Preserved Sheet Valentius Decimar

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Jun 27, 2013
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Real Veridan.png
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Valentius Decimar (previously Veridan Daevaar)

  • Age: 65.

  • Gender: Male.

  • Race: Nelfin, Drowdar.

  • Main Ambition: To aid others and encourage the fight for goodness in Aloria as he retires. Valentius seeks to pass on all of the knowledge he has learned to encourage others to fight against evil and the void. Most important to him is that he wishes to teach other when not to fight as well.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Valentius currently resides in a rather large house a ways from the tavern, in Birkelane, though he primarily stays with the Haavens at their estate. Maintained with the various jobs he used to do with money saved up, as well as money that comes in from his teaching and other less demanding jobs.

  • He was born upon the forsaken continent of Drowvda, to Lyssaria and Vytharion Daevaar. Both of his parents are deceased, and his brother, Ravar Daevaar, is also deceased. His sister, Celynn Daevaar is presumed to still be alive.

  • Currently, Valentius wishes to lead a happy life with his family and eventually settle down in full with his lover. He also wants to do his best to better Aloria and rid the world of the evil that is the void.
  • Valentius enjoys full rights as a Humanum citizen of Regalia as granted by the Emperor Cedromar. He was also Imperialized and is no longer known officially as Veridan Daevaar.

Skill Information
  • Total Proficiency Points:
    • 60 Proficiency and Culture points from age
    • 50 Proficiency points with Esa-Ajo School training
  • Allocated Proficiency points:
    • +50 Khoptar (+10 from Drowdar, +10 from Esa-Ajo School, +30 from points)
    • +25 Abberation Knowledge (+20 from Drowdar, +5 from points)
    • +25 Void/Exist Knowledge (+10 from Esa-Ajo School, +15 from points)
    • +10 Tracking (+10 from Esa-Ajo School)
  • Allocated Culture Points:
    • +40 Dancing (+40 from points)
    • + 10 Drawing (+10 from points)
    • +10 Cuisine cooking (+10 from points)
  • Languages
    • Common
    • Modern Elven
    • Drowdar Elven
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Steel Grey, left eye is gone and covered by an eyepatch.

  • Hair Color: White.

  • Hair Style: Short, neat and well-kept, and a groomed medium-length beard.

  • Skin Color: Dark purple.

  • Clothing: Well-fitting, easy to move in and practical.
  • Height: 6'2" (187.96cm)
  • Body Size/Build: Ripped(aged).
  • Weapon of Choice: His custom Khoptar "Retribution" which is usually wielded in two hands. Now that he is retired, he avoids combat when it can be helped.
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Valentius has an angular facial structure with prominent cheekbones and very little chubbiness in the cheeks. His jaw is quite sleek and angles down into a semi-flat chin, not being overtly pointed, but not overly flat either; resting somewhere in the middle. The most noteworthy feature are his two long ears that stick out plainly from the sides of his head, ending in a sharp point, making it hard to mistake his facial features for anything but Elven. He wears a groomed and well-kept medium-length beard upon his face. A variety of light and faded scars cover his face in varying places, acquired from many shards of glass piercing it sometime ago. He also has a longer and more notable scar, running vertically across his eye, and horizontally across his nose. His facial features are worn, his age rather plain to see, despite his otherwise healthy condition. There is along scar running vertically from his forehead down across his left eye, the left eye is covered by an eyepatch to indicate it is indeed gone.

  • Valentius stands at an astounding height for a Drow at 6'2" tall, and possessing a strong yet refined muscular build. Valentius inherited his height from his father's side, his body build coming from his Drow heritage and a strict regime of exercise, combat practice, and eating habits. His muscles are quite defined all across his body, the definition is easily seen in his abdominal area to his biceps and legs. His legs are extremely strong and toned due to Esa-Ajo training, and years of marching, running, and agility necessary to avoid big beasties. Both his arms are equally strong due using both of them for his Khoptar. Because of his age his body is no longer capable of the agility and strength that it once was, while he still remains healthy and built given his habits, he is definitely no longer in his prime.

