Archived Vampires....

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Incredibly good looking.
Jan 22, 2013
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First of all, I know how many threads there already are on this kind of thing but. I had to.

Even with all the threads suggesting vampires to not be so open and proud of it, they still run around shrieking and jumping everywhere.. I was talking to my friend about the vampires and around 7 vampires came up and started shrieking and arguing with me..

And just before, I was walking around Regalia and:

They are both openly vampires.


when I went out on the street and preech IN RP about how vampires being 'scum' I get a hole swarm come towards me weather it is night OR day.. in the day time they jump in the water and start arguing.. but with the comments they make on it I am not sure if they are roleplaying or not, one said in /msg "just your a jerk. and think every vampire is bad minus girl ones"


Although, Today in the day time I did find all the vamps hiding in the Regalia prison.. I kind of thought that was cool. :P.

Extra Photos:
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Yeah they seem to really like that prison
It's the new sewers :3

But, on the topic. Vampires are evil creatures. According to the lore, and what the server SHOULD be like, perhaps 1 out of every 5,000 vampires are 'good'. However, I don't think I have ever encountered a vampire that was evil (Except for when I roleplayed as a vampire when I first joined the server), and I've only met one person who made an attempt to keep his vampirism subtle. (I ended up discovering it via roleplay, when he thought I was sleeping)

Morgan, that quote about "oh moonlight I missed you etc etc" is very familiar. I can't quote these because I didn't screenshot, nor do I remember them perfectly, but I have some similar quotes to prove that vampires LOVE to let people know what they are, however they try to pretend like its a secret in the way its worded.

A. "Oh no, it's becoming daytime! I mean, I love the sunlight!"
B. "I don't like wooden stakes" (are you even trying?)
C. "When the sun sets, you will discover my secret, weakling" (as he was poddling around in the water fountain. Oh yes, keep telling yourself it's a secret)

Of course, there are some people that won't even bother, and will just cut straight to the point!

"I'm a vampire!"
"Can somebody infect me?"
"I can't go out there right now, I'm a vampire."
"Who else here is a vampire?"
"It worked, thanks for infecting me!"

Heres a bit of dialogue I had once with someone who was aspiring to be a vampire (note, this isn't his real name xD. I can't remember it)

Nooblet101: Is anybody here a vampire that can infect me?
Golemlord (making an attempt to roleplay): Are you crazy, don't ask a question like that here! Why would you want to contract that disease, anyways?
Nooblet101: Lol cuz they have awesome powers
Golemlord: You idiot, you would sacrifice your soul, and your purity, simply for powers?
Nooblet101: Don't call me an idiot vamps are kewl! (yes, he actually spelled cool like "kewl")
Golemlord: *can tell when something is a lost cause and leaves*

Ok, so bottom line. Seriously guys, this is a roleplay server. Sure, vampires are fun, but that's not the point of this server. If you want to be a vampire, and aren't even going to attempt roleplay, find a different server that has the vampires plugin, it's pretty popular. However, don't be a vampire unless you intend to actually be an evil character! And hide the fact that you are a vampire! No, don't be subtle. Cosmic, if you are reading this, when we were under that bridge in an actual vampire, I would have slain you on the spot, or at least attempted to. I can't do that in game, but if were a forum roleplay I would've. (although hopefully this brawl plugin gets made and implemented.) So seriously, it's not even hard to hide vampirism. Just be normal, and stay under roofs during the daytime. In reality (yes I know, its a fantasy so in reality none of this would exist) you would be long dead, cosmic, and all the other vampires living under that bridge, because Regalia is an anti-vampire city, and it is practically a crime to be a vampire.
Heh it would be nice if vampire were more hunted. Idk why I say it but there are only a few in a handful that are good from what i can see.
Heh it would be nice if vampire were more hunted. Idk why I say it but there are only a few in a handful that are good from what i can see.
Well, then maybe I'm just exposed to all the noob vampires, but I know at least say, 30 vampires that are good. (I say good in the sense that they view vampires simply as a race, and don't even consider the evil side)

Lately, I've noticed a trend of "vegetarians". I've heard 2 or 3 vampires say that, that they only drink animal blood.
Also I remember once a vampire ran around declaring that he was "the holy vampire" and was striving towards being a good-hearted vampire, despite the fact that the rest of his kind were evil. Well, about 3 or 4 vampires started talking, saying they were good too. So much for the rest of his kind being evil.

As my roleplay character, I only hunt evil vampires, because I believe that with a lot of work, they can turn the other direction and be good. However it is very rare, as vampires are naturally inclined towards evil and chaos. However, it ends up that I can't hunt vampires, as every vampire says they are a good one. Which is just unrealistic.

