Archived Vampires

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Drunk Barbarian
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
Hello MassiveCraft team/staff, i have something to say about vampires. Vampire with this lag, are just to overpowered, i understand that ''vampire'' plugin is giving you reputation, but with 1.5 TPS. vampires are just to hard to kill. Thanks in advance for considering.
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Killing anything at 1.5 TPS is difficult. The present TPS, as of your post, is 20.0.
They are being nerfed, just be patient.
Killing anything at 1.5 TPS is difficult. The present TPS, as of your post, is 20.0.
Vampires are nearly imposible to hit when they use bloodlust, things like holy water are suposed to give non vampires a better chance, but in rush hours it is nearly impossible to hit them with it
Killing anything at 1.5 TPS is difficult. The present TPS, as of your post, is 20.0.
I think the point is that at the time when the most people are online, its also when the most important people are online that you need to kill. I know what Born is talking about, yesterday we raided in 2.0tps and the vampires were teleporting around 8 blocks on our screen. We just had to swing at the air and hope our hits registered. Unfortunatly though, I don't think there is any easy solution to this.
I think we should hold off on complaints tied to lag until sharding is finished. And honestly, using a speed potion makes you pretty unkillable with this lag. it's not just vampires...
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