Archived Vampire Bloodlines

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Yo Mama
Oct 1, 2014
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As always I will ask you to keep an open mind while reading. Please no flaming, only constructive criticism, or civilized debate.

The flow of ideas just keeps coming and I don't have any sponges to soak it all up so here is another idea fresh from my brain. ;)

Okay so in the MassiveLore there is quite a few pages describing how vampirism has adapted to infect the non human races as well. It even describes the mental, and physical alterations each bloodline causes to each race. Even with all of this lore and amazing diversity, MassiveCraft vampires still only come in the classic vampire form through the use of the amazing Vampire plugin (I really love this plugin btw, the devs did an amazing job.) While the vampire plugin is amazing, and allows for some really cool RP aspects, we are unable to choose traits/races as a vampire which I think is fair. I do think it would be cool if when you become a vampire you could use a command like /vampire bloodline choose (bloodline name). That way if my character is a Yanar Vampire and I use /vampire bloodline choose bloodflower it gives me traits that would suit the bloodflower bloodline, such as: PoisonStrike, AxeVulnerable, PoisonImmune, PoisonRevenge, Unholy, HarmSunlight. The Unholy/HarmSunlight come as a given since they are included in the Vampire plugin and are not necessary.

This idea is not to have premade trait builds that you can choose yourself. I believe turning to a vampire should be more of a commitment, and not just a means to get an upperhand in pvp. To use the /v bloodline command I think one should already be infected, and I also believe all bloodlines should be locked until you have an approved roleplay character with special permissions allowing you to use any of the extra bloodlines.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This sounds like a great idea however it seems like a lengthy coding task.
This sounds like a great idea however it seems like a lengthy coding task.
perhaps. I am no developer so I wouldn't know much. This really wouldn't be adding much though. All of the traits that would be used are already there. It would basically be small lore friendly preset trait builds for vampires that you need special permission to use, to prevent people abusing it for pvp.
Actually we do have sections on the wiki for custom trait builds. At one point we were starting a campaign to get those published on the wiki.

If players and staff start submitting trait builds, we can put them on the wiki as recommendations. The idea of traits are that you can mix and match certain traits to create your own custom builds. Certain traits go well together, but they don't need to go together, which is the fun.
Actually we do have sections on the wiki for custom trait builds. At one point we were starting a campaign to get those published on the wiki.

If players and staff start submitting trait builds, we can put them on the wiki as recommendations. The idea of traits are that you can mix and match certain traits to create your own custom builds. Certain traits go well together, but they don't need to go together, which is the fun.
then perhaps a better suggestion would be to include a new trait to mimic how current vampires feed?

Maybe call it +30 VampiricIntent, 100% melee chance 0% archery chance to activate when dealing damage to passive mobs and players. Personal Effect: Feed 1-2 Food - Instant food restoration.
then perhaps a better suggestion would be to include a new trait to mimic how current vampires feed?

Maybe call it +30 VampiricIntent, 100% melee chance 0% archery chance to activate when dealing damage to passive mobs and players. Personal Effect: Feed 1-2 Food - Instant food restoration.
I've brought this up several times before, and I agree completely. Originally, the traits system was supposed to replace Vampire entirely. The traits system still has yet to encompass all of the Vampire features, which I think was a big part of why people were so happy when the Vampire plugin came back.