  • Due to being a Drowdar, Valentius has a very dark purple skin colour, but not so dark as to be mistaken for black in well-lit areas. The Drow sports many scars all in varying places across his body, due to several decades of a combat-filled lifestyle wrought with danger. The most notable of his scars is a large series of raking claw scars on his chest and abdomen from an encounter with a Drowdan Dire Wolf. He is also missing his left ring finger, bitten off in one of his many skirmishes with the tainted creatures of Drowda. Some other notable scars, perhaps equally or moreso than the ones on his abdomen, are the lash marks across the entirety of his back. Given his combative nature and various ill-fated encounters, the Drow sports a large amount of lashing scars all about his back, some newer than others, but plain to see regardless.
  • Valentius wears perfectly fitted and well-made Imperial Culture-inspired clothing, blue and cyan on the arms with a blue-grey and black vest. This is complete with light grey pant, and black boots, he also has a black belt fastened about his waist. The Drow wears advanced nelfinite earrings on his right ear outside of the battlefield, a complimenting advanced nelfinite necklace with purple beads hangs about his neck. The necklace in particular is worn on Valentius at all times, with the name 'Zaan' etched into the center nelfinite piece. Given it was a gift from that very same person, Valentius feels it necessary to keep his bond-brother close to him.
  • Retribution: The primary and prized weapon of Valentius, Retribution is an extremely custom-designed and very well-made Blacksteel Drow Khoptar. While the entirety of the sword is blacksteel, what little of the hilt isn't covered by leather is coated with silver to add a bit of shine to the sword. The handle is designed for two handed usage as are all Khoptars, it's wrapped snugly with tough purple hide. The blade maintains it's signature sickle-sword design, with the inner edge being dull, the blade also has several slits along it's flat edge, causing it to scream/whistle when swung. Furthermore, the hilt has 6 feathers attached to it, a blue, a reddish orange, a green leaf-like one, a teal, a purple, and a yellow. There is Drow-Elven etching on the flat of the blade, translating to it's namesake "Retribution", with decorative engravings on the other side meant to simply look nice. Near the hilt of this sword just below the proper of the blade, is a strange and very custom rune etched into the metal. This blade was earned after his time in the rest of Aloria and Regalia, to have a stronger blade to fight the void. One thing to note is the way the Drow treats his sword, it's just like any Drow Esa-Ajo warrior. He treats it as an almost living being, tends to it carefully and frequently, and often-times refers to it as 'her' or 'she' and as if it has feelings and preferences. To take the blade from him is to earn his scorn that could only be matched by another Esa-Ajo warrior. While it's renewed and tended to keep it in pristine shape, the blade is actually rather old, but not quite as old as the one who wields it.
  • A Sister's Wrath: A well-made and well-kept steel Pesh-Kabz, designed to suit the hand of Valentius. This dagger is always kept in the Drow's left boot in a snug sheathe, used as a backup if his other equipment cannot be used buth e'll always use his Khoptar if he can since that's what he trained in. It's rather unadorned in it's design, with only a few vines, leaves, and flowers etching the hilt. There is also an etching in Modern Elven on the blade translating to "A Sister's Wrath". This name is done to honour his bond-sister Nadina Haaven, due to her suggesting Valentius to customize and name the dagger. Before this suggestion, the dagger was just some plain-old dagger.
  • Valentius speaks in an even and calm tone at all times, his voice being rather deep and aged like a fine wine.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • He is often viewed by others as being Zealous and Reserved, very dedicated to his duty to destroy the void and calm and closed-off. The Drow often puts duty and doing good first, rarely sharing his feelings or opening up to those he has recently met. Those meeting him for the first time would likely note his Arrogant and Rash nature. He'll often brag and talk down to those he deems as inferior, he speaks bluntly and often sarcastically without much consideration to how another might take his words. Despite this he's also seen as Altruistic, always giving and aiding others without requesting much in return for his deeds. Valentius is also seen as rather judgmental in the way he acts, often harshly judging another for an action he may dislike in a very unforgiving manner. Lastly Valentius is quite respectful to most nobility and any person of authority, but extremely disrespectful and harsh towards Shendar and Saivalthar which he deems corrupted by the void. He is extremely hostile to anything related to the void, deeming them and anyone that defends them as immediately damned and evil.
  • Valentius often feels a sense of calm, rarely ever letting anger dominate him or his actions. He's very confident in himself and everything he does due to being raised in a military society and having done so much in his long life. The Drow is certain of himself completely, never giving into doubt and often labeling himself as fearless, unwavering and even stubborn due to his warrior upbringing. Despite all of this he has grown hate some of the things he has done in his past, looking back on his deeds from when he was younger with a great sense of regret and guilt because of those questionable actions.
  • The Drow is intensely loyal to those he cares about, always standing by their side and being there for them no matter what. Valentius is also a lot more caring and open to his closer friends, as opposed to his usual closed-off nature. He'll often empathize with them and show a much softer side when he trusts them, supporting them in anyway he can. He also shows a fatherly side to those younger than him, offering them guidance and a firm hand where necessary. Valentius is very family-oriented as well, believing that one should always support and provide for one's family. He often encourages his friends and family to take up the cause of what he deems good, which is fighting the void. As such he'll often off to teach what he knows to others so they can benefit from his experiences.
  • Valentius is a morally upright and good individual, comparable to Neutral Good when looking at a specific alignment. He is an honourable being and believes loyalty is paramount, he also constantly protects and aids others. The Drow is just, believing in fairness and proper treatment to those who deserve it. As stated above, he's also altruistic and never demands reward and often insists he doesn't need to be thanked. He expects other people to do the right thing and despises those that turn to the void for power and those that defend them, feeling beholden to bring them to justice. Corrupt individuals also gain his ire, viewing those who abuse their power as evil and in need of a buttkicking for goodness. Valentius also views Shendar, Saivalthar, and anything else affiliated with the void as evil in all circumstances. His drive to do good in the world is fueled by what he was taught upon Drowda in his home Xaster, thus he believes purging the void from Aloria to be good.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

  • Often, when something intriguing or strange happens, the Drow perks up his eyebrow in response. He has always had such a reaction to things, even when meeting someone new, he perks up a brow.
  • Exercise: Valentius has been training his skills, and keeping his body in shape through exercise for many years. He has always enjoyed it, as it helps improve himself and keeps his skills sharp. It is also something that was enforced upon Drowda and within his home Xaster, and is a part of him that has stuck with him upon him leaving. It makes him feel generally happy, as well as healthy and productive.

  • Nature: Ever since he left Drowda, Valentius has had a great love of the outdoors, and the simple beauty of it. He believes the mountains, and the trees to be much better than the dark dismal land he grew up. Valentius has be known to sit, and simply awe at the beauty of nature, or take long walks into the wilderness during his travels to destroy the void, or hunting trips Nature tends to make him feel more relaxed, at ease, and calm.

  • Aiding others: Valentius has always enjoyed coming to the aid of others, not so much for that alone, but for the outcome. Using his skills as an Esa-Ajo to defend the weak and rid Aloria of the void, never seeking reward for his actions beyond knowing he did what he was taught to do. He enjoys this greatly, as he does it all the time.
  • Anything void-related: Valentius has an intense dislike for anything related to the void, shunning it completely and berating those who would indulge it. Vampires, Possessed people, Shendar, Saivalthar, and any void magics are all subject to the Drow's scrutiny. He will usually act in a disgusted, or simply disrespectful manner to those who fall into this category or even try to outright attack them, and won't use anything that might corrupt things around him. He also actively combats and tries to destroy things that fall into this category in his pursuit to purge Aloria of the void, deeming it as evil immediately.
  • Slavery: Forcing someone to serve you, and owning them is just wrong, especially when they are beaten for disobeying. Believing everyone should be free to do what they want, without fear of punishment, Valentius opposes slavery, and will sometimes even get quite active as a warrior within Regalia. He has acted against slavers, and even outright attacked them when encountered outside of Regalia, and will even do such within a city if the situation calls for it, as he feels it is necessary to combat such evil and uphold good, especially against other Elves Slavery upsets the Drow, regardless of race, often annoying or angering him when seen. Furthermore, he doesn't even believe Shendar and other void-related beings should be enslaved, feeling they should be killed before they corrupt their masters even further.

