Name: Urad
Race/Culture: Urlan
Age: 25
Pronouns: He/They/She
Occult: None
Core Concept: A hunter that treads the edge of civilization, occasionally making trips into the city to sell their goods acquired from their hunts, and to drink at the bars. Urad doesn't know much about societal norms or the history of the cities, which can make them appear to be unintelligent but they just don't know about or care much for urban norms.
Appearance Information: 6'6''. Lean. Covered in brown fur, sharp antlers instead of horns. Wears jewelry acquired through trade with hunting goods.
Strength: 6
Force Toss Pack (Free athletic pack Urlan)
Unarmed Expert Pack
Bruiser Tackle Pack
Bruiser Rampage Pack
Bruiser Agony Pack
Bruiser Flurry Pack
Cheap Shot Pack
Constitution: 5Unarmed Expert Pack
Bruiser Tackle Pack
Bruiser Rampage Pack
Bruiser Agony Pack
Bruiser Flurry Pack
Cheap Shot Pack
Interception Pack (Free training pack Urlan)
Rage Counter Pack
Debuff Endurance Pack
Rebound Pack
Wisdom: 0Rage Counter Pack
Debuff Endurance Pack
Rebound Pack
Dexterity: 3
Soft Landing Pack
Close Save Pack
Escape Artist Pack
Magic: 0Close Save Pack
Escape Artist Pack
Faith: 0
Life Story/Plot Hooks: A full Urlan from birth. Solves the struggle between the life of civilization and the wilds by traveling between the two, hunting and fishing and living in the wilderness, and traveling into the city to trade the goods that are less common for full-time city dwellers or are needed for various professions.