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This character is actively played.


Welcome to White Space.
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
Name: Valya Bel-Minolassar
> Nicknames | Val
Race: Mixed Heritage |Teledden and Lanlath
Age: Twenty-Four
> Birthdate|February 17th, 287 AC
> Zodiac|Aquarius
Gender: Demigirl
> Pronouns | She/They
Orientation: Bisexual
> Relationship Status | Emotionally Unavailable
Occult: Armas Godborn & Mage
Core Concept
Valya is a traveling show magician who ended up in Regalia for work. While she was only going to stay for a few weeks, the presence of a friend convinced her to stay for longer.
Since Valya is a fresh face in the city, she does not have much of a reputation yet. She is attempting to build a clientele base so she can provide for herself.
Valya is 5'2 (157.48 cm). She maintains a healthy figure with free running and a diet of simple dishes. Her teal hair is short with two long waves framing her face.
She always wears a short black veil to cover the top half of her face. Underneath, her eyes are flickering glowing rainbow that shifts through colorss.
As a performer, she will only wear the latest trends. She will always be partial to her coat and sky blue pendant.
Melee Combat Style: Spy
  • Steady Body
5 WIS (Defense Stat = 5)
  • Chem Hyperfocus
  • Chem Mend
  • Chem Cleanse
  • Chem Bloodboil
  • Technique Parry
7 DEX (Attack Stat = 8 [+1 from Armas Godborn])
  • Cutthroat Backstab
  • Cutthroat Target
  • Cutthroat Dodge
  • Cutthroat Reversal
  • Cutthroat Flash
  • Cutthroat Evasion
  • Cutthroat Tears
  • Magic Feather
  • Magic Smog (Lanlath Free Pack)
  • Magic Warp (Lanlath Free Pack)
Heritage Traits
  • The two Free Magic Packs chosen from Heritage Traits can be used as the Sinistral Variant, but will always be Radiant instead and cannot be forced to be Sinistral. (Lanlath)
  • Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful. (Lanlath)
  • Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask the DM for Event use. (Lanlath)
  • Teledden, when using Persuasion Dice Rolls on Nobles or Non-Regalian Diplomats, gain +2 to their Persuasion Dice Roll, and the Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2. (Teledden)
  • Lanlath cannot use God Magic. However, Lanlath can Dimension Align to Lathan Magic, which is extradimensional like Void/Exist/Ordial, and unique to the Lanlath. (Lanlath)
Plot Hooks
  1. Valya was born to a single acrobat in the entertainment sector of the Minolassar. She grew up learning to conserve what she had and work hard to earn more. All the way up to adolescence, Valya worked small jobs for the denizens of her small section. Into her teenage years, her mother's act took to the road to search for Armas, so Valya joined her.
    1. Hook: Valya is a jack of all trades and no stranger to working odd jobs. On the other hand, she is quite stingy from her upbringing and holds the money she earns very close. Those who came from Minolassar may remember a small child sweeping the streets.
  2. After traveling out of the Minolassar, Valya and her mother eventually ended up in Ilha Faiaal. During their stay, Valya herself was hired by the Vaalen family as an entertainer for their many parties. She performed through card tricks, sawing others in half, and using tarot to tell the future. Once she turned eighteen, her close friend disappeared without a trace. Seeking change, Valya left the family only six months after.
    1. Hook: Valya is a talented magician. Others may remember her shows from Ilha Faiaal or surrounding Fin'ullen lands, particularly the flash of glitter and playing cards.
  3. Over the next six years, she picked up more odd jobs and joined a new circus. Lacking the money the privileged Vaalen family paid her, she turned to more carnal ways to make money. She learned to use her cards not only for performance but also for slitting throats. Valya lacked personal connections and friendships, so she turned to Estelley for company. Her search for perfection and more money took her to Regalia.
    1. Hook: Valya is not an open mercenary, but does state she is 'open to any and all kinds of work'. Those in privileged positions may recall narrowly avoiding a sharp spade card being flung into their neck.
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