  • Injustice: When a wrongful act is left unpunished, when Justice is not served properly, Valentius is bothered immensely. Being someone who serves the people, and upholds good to purge Aloria of the void as an Esa-Ajo, he is loathe to stand around when a crime is committed, or some other wrongful act. He'll often get quite vocal in his plea for justice if it isn't being upheld, and will usually take up his sword to see that it does not come to pass.

Wouldn't you like to know? Find out IC.​

Family(or close to it):
"I've known them my whole life, or close to it. Blood or not, we're together through thick and thin."
Ellahie Decimar(@SilentEndurance ): "You've grown a lot since I last saw you, it is only my regret that I was not there for you more often." Veridan's daughter, born upon Drowda during his active combatting of the void. Veridan was as present a she could be during her childhood, having been very active in teaching and fighting the void within their Xaster. Regardless, he cares about her very much and still considers her to be his little girl.

Mei Decimar(@Gabriel ): "That wasn't a bubble-mix, Mei.." Valentius' adopted daughter, the Drow cares for her immensely and like his very own child. Despite her excitable and sometimes rebellious nature, Valentius will always watch over her and protect her no matter what.

Nadina Haaven(@Eccetra ): "Drinking parts of people is really weird, Niantha!" The wife to Zaan, the Drow considers this Yanar to be almost like a sister to him, and will always stand by her. He's known her for a very long time, and while he hasn't always agreed with her, he cares about her and trusts her greatly.

Zaan Haaven(@Caelamus ): "How can you be a mom? You're treebeard." The husband to Nadina, Valentius treats this Yanar like a brother, and remains stalwart in his loyalty to him. Despite his often-times extremely odd nature, the Drow trusts this 'man' very much.

Rowan Haaven(@Caelamus ): "Don't ask my relation to him, because I don't even know anymore." The child to Nadina and Zaan, Valentius considers him to be his Nephew and tried to guide him along the path to combat the void. Rowan decided to choose Celestial magic over the blade, but Valentius accepts and understands his choice. He cares for Rowan greatly too, despite his otherwise cold spiteful demeanor.

Elanora Haaven(@Eccetra ): "Young and aspiring, though I she'd talk with her dear old uncle more often." Another child to Zaan and Nadina Haaven, Valentius views Elanora as his niece. He cares about her, albeit they don't interact too often.

Loriette Haaven(@EdnaMode_ ):
"Kindhearted just like the other Haavens, too quiet for her own good sometimes." The niece to Valentius due to being another child of Zaan and Nadina Haaven. He cares about her and wishes that she'd be more vocal, always feeling she has something to say but is just too quiet to say it.

Shepard Haaven(@MeMyselfandI ):
"He and I don't always see eye to eye, but I hope he'll realize that there are times to be abrupt." Another child of Nadina and Zaan because they don't stop. They don't interact all too often and aren't on the best of terms due to their widely differing beliefs.

"They've proven sincere and loyal, I shall stand at their side when they call."
Elizabeth Black(@Miss_Confined ): "You're young yet, you'll learn there's more to life than just boys." A young and curious noble lady, Valentius cares about Elizabeth and acts almost like a father towards her. He not only mentors Elizabeth, but also steps in as her protector when necessary.

Juliette Wodenstaff(@AtticCat ):
"I believe everyone should have a chance at protecting others, even you." Much like Elizabeth, Valentius has a father-like relationship with this young noble. Despite her sometimes mischievous nature, Valentius acts a mentor and protector for her.

Ztril Merrit(@Eyrok ):
"Wait.. You have two what-now?" One of Valentius' closest friends, the Drow would stand by this Allar no matter what. Though Ztril has had personal troubles in the past, Valentius has remained steadfastly loyal, often encouraging him to do more.

Sophie Perrot(@Patsie ): "Many who have done terrible things have found redemption, perhaps you can too." One of the many people Valentius has punished severely for their crimes. Despite this he has tried to guide her onto a proper path so that she may get away from a life of evil and do good. He mentors her much like a father in this sense.

Caoess'alloa(@BirthFather ): "She's as likely to cut your hand off as she is to shake it. Likely why we're friends, really." Quite the chaotic Avanthar, while their friendship has had it's ups and downs, Valentius can say that he'd have her back if it came down to it.

William Howlester(@BillyTheScroofy ): "I think you could use a hand." Despite having rough relations in the beginning with this noble, Valentius considers William to be a very close friend. Having always stood by his side, Valentius shall continue to be loyal and trusts this man wholeheartedly.

Rodderick Howlester(@BillyTheScroofy ): "He's young, but certainly has a lot of drive. He'll go far." The son of Ania and William, he's an aspiring young man that intends to fill his father's shoes. As such Valentius does his best to remain at his side.

Ania Howlester(@MantaRey ): "She might be harsh, but one cannot deny her drive." Valentius' friend, superior, and William's lover, the Drow trusts and is loyal to this northerner, despite her rather gruff demeanor. He's known her for quite a long time, he'd easily come to her aid and always has her back, even if they sometimes can be at odds.

Aesling Sylfina(@Bellarmina ): "Sometimes I wonder if you think I'm your personal pocket-hero." A friend of Valentius, this Half-Shendar is good sort despite being rather quiet at times. While he knows that she is half-Shendar, he doesn't view her as harshly as one would except. He cares for her and respects the choice she made to stray away from the void, but he remains alert to keep the void from tainting her.

Warren Howlester(@Brycea111 ): "You finally got a lady, eh? Here I thought I wouldn't live to see that day come." An old and good friend of the Drow's, Valentius has known Warren for quite some time. Always having each other's backs, Valentius trusts in Warren quite a bit.

