Archived [vampire] Train Resistance To The Sun

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Dec 13, 2013
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As the title says, vampires should be able to build resistance to the sun.

Now, I'm not talking about 'OMG VAMPIRE OUT IN SUN 24/7 OP OMG!!!111' -- Instead, I'm referring to vampires taking a longer time for their temperature to build up.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Why would we need this implemented?
You can't earn extra resistance to lava, or drowning, can you?
No need for implementation,
-No Support
Let's keep this constructive and friendly guys. Please don't just say stuff like "No" without quoting some other post or giving a sort of explanation.

~ Imboring56, Your Friendly Neighborhood Forum Mod
Instead of being like the others and blankly saying no, I am going to give you some reasons why people are saying this.
Vampires already have enough powers from many other races, and doing this will only encourage people to be a vampire more due to the abilities it is given. It is an unfair advantage to all the other races and basically defeats the purpose of burning in the sun all together. If a vampire trains enough, they can stand in the sun for a long time, which is really OP.
Hope this helps.
Vampires are creatures that are hurt by the sun due to their demonic creation. You cannot make a curse become stronger to it's one weakness. Shadows flee from the light, Mortals flee from Death, vampires flee from the sun. It's the natural order of things, you cannot change that no matter what you do. Making it a subversion for vampires alone would both make them both OP and senseless. You can't train a Maiar to stay outside water longer, or train a Dakkar to survive in water longer, why should vampires be able to train to resist their weakness?
As I said earlier, non-constructive criticism will be not be tolerated on a suggestion thread. Even if it is just a quote from a player, please make it worth the user's while to read. This will be your last warning before the consequences will be initiated.

~ Imboring56, Your Friendly Neighborhood Forum Mod
As the title says, vampires should be able to build resistance to the sun.
Now, I'm not talking about 'OMG VAMPIRE OUT IN SUN 24/7 OP OMG!!!111' -- Instead, I'm referring to vampires taking a longer time for their temperature to build up.
So, I'm going to offer you a bit more than the "no" that people have been saying...
Before vampires were "nerfed" and their bloodlust was removed, they were unstoppable tanks in god armor with high damage output. You can see the problem? The only thing that evened it out moderately was their weakness to wooden objects and their weakness to the sun. These things kept vampires from being unkillable, and to keep them from raiding all day all night, in the day mind you. Giving vampires a resistance to one of the biggest threats to them would be unbalancing it. I'd like to direct you to this thread here to see some suggestions from a veteran player.
Vampirism is not something you should keep giving powers to, it is both a strength and a curse. Dakkar can't build up resistance to water, Maiar can't stay on land longer, and vampires shouldn't be able to resist sun longer. I am a vampire myself but I don't think that giving more powers to vamps "just because", is not helpful to roleplay, the server, or the vampires that are trying to stop the belief that vampirism is the noob race. It is meant to be a curse, not a gradually increase of power. My advice is this: don't make anymore vampire idea threads if you don't want negative ratings. People swarm to these threads like jackals to a carcass. Although it is based in RP, people really do have a bias against vampires (as it should be) and it is isn't smart to try to buff them up. If you really think you have some good ideas for vampires, first look at the link provided by Alj23 and other popular vampire threads along with reading the lore to see if your idea is really needed or lore compliant.

Don't give up trying to come up with great ideas, but put a lot of thought into them.
To give something a bit more constructive, you wouldn't be able to slowly cut your arm, and expect that the more it's done you will be more resistant so your arm won't be cut off so easily in that same spot.
It really just makes you weaker to "train" to it, and you will die and get hurt even easier.
I don't believe this is a great idea.
Mostly because you aren't saying as much as your putting out. How would they build up protection to the sun And this could cause a lot of God Role Playing
-No support
Instead of being like the others and blankly saying no, I am going to give you some reasons why people are saying this.
Vampires already have enough powers from many other races, and doing this will only encourage people to be a vampire more due to the abilities it is given. It is an unfair advantage to all the other races and basically defeats the purpose of burning in the sun all together. If a vampire trains enough, they can stand in the sun for a long time, which is really OP.
Hope this helps.

(Vampires aren't a race; it's literally just a disease.)
I understand why vampires want more advantages, but thats exactly what cannot happen. When a player decides to be a vampire they accept its pros and cons, this makes players choose their race/disease wisely and economically. When one of these types has a combination of powerful pros, it causes the player to lean towards that race/disease, which ruins the diversity of the races in the server as a whole. Thus the staff try to keep it balanced and as of now it is, so please when you suggest something, try to add a con, or cons, equal to the pro/s you are suggesting. ((but that is just my opinion.))
I think this is an amazing idea.
But if we allow this idea...
Then Humans slowly get more bread drops.
Orcs gradually get more damage boosts.
Elves get more Bow damage
Undead get more damage resistance
Dwarves get more axe damage
Naga reflect more damage
Vespids get more buffs while near eachother
Dakkar regain more health
Maiar can be out of water longer
Yanar heal more
Tigrans claw harder

And etc for the new races.

See where I'm going? In order to balance the idea, there would need to be so much added that it would literally break the game. This isn't a bad idea; Though what I would suggest is something along Gridiron's idea in Alj's link or something similar to Elder Scrolls' way of balancing.
A Vampire can last outside longer as long as he hasn't fed recently. Feeding= higher stats but can't be anywhere near day and vice versa.
Vampirism is a curse, not a two-way buff. According to just typical, beliefs on Vampires they cannot stand sunlight. This is a based theory for how the whole vampirism is made, blood sucking parasites. Everything has a strength and a weakness, only difference is that vampires have more of both. You get what you get. See how other vampire suggestions have largely been disapproved by the general public. I would advise making a list of pros and cons because largely it sounds like an excuse to get vampires in the sunlight longer. Besides, it is true you could be able to train this like you would practice holding your breath, but nothing significant will come out. Think of logic and reasoning before flopping your ideas out in the open
Personally, I think sunlight resistance should be decreased rather than increased.
Vampires are stronger than the average- hence they need a price to pay, kinda an eye for eye. Not being able to go in the sun is a small price to pay, really.
No. Just no. Vamps need to be balanced out. Their strengths need horrible weaknesses. Without them, they would be too op. If you don't like it, get cured. That's why I am a dwarf. I do not like the looming threat of being attacked.
"other" Races therefore suggests that they are, in themselves, a race; as you're including vampires in the collective group of races, but isolating them for comparison.
If I said a lion has way more power then the rest of the animals, does that make all the other animals lions as well?
If I said a lion has way more power then the rest of the animals, does that make all the other animals lions as well?

No, but it does make the lion an animal. The fact you are saying "rest of" or "other" gives reference to the group except those members of the group already mentioned, if no other members of the group have been mentioned it is redundant. So while it is readable as saying vampires are a race within the laws of internet English it is probably ok to use other, though it is confusing.
If I said a lion has way more power then the rest of the animals, does that make all the other animals lions as well?

Seriously; it's basic grammar. You were including Vampires under the collective grouping of races; but were merely singling it out for contrast. Your example is a poor one and actually disproves your point if anything... If you were to say "The rabbit has more power than the rest of the lions." you're including the rabbit in the umbrella group of lions. In this format, whatever you're contrasting the animal to, in terms of when you use "other" or "the rest", becomes the larger category that the object falls into. As I say, it's very basic grammar.
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