You can only hunt vampires if there is something to hunt, and if all the vampires say they are good and lurk under the bridge at spawn, there is nothing to hunt.
Hm... I wish people would stay in rp 24/7. But it isn't possible...sadly.
Well Im proud to be a Vampire now, but I simply dont go yelling it off like some dork! =3 I keep it to myself and to my faction
Well, then maybe I'm just exposed to all the noob vampires, but I know at least say, 30 vampires that are good. (I say good in the sense that they view vampires simply as a race, and don't even consider the evil side)

Lately, I've noticed a trend of "vegetarians". I've heard 2 or 3 vampires say that, that they only drink animal blood.
Also I remember once a vampire ran around declaring that he was "the holy vampire" and was striving towards being a good-hearted vampire, despite the fact that the rest of his kind were evil. Well, about 3 or 4 vampires started talking, saying they were good too. So much for the rest of his kind being evil.

As my roleplay character, I only hunt evil vampires, because I believe that with a lot of work, they can turn the other direction and be good. However it is very rare, as vampires are naturally inclined towards evil and chaos. However, it ends up that I can't hunt vampires, as every vampire says they are a good one. Which is just unrealistic.

You can only hunt vampires if there is something to hunt, and if all the vampires say they are good and lurk under the bridge at spawn, there is nothing to hunt.

I believe the solution in our problem would be to allow vampires to be recognised as a mob by the server so therefore meaning we can attack them on regalian land.
The problem then lies how do we protect the livestock if mob killing is allowed which again would mean more programming to recognise peaceful mobs from evil
I believe the solution in our problem would be to allow vampires to be recognised as a mob by the server so therefore meaning we can attack them on regalian land.
The problem then lies how do we protect the livestock if mob killing is allowed which again would mean more programming to recognise peaceful mobs from evil

problem... vampires can then no longer be a race.
I believe the solution in our problem would be to allow vampires to be recognised as a mob by the server so therefore meaning we can attack them on regalian land.
The problem then lies how do we protect the livestock if mob killing is allowed which again would mean more programming to recognise peaceful mobs from evil
The mob idea is a winner. But I dont understand about protecting livestock. They can be killed currently, whether in safe land or wilderness.
No vampirism is a disease that the Regalian Church is deadset against. Vampirism is evil. If you want to be good, cure yourself..
oh.. well yeah I guess your right. However, We shouldnt wipe them off like nothing... their still people.. just some are a bit above themselves...
They are not people but empty soulless beings that exists solely to fill there emptiness with the blood of the living
No vampirism is a disease that the Regalian Church is deadset against. Vampirism is evil. If you want to be good, cure yourself..

So your calling my Son and my husband Evil, when they simply help you Orcs get things straight in other factions... We also keep those Agni from falling in Water most of the time. I'm outraged that you of all people would call my family "evil" just because were infected.[DOUBLEPOST=1361567936][/DOUBLEPOST]
They are not people but empty soulless beings that exists solely to fill there emptiness with the blood of the living

Well, it sad to say that I'm A vampire but I'm not evil.[DOUBLEPOST=1361568047][/DOUBLEPOST]I agree to the fact that most people consider vampires "evil" but rest assured Heiru and I are not evil.
So your calling my Son and my husband Evil, when they simply help you Orcs get things straight in other factions... We also keep those Agni from falling in Water most of the time. I'm outraged that you of all people would call my family "evil" just because were infected. /quote]

When have vampires ever helped my Orcish clan?
So your calling my Son and my husband Evil, when they simply help you Orcs get things straight in other factions... We also keep those Agni from falling in Water most of the time. I'm outraged that you of all people would call my family "evil" just because were infected.[DOUBLEPOST=1361567936][/DOUBLEPOST]

Well, it sad to say that I'm A vampire but I'm not evil.

You have to feed off the living how in any way is this good, no heart can be pure when blood is not pumping through it
I'm still deciding whether my character is a vampire anymore. I guess he shouldn't be considering what happened to him. I keeping the in game vampire for convenience purposes (stationary hunger, night vision, jump boost. The daytime thing is a pain at times)
DCS, all opinions on what vampires are are irrelevant for Regalia, mine and yours. vampires are a scourge in Regalia, and being a vampire in Regalia is as much of a crime as murder or or thievery. It is not your right, nor mine, to question those laws. If you are truly not evil, go to the Regalian church and cure yourself on the altar of light.

*exit RP mode*
Just so everyone knows, vampires are NOT a race. It's not a matter of opinion, its just a fact. Vampirism is a condition, thus being able to contract it, and cure it. I'm a yanar, is it possible to cure being a Yanar? or cure being a dwarf? No, it isn't. Vampirism is a disease/condition, the final product of the dark disease, not a race.