Brae'lah Al-Sahid(@Brycea111 ): "I've always wondered how you always suddenly appear behind me." Yet another long-time friend of Valentius', he met Brae in his first days in Regalia. Despite her magical talents being useless to him, he trusts this Songaskia and respects her drive to help others.

Rerik Ulster(@avemechanicus ): "You cannot run around like you own the place, it's dangerous." At one point Rerik was a very close friend to Valentius, almost like family, his opinion of the Half-Orc has since degraded. While not outright hated, Valentius no longer tolerates his beliefs or his behaviour.

Lithiel Lossenial(@Lithiel ): A young healer whom Valentius looks out for, he's not seen her in a long time.

"They could be better in their ideals.. Then again, they could be worse too."
Annabel Berg(@DockedRelic ): "She does her work properly, but she defends the undeserving." Valentius met Annabel through the Vigilant Shield, and while he trusts her to do well in her job, he doesn't trust her choice of friends.

Lancaeron Draugole(@BirthFather ):
"He defends those who would destroy the peace he seeks.. His priorities are misordered." Met through the Apothecary, Valentius understands his desire for peace. Despite this, he doesn't agree that Shendar should be given peace too.

Joasaie Lloablen (@PsychoLupus ): "I have a hard time deciding whether she lives for herself, or just to please others." A Yanar Veridan holds a true 'in the middle' stance on. She does her job and listens on occasion, but he believes her to be naive and easily tricked not good traits for someone who should defend others.

"Fools and wretches, they're going to be their own downfall in the end."
Naushe Kearney(@Kelpsy ): "You used to be a good man, now all you are is a void-loving drunkard." At one point one of Valentius' close friends, they grew apart with Naushe's possession and his relationship with a Shendar. These two are commonly hurling insults and at each others throats, so much for BFFs.

Aeandir Yaeano(@ShipIt ): "You're nothing but a vile, tainted wretch, Naushe is a fool to trust you." The Lover to Naushe Kearney, Aea is firmly hated by Valentius due to being a Shendar. This hate is even furthered by her children and relationship with Naushe.

Ava Sarviel(@Bellarmina ): "You're a Shendar, I'm a Drow. We're supposed to hate each other, not.. Not THIS." A Shendar Valentius has known of for quite sometime, he heavily distrusts her. While not as hated as some of her kind, Valentius still insults her frequently and deems her evil.

Va'al(@Narrju ): "She is even more tainted than rest of her kind, combined by her lack of understand, she's a potential risk." While Valentius tolerates this Shendar on occasion, he still hates her guts and mistreats her. He believes she's even more tainted due to her Silven nature, and that her lack of common sense and self-control just makes it worse. The only reason he somewhat tolerates her is her employment by the Alchimia, which he is opposed to.

Hengest Harhold(@Jonificus ): "I don't think he's aware of how inept he really is.. Kind of pitiable when you think about it." Someone who's too big for his britches and thinks too much of himself, in the Drow's eyes. The two of them never see eye to eye, and Valentius is convinced that Hengest is trying too hard and should just stop before he hurts himself.

Marked for death:
"I shall send you back to the void where you belong! Evil meet my sword. Sword, MEET EVIL!"
Anise Nu'ssaja(@Reaperess5066 ): "Like all void-loving creatures, out for herself and the damnation of the innocent. I will end her evil." Someone who is far beyond any point of redemption. This Shendar has not only aided in his capture, but frequently commits acts of void worship and evil. Thus, Valentius intends to deliver Retribution onto her.

All'oa Nu'ssaja(@Sozzer ): "The very reason as to why her kind are beyond redemption. This creature will be destroyed for the good of Aloria." A Shendar that Valentius considers to be extremely dangerous and extremely evil. All'oa is the very definition of a void-worshipping Shendar and he'll stop at nothing to hunt her down.

Life Story

Valentius came into world upon July 7th 244AC, born in Drowvda to Lyssaria and Vytharion Daevaar. Like most Drow, Valentius began his training at an early age, The Drow child remained within the walls of his hold, training for the entirety of his time within them. Valentius was trained alongside other Drow as a swordsman, and a rather strong warrior.

Early Adulthood

Much like his childhood it was full of rigorous training, and the various other activities that occupies the strict regimen of Drow life. While he constantly trained his skills, and battled other Drow to test his mettle, he was also taught other useful things. Hunting was a common practice, which is when he first learned how to track prey over reasonable distances. His outings away from the hold always kept him alert and ready, born out of necessity to be prepared for danger.

The Drowdar's later adult life was much like his earlier life, but far more trying and dangerous. Valentius had trained since he was ten years of age. He fought alongside his fellow Drowdar, learning all that was taught among his fellow warriors as he fought the beasts that dwell within Drowda. This took many long and arduous years, and was the time that Valentius gained most of his scars and injuries. Once Valentius graduated he stayed for several more years before departing.

Outside of Drowda

Valentius' desire for freedom is what led him to leave his homeland, the call of adventure and generally something more. The Drow decided to leave his hold and left aboard one of the few ships that arrived at his xaster. The ship sailed to Regalia where he began to get re-situated and learn about how the world worked outside of Drowda. He spent many years figuring out how the rest of Aloria functioned, having spent several decades of his life fighting within Drowda and being ingrained with the customs of his own people. After several years he got more and more situated with the outside world, meeting many of his long-time friends and becoming more in-tune with the customs and cultures that he found outside of Drowda. He never remained idle during this time of discovery, however, constantly training and keeping his skills up to par. He also got into the dancing of other cultures rather than the dance he learned from his own people, also adding drawing to his skills as he quite enjoyed it as an idle pass-time.

