Url Fangs Throng - Regalian Url Commune


Balric Cobsford
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score



Come, Urls of Regalia, and join Fangs Throng so we may gather to build a community to discuss all matters central to life as a Url in our wondrous city. This shall be a place to foster brother and sisterhood, to forge connections with your fellow Url. The Throng shall function as a social organization, hosting regular meetings where Url may discuss their exploits, military matters, organize hunts, and simply share tales. All Url are welcome to join, though Baal-Url must commit themselves to functioning in Regalian society with the guidance of Al-Url if they wish to participate. Non-Url members are welcome to come join in the meetings, though they will never truly feel the call of the Pursuit of the Hunt. We are located within the park district, in the Fangs Throng Lodge respectively.
  • While this group was originally created by MonMarty, I have been granted permission to take it over due to his Url character being inactive.
  • The group is generously funded by the d'Vaud family, offering plentiful resources at the organizations disposal.
  • While the Throng is loosely lead by an Al-Url, the throng keeper, they demand no authority, simply acting to organize and keep orderly conduct within the Throng.

Member List:
Throng Keeper - Rauffe d'Vaud @FishyBack
Al-Url Member - Mimir Jormungandr @MippyMoo, Cara @Carabassa
Baal-Url Member -
Non-Url Associate -

Applicants may show interest by sending a notice, though after a notice is accepted, the applicant should endeavor to show up at the next appropriate lodge meeting. There is no acceptance process, any Url that signs up is automatically a member unless they misbehave and are ejected. For easier updates on meetings, please PM Skype or Discord, Discord being preferred.
@MonMarty @Suicidium
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