Archived Vampire Invisibility At Night Maybe????

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Shadow Dude
Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
So like if the light lvl is lower than 5, and if vampires do /v invisible, than they can turn invisible in light lvls 5 or lower??? That would be really nice, and it adds to the lore. You know, "hidden in the dark". More creepiness added to vampires, plus not that overpowered. Makes you fear the night more... XD
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I completely dissagree with this. It would make Vampires really OP. Go into bloodlust, do /v invisible and yep, you're an unseen assassin. This is a big no from me.
(I will write more about this when I have more time)

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
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for the same reason invisebility pots are disable this won't be implmented i think.
it would be difficult to determine if someone is hacking or not. together with wath fly said
Don't be offended but...
If you want vampires to be immortal that would be a way.

It doesn't seem logic RP wise too...
Would be a nice replacement for bloodlust, on the condition that any interaction with blocks/entities uncloaks you and cooldowns it.
I don't think this would work out in lore or in PvP. Regarding RP it would be too difficult to roleplay with someone if you can't see them. If an invisible person tries to instigate the other person most likely is not going to acknowledge them because they're not in their line of sight. With lore, I don't really see any logical reason for this its only purpose is being 'cool'. In this case the PvP and roleplay cons outweigh the pros which is why it would probably be a bad idea if implemented. This is just my opinion and I thought I'd state why instead of adding an irrelevant no post without any reasoning behind it.
Rather than giving a straight no, I'll just say there should be a very strict limit on how often/long it can be used, (something like 10 second lengths only allowed once a minute sort of thing) and a restriction from fighting while invisible. Eg. They need to be visible for at least 10 seconds before they're able to do any combat damage, or something similar. Invisibility is very cheap in combat, especially on servers with Mcmmo, which allows people to do a decent amount of damage with their bare fists, in which case you can't even see a weapon floating around to even it out. In order for invisibility to be reasonably fair, it needs big restrictions. Also vampires aren't ghosts, so I don't see what it would add to lore.
I keep thinking to much about Skyrim Vampire Lords... Too bad... :P