Recent years
  • Moved to Regalia initially to stay for the most part, involving himself in the various on-goings and settling in.
  • Fought in most of Regalia's conflicts over the course of the time he was outside of Drowda, offering his skills he learned over the years.
  • Helped liberate the city of Regalia against Andrieu the usurper, helping to retake the harbour.
  • Joined the Vigilant Shield, remaining with it loyally when it was later transferred into the Violet Order.
  • Helped William lead the Kronau resistance as a Commander among several others, loyally fighting against Freya Lo and aiding in retaking Regalia.
  • Has since stayed with the Vigilant Shield, now a guard in the new Bluesteel order and settling back down.
  • Granted full rights as a Humanum Citizen of the Regalian Empire, by Emperor Cedromar.
  • Joined the Consul Reichsrat Consul under Curia Regis within the Regalian Government.
  • Was discharged from the guard and military during Montagaard's reign of Undercrown, and also was removed from the Consul reichsrat during changeovers.
  • Valentius continues to upkeep his training and Esa-Ajo way of life despite the setbacks forced upon him, traveling to eradicate void cults.
  • Left the Regalian Guards once William Coen was discharged from his position, remaining with him and joining the Ivory Wardens.
  • Fully Imperialized at the demands of the Emperor and the insistence of Tristan, denouncing his previous culture and changing his name to a more Ailor alternative. As such he is no longer known as Veridan Daevaar.
  • Upkeeps his physical health with exercise that he has learned and with his frequent dancing as well, continuing to broaden his mental knowledge and learning as his body grows old.
  • Officially retired from the combat scene due to the aging of his person and the overwhelming amount of injuries his body has endured, no longer being able to keep up with combat as someone in their prime.
  • Had his left eye slashed out by a particularly upset Shendar void-worshipper during an intense spat. This left Valentius to recover and get used to the one-eyed life, he covers the wound with an eyepatch.
  • Met his match in a large void-worshipping cult, marking the end of his story and the end of his life.
Last edited:
I hereby claim this character for review!

  • Yes "Cunning' can be a part of his personality, but not as you've described it. It's all about -how- he -uses- it, not -how- it makes him who it is. So, remove it, and replace it with something that is all personality, not an ability.
  • "Selfless to a fault" while kind a weakness, is also one of those annoying admirable ones, so remove it. In it's place, add -2- more weaknesses, of any type, to balance his four strengths out. I want one physical/combat weakness to not be like, crippling, but close.
  • How did he figure out to make the eggshell things? I can deal with him having them, but I'll need a very detailed explanation in his life story saying how he was taught to make them, and how he goes searching for ruddy eggs all the time to make them.
  • Go into a tinse more detail on life goals, letting me know how he will achieve his goals.
Application Progress: Under Review!
There you are, how is that looking now @Jared4242 ? I added 2 new weaknesses, changed Cunning to Devious and re-wrote it of course, and explained the eggshell blinding powder in the last paragraph of the life story. I also added two sentences to the goals to explain how he would exactly go about his goals.
@Jared4242 This needs a re-review.
I switched to the new template, added and removed certain things (Added talents and skills), Veridan also now uses a targe instead of the offhand arming dagger. Added the "recent" blurb to life story, but didn't change anything aside from that. Most things remained the same, with a few removed sentences or words to make it more compact. Also, most importantly, I added his beard to the app. Relationships will be revised later.
@Jared4242 This needs a re-review.
I switched to the new template, added and removed certain things (Added talents and skills), Veridan also now uses a targe instead of the offhand arming dagger. Added the "recent" blurb to life story, but didn't change anything aside from that. Most things remained the same, with a few removed sentences or words to make it more compact. Also, most importantly, I added his beard to the app. Relationships will be revised later.
Added people to the relationships thingy, I probably forgot a bunch of people, so that list will likely get longer, yay.
>tfw u don't rp enough anymore for Cecil to be Veri's fwend
Edited the app once again, changed the life story a little bit, edited his ambitions, elaborated on the shield, fiddled with the wording in the skills. Many minor changes for the most part. Still want a review @Jared4242
Hey there! I'm pleasantly pleased at the quality of your application. It is overall very well written and I can tell you put a lot of attention and thought into the smaller details. This was a fun read!
  • Retribution: A metalitra arming sword of excellent quality. Acquired as a gift from aiding dwarves during Veridan's time in Ellador. This is Veridan's main weapon. It has an etching upon the pommel in Dwarven which translates to the name of the sword "Retribution".

  • Credo: A wooden Targe made of wood and covered with tough deer hide and studded heavily with Metalitra. The center has a Metaltira boss and the outside edge is rimmed with Metalitra as well. Upon the rim and the boss are various etchings of Veridan's various beliefs hence the name "Credo". This shield was gifted to him alongside the sword by the Dwarves he traveled with.

  • Pesh-Kabz: A simple steel Pesh-Kabz, kept in his right boot as a backup weapon. Sometimes this dagger is used alongside the shield, in the same hand.
  • Blinding powder: Wax-coated egg shells, filled with sand, black pepper, and iron shavings. Often used to blind an opponent and gain an advantage.

  • Armour: A simple leather brigandine covering his torso, with wax-boiled leather pieces covering his arms and legs. He does not wear his cloak upon the battlefield.
  • Recurve bow: A simple recurve bow, not often used upon the battlefield unless he's scouting in a relatively open area. Usually used for hunting, or taking down large creatures that want to eat him.
Where does Veridan keep these weapons? How does he avoid detection from the guards with these? Realistically, Veridan could not walk around the streets with a shield, bow, swords, and etc on him.
  • Opportunistic: Veridan has always thought that one should act during an opportune moment, especially in combat; he developed this in Drowda through the strict training and the many combat situations he encountered. While initially he was this way only in combat situations, he quickly adapted outside of his homeland and holds such a view in everything he does. Exploiting/acting upon circumstance is usually how Veridan will gain an advantage, and even if a strict plan is set-out on something he will always take an opportunity if it benefits him or is advantageous.

  • Devious: The Drow has has always had a relatively deceitful nature about him, even upon Drowda. Veridan has a tendency to lie and cheat in various situations, whenever it suits him best. While by no means compulsive liar, he always finds ways to exploit those he isn't fond of. He often leads others to believe that he's something that he isn't, lying so he can better suit himself. Honesty certainly isn't beyond him, never lying to a friend no matter what.

