while weighing at 193 pounds. His body is covered with blonde body hair, accompanied by the tattoos that cover him from head to toe- literally. A giant burn scar can be seen on the right side of his body. He received this due to a blast of fire that shot right in front of him from the dragon Rikkira. The scar had settled long enough for any method of healing to not affect the burn scar. Regardless, he's fine with his body as is, as he's physically healthy regardless of any cosmetic impediments.
Having more than enough money, Valbrand dresses himself in Northern-oriented clothes made with finer materials. Any type of pelt belonging to some sort of formidable animal can be seen on his shoulders. He will also wear a stomach belt regardless of his outfit, as he finds it a nice accessory to flaunt even if it doesn't have any real value. All his clothes tend to have a black and orange color scheme as those are the colors of his house. Aside from his clothing, he has two steel axes that he has used in multiple battles, which he has named. The axe he olds in his left hand has been named Livstyv, while the one on the right is called Sjelstjeler.
Living in Drixagh for his entire life, Valbrand has an obvious Northern accent. While it's been watered-down, it's still noticeable. His voice can be described as deep, which is fit for his medium paced speech.

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Personality and Abilities
Valbrand is seen as a reserved person, and sometimes stern at that. While he initially was a boisterous man during his start in Regalia, he's become more reverential over time. Valbrand varies on how he treats strangers, as Regalia is so diverse. However, the majority are treated with some form of respect, but he can easily show disdain if he doesn't like how they act.
The Haagenvig usually doesn't openly express how he feels, though can be seen often second guessing himself when in the face of those who stand above him in power. While he may ask advice from others due to uncertainty, he typically makes his own decisions. With how far he's gotten since he came to Regalia, he trusts his actions whether or not said-actions are smart or otherwise. He isn't reserved in any way, not minding the boundaries he and others have set for him.
Family is something Valbrand treasures, especially his only child, Siselle Haagenvig. He'd protect his family with whatever he could use, even if it meant putting his own life on the line. Valbrand protects his friends as well, though not to the severity as his family. Regardless, those who have done Valbrand a favor to become his friend will be gifted his kindness. Valbrand remains passive, however, in regards to strangers.
Valbrand has always had a good morality. He works to better the Empire, and to keep the streets safe of criminals and urchins as a guard. There is the chance he may change his morality temporarily for the greater good. He doesn't care about others' morality unless it affects him in any way.

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Scarred midsection: During a fight in the year 305 AC, Valbrand received a brutal blow to his midsection by a Blackmark named Heikki. Accompanied by Nathan Deceres and Hengest Harhold, he did his best to fend off those defending the fort the three attacked. Unfortunately, Valbrand was cornered, and took the fatal stab to his stomach, and out through his back. However, the Haagenvig cheated death as his internal organs seemed to be clean of any crippling injuries. His navel is the worst spot to strike on him. It'll be easier to hurt him by striking him there, but he will usually have his midsection guarded due to this, either by some form of attire, or just keeping wary to any threats.
Head injury: Not only did Valbrand receive damage to his midsection, he received head trauma in the same battle. Fending off the Half-Orc Petrov, Valbrand was overpowered and sent to the ground. After the Half-Orc stabbed a pole arm into his leg, he began to bash his fists onto Valbrand's head continuously. Valbrand managed to get his shield in the way after a few hits, but that didn't stop the Half-Orc to continue hitting him. Valbrand's shield was sent into his head a numerous amount of times due to the Half-Orc's continuous strikes. This resulted in his right temple becoming a weak point. Hitting him in the right temple will certainly daze him more than striking the left side of his head.

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Life Story
Valbrand Haagenvig was born to Osvald and Vera Haagenvig on the 10th of February, 270 AC in his family's tribe, Kopvagr. He was born in the middle of a thunderstorm, which caused skepticism among those that were devout Oldt Fayth followers. Some saw him as damned by the female goddess Aela, while the majority of the tribe brushed it off. After the brief superstition regarding his birth, he was raised with care from his mother and grandmother. He appeared rather small for an infant. Regardless of being underweight, he was healthy in all other aspects. As a child, he seemed to be the runt of the litter. However, he compensated with his bouts of energy, being playful in nature. Valbrand was obviously more prone to sickness, meaning he often caught colds as a child.