And anyways, I like the mob idea, the only problem is could vampires just run around spawn killing everyone, or can they only kill people if they are attacked? Also the only protection to this for vampires would be to pretend to be humans, which sounds good, but noobs could just run around spawn punching everyone until they found someone who took damage. It's a good idea, but needs to be developed. Ideas, anyone?[DOUBLEPOST=1361570164][/DOUBLEPOST]
I dont feed off humans... neither does Heiru or Little James... :(
He didn't say humans, he said living beings. It's a simple matter. If you are good, cure yourself. If you are bad, continue as such.
Yeah Golem stand up for Kitties everywhere! Vampires think that not eating humans is all fine, but I think otherwise!
I dont feed off humans... neither does Heiru or Little James... :(
This does not matter your food is blood from the living be it animals or otherwise, you cannot sustain yourself with the necessity of common vegetable, I for one vouch that my character is a genuine vegetarian and live off carrots and such not needing to kill any animal to live
This does not matter your food is blood from the living be it animals or otherwise, you cannot sustain yourself with the necessity of common vegetable, I for one vouch that my character is a genuine vegetarian and live off carrots and such not needing to kill any animal to live
Hey, mine is actually too :3
This does not matter your food is blood from the living be it animals or otherwise, you cannot sustain yourself with the necessity of common vegetable, I for one vouch that my character is a genuine vegetarian and live off carrots and such not needing to kill any animal to live
I rarely fed real blood. I found eating raw steaks just as helpful.
And anyways, I like the mob idea, the only problem is could vampires just run around spawn killing everyone, or can they only kill people if they are attacked? Also the only protection to this for vampires would be to pretend to be humans, which sounds good, but noobs could just run around spawn punching everyone until they found someone who took damage. It's a good idea, but needs to be developed. Ideas, anyone?

**coughcough Suggestion - Brawl Plugin | MassiveCraft Forums cough**
We are working on:
  • Making vampires more fair to fight in low TPS
  • Making vampirism more difficult to obtain
  • Making vampirism more difficult to cure
  • Making being a vampire and tolerating sunlight more difficult
  • Making being a vampire and having armour affect the heat gain less
  • Making being a vampire and having rain affect the heat gain less
  • Making some sort of counter vampire class/thing to define people as vampire hunters and make some sort of reward system for slaying vampires.
  • Make it so vampires will have an incentive to hide their vampirism in regalia. For example, a /v hide command people can use to hide their vampire status, and if they have not hidden their vampire status they can be attacked in Regalia.
The plans are there. Wether they become reality, depends on our coder.
We are working on:
  • Making vampires more fair to fight in low TPS
  • Making vampirism more difficult to obtain
  • Making vampirism more difficult to cure
  • Making being a vampire and tolerating sunlight more difficult
  • Making being a vampire and having armour affect the heat gain less
  • Making being a vampire and having rain affect the heat gain less
  • Making some sort of counter vampire class/thing to define people as vampire hunters and make some sort of reward system for slaying vampires.
  • Make it so vampires will have an incentive to hide their vampirism in regalia. For example, a /v hide command people can use to hide their vampire status, and if they have not hidden their vampire status they can be attacked in Regalia.
The plans are there. Wether they become reality, depends on our coder.

This sounds awesome!
Much more RP! :D
So your calling my Son and my husband Evil, when they simply help you Orcs get things straight in other factions... We also keep those Agni from falling in Water most of the time. I'm outraged that you of all people would call my family "evil" just because were infected.

All 3 of you could easily return to normal. Just get 3 diamonds, 60 wheat, 60 sugar, and 3 water buckets.

And anyways, I like the mob idea, the only problem is could vampires just run around spawn killing everyone, or can they only kill people if they are attacked? Also the only protection to this for vampires would be to pretend to be humans, which sounds good, but noobs could just run around spawn punching everyone until they found someone who took damage. It's a good idea, but needs to be developed. Ideas, anyone?

Yes, in order for this to work vampires would have to have a way to hide it, and a way to be exposed to it, controlled by themselves.

Let's ask ourselves, how can one identify a vampire:
  • Hit them with wood - this wouldn't work here because PVP must first be disabled.
  • Hear them shriek - this would work, this is a voluntary action.
  • See them burn - how else would someone light on fire in regalia (also, if someone who was not a vampire caught on fire, they should be vulnerable too, as they could be falsely accused of being a vampire)
  • See them bloodlust - same as the two above this.
However, most vampires will get crapped up by the sun and close to before they burn, will get to cover. I suggest an involuntary shriek that comes at the point before they catch on fire, which would be a signal for them to be attacked, without making them burn.
Also, all of these things would leave the vampire vulnerable for 30 seconds. If the vampire get's hit, the vulnerability time is reset to 30.
Making being a vampire and tolerating sunlight more difficult

I think that the curve of effect should be changed in a way so that at midday, the new amount is much higher than previous, but at sunrise/sunset it should not be affected much at all.