  • Reserved: While generally a calm, collected and patient person, Veridan can be quite distant, especially to those he doesn't know. He tends to keep his emotions under wraps, very slow to reveal his true feelings, outwardly remaining calm and distant emotionally in almost all situations. This can have both positive and negative effects, angering others that he appears not care or inspiring/surprising others with how calm and collected he is, even when staring down frightening things. While he can be reserved, and closed-off at times, he still cares for the well being of his friends, and others as he isn't so distant as to be considered callous.

  • Loyal: No matter the situation, Veridan will always stand by those he trusts, even if a bribe was offered or threats of physical punishment.. Such diehard loyalty has always been apart of Veridan, part of it because he was raised in a militaristic environment as such was expected, however he has always been naturally loyal to what he cares about even without the constant presence of discipline. The thought of abandoning an ally or friend, or failing to support one, is abhorrent to Veridan.

  • Sarcastic: While usually not used in spite of another, Sarcasm is very commonly displayed by Veridan in many situations. This is most-often in the form of a witty remark or retort, when a question or statement Veridan thinks is obvious or stupid is spoken. Such constant sarcasm has been known to land him in all-sorts of trouble with nobles, and large angry people alike. The Drow wasn't always this way, having been very stern before his arrival into the various places of Aloria. The more he was around others in Regalia and varying places he picked up upon sarcasm and eventually began to use it for himself more and more regularly.

  • Altruistic: Always willing to aid another above his own personal interest, Veridan is very Selfless, even overly so in some cases. The Drow is more concerned about the well-being of others than he is about himself, which can be good or bad; he could be injured and still choose to aid someone over himself. Whether it is for someone he knows, or a complete stranger he will help out if needed, offering regals, defending another, etc. Like most of his traits, this originated upon his time in his homeland having led several patrol groups, and having aided many of those in them.

  • Prideful: Veridan's pride is perhaps one of his more prominent personality traits showing in a lot of the interactions he makes with others. His prideful nature can lead to trouble, be it verbal or physical, quite often and has even lead to several of his injuries due to angering others. While he isn't arrogant to the extent of most elves, he certainly has a large pride because of his many accomplishments, and the fact that he has saved many others. The Drow has been this way for almost the entirety of his life, having been raised around such pride, and arrogance being a warrior, and a Nelfin.

  • Bold: Veridan is extremely courageous, and quite fearless, rarely being fazed by impending doom, or overwhelming odds. The control he possesses over his fear is exceptional, allowing him to perform feats that would usually turn away others in fear of their own safety, which can work both in or against his favour depending on the situation. He is always willing to take risks, ones that many would consider dangerous and sometimes outrageous, but would have some sort of large benefit if successful. The Drow certainly isn't reckless, and will think about such an action before performing it, and knows when something isn't worth the trouble.
Right now, I only see negative trait surrounding Veridan, that being, "Devious." Your character must have an equally balanced personality. Please add some negative traits to balance out Veridan. Is he maybe greedy? Arrogant instead of Prideful? Maybe he is Brash and reckless instead of Bold? Try to experiment around with these things and give your character more diversity.
Agile: Years of rigorous training have sharpened his physical reflexes, making him all the more formidable in combat, given his ability to avoid most strikes that would render him helpless to further attacks. The Drow can be seen as almost graceful in his footwork, with blinding speed and excellent timing, paired with knowledge on a variety of rolls, this can be a life-saver if he falls from a height. Given he trains to hone this strength of his often, the Drow's legs are strong as a result, which allows him to be quite fast in running. Veridan has a higher than average stamina due to the very reason of him relying on this so heavily, although this is separate from his endurance as he will still falter quickly when faced with connecting blows. Due to such agility, Veridan's extremely light on his feet.
Light frame: Despite his combat expertise, he is unable to take the brunt of almost any attack, and thus does his best to avoid incoming blows, lest they down him in the midst of a fight. His lightweight also makes for trouble, as he is, whilst he certainly isn't weak, he isn't overly strong either, thus causing him to rely on exploiting and attacking an enemy's weakness, rather than smashing through their defence entirely. This is arguably, significantly harder to do, as it requires a great amount of concentration and skill. Due to his lighter weight he can be moved, or thrown about with relative ease as well, assuming his opponent is strong enough to do such things.
I feel like these two traits obsolete eachother. In order to be agile, one must have a lighter frame. To compensate for having a light frame, it makes most sense to train to be more agile. Therefore, it is rather implicit in a fighter that if they are one of the above traits, they are the other. Remove one and try to find something else. Agility is a double edged sword; Sure, you're tiny, but you can dodge any attack anyway, so what does it really matter?
Outspoken: Any who have met Veridan will know of his rather outspoken nature, and if they do not; they will find out in short order. He is unafraid to speak his mind, if he has something that he needs to say he will say it regardless of the situation. The Drow's tendency to speak his mind has led to many bad situations, especially with those of higher class who simply lash out at him, understandably this flaw has led to many an injury on his part. Along with his outspoken nature is his tendency to use sarcasm in many situations, which can lead tension on the part of some others who do not take kindly to such remarks. He tends to be this way in many situations, especially if another has done or said something he isn't particularly fond of.
Being confident enough to be outspoken isn't a weakness; rather, it takes tremendous courage and ability to be able to speak your mind freely. I would rather you focus on making Veridan reckless and overconfident, though the problems with this weakness are mostly tied into the fact that your character really does not have any personality flaws, as mentioned above.
  • Audacious: While certainly not reckless, Veridan still has a knack for taking extremely daring risks. The Drow does such on a frequent basis, taking a risk which could provide benefits, but usually has very dangerous consequences. This applies anywhere, whether it be in combat, Adventuring, or even in a debate, he takes risks whenever presented with such an opportunity. Because of such risk-taking, it can lead to injuries or even other consequences for his actions.
This either is a weakness or isn't. There is no middle ground. If he is reckless and makes lots of mistakes, good. If he isn't, remove this entirely and find something else to replace it.