Heading into his adolescent stages, Valbrand showed very faint signs of rebellion against his parents and elders. Obviously displeased, his father made sure to push him in the right direction without outright disciplining him. He'd slowly mature mentally, still defiant in some aspects. Around this time, Valbrand found himself his first ever partner, that being a girl named Irene Johansen. Despite only being his first, he was already head over heels, and so was Irene. Months into their relationship, they succumbed to the idiocy and temptation of a teenager; at age 15, Irene conceived her and Valbrand's first and only daughter, Siselle Haagenvig. Valbrand's family wasn't outright mad at him for such a choice. His mother and grandmother even took care of the baby, which was kept in Haagenvig hands as the Johansen family were fairly occupied in their own household. With a daughter at such a young age, responsibilities seemed to endlessly pile up for him, to which he responded with a higher level of maturity and self-control. Months after the birth of Siselle, Osvald sent Valbrand off to the Crag to begin training in the School of Skagger.

The initial training in the School of Skagger was vexing from the start to the end of his first year training. He even took everything as a slight joke as he didn't see the mental training as effective. However, he'd catch up later and begin to dedicate his time and effort to his training. Moving onto novice level, things started to change. While most Skagger aspirants would flee and cry in fear, Valbrand persevered and beat his mentors' attempts to scare him off. Passing this test of courage, his mentors continued their teachings. This is where Valbrand began to finally improve his physical state, while still working on his mental resilience. He was given his two war axes around that year's winter, that being 287 AC. He'd be permitted to test his waters through the Skagger berserking ability. He showed great prowess for his age and skill level, as he opted to use some of the time he got to rest to train more. Showing enough progress at fighter level, he moved on to the next. The mentors of the Crag sent him along with other Skaggers his age to join military campaigns, fending off any enemies to the Empire with their ferocity. However, in the year 295 AC, Valbrand's tribe was attacked by another, which was found to be a rival tribe under the name of Skaloekr. This attack on his tribe was most likely one of the things that impacted his life the most. The entire battle was hectic: fire present, black smoke obscuring the snowing sky, and walls being torn down. Valbrand was amongst the tribe's warriors that fended off any attackers. In the midst of the attack, Valbrand found two attackers chasing Irene. Of course, he took chase, although stopped by another trying to take him down. While Valbrand managed to down the attacker, he was left to wander around cluelessly as Irene had disappeared. At the end of the battle, he found her lifeless body in a wagon full of other corpses. Distraught, he ran off to the nearby forest to go vent out all his rage and frustration. Despite his disciplined Skagger training, this broke him. He spent the next two months helping rebuild the tribe, making sure it was back to its former state.

For the duration of these two months, he'd stop anything strenuous and ease up. Around this time, he'd be taught how to carve wood a bit more seriously by his mother, as he already carved wood in his free time. Osvald brought Valbrand onto fishing trips as well, letting him embrace the cold, sea breeze of Drixagh's beaches. He'd return to the Crag to continue his training after his self-proclaimed hiatus. Sooner or later, he'd be competent enough to take on the final trial. He finally finished the trial in 297 A.C, receiving the ceremonial tattoos of a Berhednar. It was in 305 AC where Hjalmar passed down the title of patriarch to Valbrand as he saw him more fit and responsible. Life in Regalia has been a rollercoaster for him, taking a job in a guard order, and getting himself into the chaos with Rikkira.
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+ Added Basic Information Expansion
+ Added Visual Information Expansion
+ Added Personality and Abilities Expansion
∗ Changed bullet points to "✧"


∗ Changed some words in the Life Story in the "Valbrand was engulfed in his imaginary fire as he'd set loose into the nearby woodlands." sentence

+ Added "left" to "Weakened ribcage:" to clarify which ribcage is weaker

- Removed "Bad Tempered"
+ Added "Cocky" to replace "Bad Tempered"
- Removed "Impulsive"
+ Added "Vindictive" to replace "Impulsive"
∗ Changed "Risky" to "Reckless"
+ Added "297 A.C" date in Life Story to mark his graduation from the School of Skagger at Warrior level
+ Added "299 A.C" date in Life Story to mark his 2 year trial at the Crag to become an Expert

- Removed "Arrogant"
+ Added "Anxious" to replace "Arrogant"
- Removed "Reckless"
+ Added "Rough" to replace "Reckless"

∗ Changed words colored orange to a black color

∗ Changed to the new Character Sheet Template
+ Added GIFs

+ Added art of Valbrand done by @MantaRey

+ Added birth date for Valbrand in the Life Story.