For example:
  • At some point at sunrise the current irradiation may be +2%, change that to +4%.
  • At a time during midday, the current irradiation may be +20%, change that to +40%.
am i the only one who finds combat while being a vampire hard to handle and just unbearable, i have no idea how there are so many pvp gods due to vampirism and bloodlust, i last longer when im not bloodlusting.
All 3 of you could easily return to normal. Just get 3 diamonds, 60 wheat, 60 sugar, and 3 water buckets.

Yes, in order for this to work vampires would have to have a way to hide it, and a way to be exposed to it, controlled by themselves.

Let's ask ourselves, how can one identify a vampire:
  • Hit them with wood - this wouldn't work here because PVP must first be disabled.
  • Hear them shriek - this would work, this is a voluntary action.
  • See them burn - how else would someone light on fire in regalia (also, if someone who was not a vampire caught on fire, they should be vulnerable too, as they could be falsely accused of being a vampire)
  • See them bloodlust - same as the two above this.
However, most vampires will get crapped up by the sun and close to before they burn, will get to cover. I suggest an involuntary shriek that comes at the point before they catch on fire, which would be a signal for them to be attacked, without making them burn.

Also, all of these things would leave the vampire vulnerable for 30 seconds. If the vampire get's hit, the vulnerability time is reset to 30.

I think that the curve of effect should be changed in a way so that at midday, the new amount is much higher than previous, but at sunrise/sunset it should not be affected much at all.

For example:
  • At some point at sunrise the current irradiation may be +2%, change that to +4%.
  • At a time during midday, the current irradiation may be +20%, change that to +40%.

I made a suggestion called New race - Celestial (holy People) | MassiveCraft Forums
One of the Advantages is "Holy" making any vampires within 10 blocks of it more vulnerable to the sun (and, at night, it gives them irradiation).
I agree with the points said in this post wholeheartedly. When I first joined the server, I wanted to be a vamp because it was cool and my friends said it was cool. But as I played more, I decided to stop being one for whatever reason. I think this problem is way more layered than most people realize. When I first joined the server, I didn't even know it was rp. Of course I figured it out right away but I sure didn't join expecting to rp, and I sure had no incentive to rp, and I think that's the heart of the problem. People are vamps, because it's good for pvp. Plain and simple. IMO, RP should be more enforced. Perhaps a good rule could be to enforce RP only in local chat. Local chat = rp. Other chats like faction and alliance aren't rp, because that's global and doesn't make sense. If we want to solve the problems of noobs that just join the server becoming vamps, the things that monmarty says they're working on will fix it almost completely. If one of the downsides of being a vampire is the possibility of being attacked in reglia without warning, it'll deter noobs, most definitely.

If we want to fix the real problem, and in the process make massive 12398123091238123x better, we need to address the problem of RP enforcing. I just don't think all that many people are joining the server to rp, and that's a problem. I think that the fix isn't even all that radical: Make it a rule that you must rp in local chat, and not stress that enough for new players. In addition, new players should be put through a guide on how to rp when they first join. I don't think adding these two things would make a lasting effect on massive, but I do think it would help a lot. I am kind of tired of the lines between RP and OOC being blurred, causing petty feuds because you want to rp as an evil character.
I really think educating people on rp is the key, as well as enforcing it in local chat, ever so slightly. '

Tl;dr: add vamp hunting to reglia, enforce rp just a tiny bit.
Enforcing rp sounds like a great idea. Not only would it help prevent vampirism because "lul awsum", it would promote more fun overall, reduce the amount of random and pointless wars waged, and help the good, politic-riddled kind of war flourish. Though there would be a sudden flood of Mary Sues invading everything, it would probably be worth it. At least those Mary Sues wouldn't be vampires who chill in fountains.
I would certainly like more anti-vampire RP. Of course, I think this requires a /v hide kind of function. As for general balancing, lag is what causes vampires to be so powerful, I think a lot of the complaints will go away once sharding is complete. Lag will be diminished, so the sun will affect them faster, they'll be easier to hit in PVP, and so on.
I would certainly like more anti-vampire RP. Of course, I think this requires a /v hide kind of function. As for general balancing, lag is what causes vampires to be so powerful, I think a lot of the complaints will go away once sharding is complete. Lag will be diminished, so the sun will affect them faster, they'll be easier to hit in PVP, and so on.

Fun Fact: Not a lot of people know wooden object do more damage to them. May have been changed but I've two shot a few vampires with a piece of wooden fence.

No idea they were vampires until it worked.
Back in the day I remember killing a diamond-clad vampire (back when seeing premiums was rare) with a door to the face. Ah, good times.
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