The rest of the application is completely fine. You don't have too many edits to do, so I expect these to be easy to resolve! Good luck, I can't wait to see the final result! Tag me when you are done, and be sure to mark all of the edited material with blue text. Thanks!
@Shayin all edits have been made and marked in blue. I removed "light frame" entirely, but because it's still generally assumed he has a light frame because of his agility, I didn't add a whole new weakness. I instead expanded upon his wounds and utilized that, because while he may be able to dodge and maneuver a lot, he won't always be able to dodge everything. When caught unable to dodge, which has happened quite a bit, he is rather easily downed because of his inability to endure strikes before falling. Not to mention, people much stronger than him have enabled him to fly, so I settled with an expanded weakness instead of a new one entirely. Hopefully that will suffice, if not, let me know.
Hey, @deadfoe51. Taking a second sweep through.
Stubborn: Veridan is extremely stubborn, absolutely refusing to give up and back off even if the odds are stacked against him. This bull-headedness can lead to trouble and frustration, and even more because he refuses to back down from his statement or action. Such dogged determination could be seen as good, but frequently leads to irreversible consequences and injuries. Many tend to be angered by this behaviour, as he won't quit even if the blatant truth is right in front of him and he is in the wrong.
I did not mention it before, but I do not think that Stubbornness is more of a weakness than it is a strength. Stubbornness indicates dedication. This could mean Veridan is dedicated, determined, and never gives up, which is a tremendous strength. I would have you remove this and find something more endearing and thicker in meaning. Find some emotional weakness that Veridan has, or a great physical weakness he has. I am 90% sure that most Roleplayers do not correctly or fairly portray injuries that they write into their applications, so it feels wrong that I allow you to have just that and two other common personality flaws.
Veridan's various weapons are rarely (if ever) carried on his person, usually hidden away in his house and not used within the city. Considering the rather un-bulky nature of his melee equipment, however, they could be hidden under his cloak if needed.
  • Retribution: A metalitra arming sword of excellent quality. Acquired as a gift from aiding dwarves during Veridan's time in Ellador. This is Veridan's main weapon. It has an etching upon the pommel in Dwarven which translates to the name of the sword "Retribution".

  • Credo: A Targe made of wood and covered with tough deer hide and studded heavily with Metalitra. The center has a Metaltira boss and the outside edge is rimmed with Metalitra as well. Upon the rim and the boss are various etchings of Veridan's various beliefs hence the name "Credo". This shield was gifted to him alongside the sword by the Dwarves he traveled with.

  • Pesh-Kabz: A simple steel Pesh-Kabz, kept in his right boot as a backup weapon. Sometimes this dagger is used alongside the shield, in the same hand.
  • Blinding powder: Wax-coated egg shells, filled with sand, black pepper, and iron shavings. Often used to blind an opponent and gain an advantage.

  • Armour: A simple leather brigandine covering his torso, with wax-boiled leather pieces covering his arms and legs. He does not wear his cloak upon the battlefield.
  • Recurve bow: A simple recurve bow, not often used upon the battlefield unless he's scouting in a relatively open area. Usually used for hunting, or taking down large creatures that want to eat him.
If Veridan never uses these items IC, I don't think it is entirely necessary for you to list them here.

Please rectify these very few issues and I'll see you approved! Thank you so much for your cooperation; you're almost there!
Hey, @deadfoe51. Taking a second sweep through.

I did not mention it before, but I do not think that Stubbornness is more of a weakness than it is a strength. Stubbornness indicates dedication. This could mean Veridan is dedicated, determined, and never gives up, which is a tremendous strength. I would have you remove this and find something more endearing and thicker in meaning. Find some emotional weakness that Veridan has, or a great physical weakness he has. I am 90% sure that most Roleplayers do not correctly or fairly portray injuries that they write into their applications, so it feels wrong that I allow you to have just that and two other common personality flaws.

If Veridan never uses these items IC, I don't think it is entirely necessary for you to list them here.

Please rectify these very few issues and I'll see you approved! Thank you so much for your cooperation; you're almost there!

Hey, Shayin.. I edited a few things regarding the weapons and whatnot, but while they may not always be used IC, they are occasionally used, and it's kinda necessary to list them here regardless.. If I ever submit Veridan for world progression reports and the like, they need to know what he's using. Though, I still did explain a bit more regarding the weapon, nonetheless.

As for stubbornness, I actually don't understand how you view it as such a great strength, if you think about it, it really isn't. I explained how it's a weakness, and it can often go hand-in-hand with his recklessness. Being determined is great, but being determined also assumes you have common-sense in there somewhere. Stubborn doesn't have common sense, you're liable to get yourself severely injured, or killed because you refuse to listen to reason.. Or in a debate, you refuse to listen to reasonable viewpoints and continue going on despite the truth in front of you. A determined person would work to better his viewpoint, understand, use common-sense, stopping something now to continue doing it later when he can. For example, a bunch of fallisma are closing on said person with a strength/weakness, but they have not yet reached their goal, a determined person would back off and continue another day, when they possibly won't be torn to shreds. A stubborn person would stay, because they haven't completed their goal, and would then get swarmed by said fallisma, possibly getting themselves killed. There is a big difference, and it all depends on how it's portrayed. Stubbornness can also drive a person past their limits, or cause a person to refuse medical help, which is dangerous to one's health and certainly not a strength.

If you think Stubbornness is such a great strength, by all means, I'll remove it. I just don't see how it actually is a great strength.. Strengths are there to help you, not possibly get you killed because you refuse to give up, even when people are urging you not to go on.
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Hey there! Gonna take a second look here.

you think Stubbornness is such a great strength, by all means, I'll remove it. I just don't see how it actually is a great strength.. Strengths are there to help you, not possibly get you killed because you refuse to give up, even when people are urging you not to go on.
I do not think stubbornness is a strength; it is simply not a weakness. There is seldom a difference in being determined and being stubborn in the way you described above; you are not determined if you give up on a goal easily. I insist that you follow through with the edit I requested as it is a middle ground cop out trait. Either remove it and remove a strength, or replace it.