+ Added art of Valbrand done by @Tracenator1
+ Added art of Valbrand done by @NariTheKamikaze

+ Added art of Valbrand done by @Optimalfriskies
+ Added art of Valbrand done by @MantaRey

∗ Edited it so that Valbrand would have a daughter, born when he was 15. Agnette Haagenvig, who's mother is Irene Johansen

∗ An entire redesign of Valbrand, now Vaughn due to Imperialization
+ Added two sentences to the second bullet of his Visual Information Expansion about his tattoos

∗ Raised Vaughn's height from 5'8" to 5'10"

∗ Valbrand's app has been revamped entirely

∗ Aged up Valbrand from 32 years old to 36 years old
∗ Updated the Skill Information section to the new Proficiency system
- Removed the Talents section

+ Added the Common Shortbow with +5 Points in the Proficiency section, and rounded up the rest to the closest fifth

∗ I have tweaked Valbrand's proficiency points again. Specifically, +30 Skagger Axe has been given 10 spare points, so it is now +40 Skagger Axe, making Valbrand a Grandmaster in the school of Skagger. I've added points to the Small Shield and tweaked other skills a bit

+ Added Tunge Dialect and Alt-Regalian Dialect to Valbrand's known languages
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== Important things ==
  • Bad tempered: Over the course of his life, pain and sorrow has gotten to Valbrand. If you say the wrong thing, there's a good chance that his temper will break. The only thing stopping him is the consistent mental training he received in the Crag. Despite the sufficient mental training he's received, his inner Northerne may break out and turn into a burst of violence or hostility.
"They do not begin the process of learning to fight until they are nearly incapable of lashing out or acting in an abrasive manner. Any display of such results in the immediate expulsion of the recruit; as many as 70% do not last through the training regime."
I'm having an issue with this trait, although it may be applied to other characters, the School of Skagger drills the ability to be tempered even in the most pressing of situations. If he had a bad temper, chances are he would not have made it that far in the school. I suggest making a different negative trait.
  • Him being "insightful" would negate his tendency to be "impulsive". Characters that act with insight are cool and collected, which is also a trait shared by many of the Skagger discipline. Since it is listed twice, you should rethink a new trait + weakness for him.​
Would be more of a weakness if it was renamed Reckless. "Risky" sounds more like a character flaw.
  • Make sure to register your expertise in Skagger on the Permissions Page! If/when accepted!​

== Less Important things ==

  • Specify in the second paragraph what year he trained to, just for clarification. (It's inferred he trained until Warrior status, but is a little unclear.)​


Make appropriate edits and tag me when complete!​
On top of Betterer's review:
  • Reckless and Arrogant don't really weaken combat ready characters. Combat is generally meant to be balanced among most any combat oriented character so it is very difficult and rare for these traits to actually determent a character in any significant way. The arrogance weakness would hurt if it caused cooperation issues via social problems, but then it would violate your cooperative strength. Replace these two weaknesses and then tag both me @TheOverseer__ and @Betterer
@Jouster Review complete!

I cannot find any lore inconsistencies or major grammatical errors in this application. It was a pleasure to read, well done. Approved.
Psst u should add relationships
i love the aRT reee
I would assume adding the art remove the tag, tag restored.
ayyy i like this guy 10/10
Skill Section:
  • Why is your character trained in two schools? I understand that it is allowed on an OOC level, but I would like an explanation in a reply as to why you want Lecgaen along with Turall.
  • School of Turall must be taught in the school to reach Expert. Amend this in your source section.
Personality Section:
  • In the fourth paragraph, you mean morality, not morale.
Life Story:
  • Your character needs to be taught in the School of Turall otherwise you cannot reach Expert. As it stands, the character learnt from a neighboring tribe which just allows him to be Warrior.
Make the edits above in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Skill Section:
  • Why is your character trained in two schools? I understand that it is allowed on an OOC level, but I would like an explanation in a reply as to why you want Lecgaen along with Turall.
Having Lecgaen beside his Turall training will be helpful in his combat prowess, and simultaneously fit in his background well. Seeing as he'd most likely have participated in many games of Northerne mud wrestling in his tribe, the School of Lecgaen fits right in seeing as the school combat style fits right along.

Skill Section:
  • School of Turall must be taught in the school to reach Expert. Amend this in your source section.

Personality Section:
  • In the fourth paragraph, you mean morality, not morale.

Life Story:
  • Your character needs to be taught in the School of Turall otherwise you cannot reach Expert. As it stands, the character learnt from a neighboring tribe which just allows him to be Warrior.