Archived Vampire Shrieking.

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Mar 16, 2014
Reaction score
New Jersey
We all know that this is annoying, shriekers interrupt role-play, and are just plain annoying.
I want to see your vote: Should shrieking be disabled?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Yes, it should be disabled because Vampires wouldn't in theory be able to run around Regalia spamming shrieking without being caught and executed immediately, particularly shrieking right next to my face...
This is in the incorrect section. MassiveCraft topics are not supposed to be discussed in the Mass-debate section. Moving this to feature and idea discussion.
I agree, it should be disabled. It's useless and doesn't really make much sense, if you think about it.
So all the vampires are left with double jump and night vision, how fun. No more blood feasts and such, not that i'm a vampire, though it was fun to see them getting stacked while spamming shrieking and bloodlusting. Ah old masisvecraft memories. It isn't useless, you can use it in role play to scare someone off. Like in the sewers not near them guards.
So all the vampires are left with double jump and night vision, how fun. No more blood feasts and such, not that i'm a vampire, though it was fun to see them getting stacked while spamming shrieking and bloodlusting. Ah old masisvecraft memories. It isn't useless, you can use it in role play to scare someone off. Like in the sewers not near them guards.
It's rarely used for that, and moreso used for spamming annoyingly in the tavern and other populated areas.
It's rarely used for that, and moreso used for spamming annoyingly in the tavern and other populated areas.
Well I used it for that and most dedicated RP vampires use it for that, just burn every single annoying shrieking vampire and give them a warning. Removing this in my opinion will make the RP for vampires less interactive, maybe a 2 minute cooldown though
A 2 minute cooldown would be best as it would prevent the /constant/ spamming of it at the tavern and allow dedicated vampire rpers to continue to use it for its intended purpose.
Yes. A vamp once came up to me and shrieked, I had my headphones on...
Personally, my current character is a vampire, I've had previous characters that were vampires, I've done a few different vampire personalities and I have never had to shriek. It's annoying when people do it to me and as such I don't do it to others without a good reason. I definitely think there should be a cooldown on it.
I had a character who was a vampire… never shrieked once, never used bloodlust once…
If some vampire RPers want to use it, fine, but definitely with a cool down.
I say we ought to add time to the cool down instead of removing it.
Nothing more irritating than the shriekers at the tavern shrieking and making a noise, when no guards are about. Disable it or add a 5 minute cool-down.
I hate the shrieking, most of the good vampire RPers will say they never use it. So why I think removing it would be great, I think changing the sound to the creeper hiss or enderman growl would sound better and be less annoying.
Dingaling yes please, either that or it should be disabled only in regalia.
Dissabled in Regalia would mean only use for vampire factions scarring of there enemies... And since no One uses it for anything importand, then when its dissabled in Regalia, it should be everywhere.
I hate the shrieking, most of the good vampire RPers will say they never use it. So why I think removing it would be great, I think changing the sound to the creeper hiss or enderman growl would sound better and be less annoying.
I try to use most interactive commands i can so the people have a vision of what is happening and live themselves more in the situation, though removing this would take away a chunk of vampires.( mostly annoying vampires) But there will be still vampires running around the tavern screaming :: i is vamp. And burning in the sun.
Well if a Vampire shriek it can mean many things
  1. They are making a signal to one of their "friends" so the friend would know when to do it,
  2. They are just plan hungry and shriek
  3. They are stupid and want to get killed
I think the shriek is good to have on occasion, but needs a large cooldown. I liked to use it when my vampire character was deeply injured, to scare someone off in a dark alley or sewer, or when they die. It added a nice touch. I agree, noobs spam, but it would be fine if the cooldown for it was much longer. I will have to say, though, I rarely ever use it.
I agree with the cooldown thing. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes, because really, in roleplay how often does a vampire realistically have to scream like a demon?
just going to trow it her but it has been AGES since i last heard a vampire shriek at random in teh tavern or somewere else
I own the house directly across from the Tavern, so I get a lot of Tavern commerce and mumbling.

Know what else I get?

At least 1 vampire shriek ever 2 minutes, but often much, much more.
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