Additionally, while Lore Staff do not review the, "expanded" areas of an application, I have found that you have an interesting ability I would like to look at.

Medical expertise: A skill he learned upon his lengthy time in his homeland, Veridan has learned to treat a variety of combat wounds. While he's not the best, he's still quite good at patching anything from cuts to maimings. Though he's spent quite a deal of time learning, and tending to people, he only knows how to treat physical wounds, not specific illness or poison.
Medical expertise is not a, "talent" or hobby. It is a strength. This talent may be different if it was stated Veridan could only patch up small wounds, but the way you describe him, he's an expert healer. Anything that can treat maims is more than just a side skill; it is a strength and belongs in the strength section.

Common, Drow Elven, Modern Elven, D'ithanie, and Daendroque.
These are too many languages listed that make very little to no sense why Veridan would know. Maybe he would have learned Modern Elvish or Daendroque when he was in Daendroc. It is fine to have Veridan know a very very broken form of one of those on top of Veridan knowing whatever the Drow speak in Drowda. Finally, he may speak common. Remember that your character is obviously a fighter; they shouldn't know more languages than their native one and Common. They simply would not have time to study these for any sort of fluency.

Please apply these changes and tag me when completed. Thanks!
Hey there! Gonna take a second look here.

I do not think stubbornness is a strength; it is simply not a weakness. There is seldom a difference in being determined and being stubborn in the way you described above; you are not determined if you give up on a goal easily. I insist that you follow through with the edit I requested as it is a middle ground cop out trait. Either remove it and remove a strength, or replace it.

Additionally, while Lore Staff do not review the, "expanded" areas of an application, I have found that you have an interesting ability I would like to look at.

Medical expertise is not a, "talent" or hobby. It is a strength. This talent may be different if it was stated Veridan could only patch up small wounds, but the way you describe him, he's an expert healer. Anything that can treat maims is more than just a side skill; it is a strength and belongs in the strength section.

These are too many languages listed that make very little to no sense why Veridan would know. Maybe he would have learned Modern Elvish or Daendroque when he was in Daendroc. It is fine to have Veridan know a very very broken form of one of those on top of Veridan knowing whatever the Drow speak in Drowda. Finally, he may speak common. Remember that your character is obviously a fighter; they shouldn't know more languages than their native one and Common. They simply would not have time to study these for any sort of fluency.

Please apply these changes and tag me when completed. Thanks!

Thought I changed the language already, huh. Thank you for pointing that out! Now he only knows common, modern Elvish, and a moderate amount of D'ithanie

I also revised his medical training, and dulled it down so that he isn't as skilled, and instead is limited to more minor things and just keeping people alive to seek proper aid. I switched out stubborn and added two things that fit under one title which I thought would work.
App tweaked to reflect more recent things. Also updated and changed to fit the new Drow lore. Aside from the tweak to age, a slight addition to weight, and various other tweaks to better represent the new information.. The app is largely unchanged, I also removed the blue lettering. @Shayin I don't know if this needs a re-review, but the approve suffix was remove, and I'm tagging you just in case. The age was the only major change, really.
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Did another edit, detailing his new outfit, but much is still unchanged. Tagging @LumosJared this time due to the approved thingo being gone, though the age drop down to 60 is still the only major change. Life story is unchanged, as are strengths and weaknesses, but one skill was removed completely.
Weaponry was slightly updated to account for the lore changes, Metalitra equipment was sold off to purchase Blacksteel, finally got around adding it to the app. @LumosJared
Read through. Approved. Though be wary with deadfoe's expenses; even with selling metalitra he'll be stretched for cash for a long while
App edited to include Veridan's injury from the most recent progression, his missing right arm. Will do a proper and larger-scale edit of the app at a later time.
No criiii

Now I feel like a piece of poopy
@LumosJared this needs a re-review. Many changes have been made, and marked in blue.

Height was raised to 6'2, body build is muscular and weight was removed, strengths have been updated and changed quite a bit, new dislikes replaced old ones, Veridan's missing arm was added as a full weakness. "Post-Regalia" was added to give a to-the-point list of the various events Veridan has participated in, etc. Replaced "devious" with "zealous" because devious no longer fit. Removed the bow, and shield because one-armed fun, and I also removed blinding powder because it no longer fit and was never used. Also did some minor tweaks, edits, and corrections here and there that aren't big enough to mention. Relationships were also finally expanded upon.
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I've reviewed these changes and this is fine to re-approve.
Added some recent news to the app to post-Regalia and into Basic information, nothing that would require a re-review.
@TheOverseer__ I changed some of the wording on Veri's Military Training to more account for now. I also changed "Muscular" to "Ripped" due to Drow body size changes and all that.
Eye colour changed in accordance to the previous eye colour not being mentioned under what Drow had. Thus he now has Grey eyes, no major changes.
@TheOverseer__ heavily revised Veridan's app and converted it to the new template. With Veridan's arm-loss being retconned I kept "Audacious" as a weakness and further expanded upon it to justify the 4th talent. I chose Audacious because it applies in multiple situations as opposed to just one. I expanded on his "Physical Conditioning" Talent, this was to emphasize that he's tanky. I added his native language, armour, changed his weapon to a two-handed Khoptar, and am keeping him strictly melee. Most of the changes are meant to reflect that he's a tank oriented towards defending others. I also removed his medical skills since they don't really get used, etc etc. All-in-all, I'd like to request a re-review to make sure it's all good.
Add one more neutral/negative quirk, and I will be content passing this ripped drowdar. Nice job on the life story, especially giving crucial information at the end.

Review In-Progress
Add one more neutral/negative quirk, and I will be content passing this ripped drowdar. Nice job on the life story, especially giving crucial information at the end.

Review In-Progress
By this you mean another personality trait under the first paragraph, or am I misunderstanding?

If you meant personality and all that, I added it to the first paragraph in green to set it apart from the blue.
Veridan is also seen as rather judgmental in the way he acts, often harshly judging another for an action he may dislike in a very unforgiving manner.
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