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Played Character Veshar

This character is actively played.
May 11, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Veshar.
  • Heritage / Culture: Isldar (Evolver).
  • Age: 36.
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male (He/Him)
  • Religion: Draconism.
  • Occult: Magic.
  • Character Occupation: Void-Afflicted Hunter.
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Veshar has pale blue eyes with black sclera, and draconian slits for pupils.
  • Skin Color: Veshar has ghastly pale, bone-white skin.
  • Hair: Veshar has long, straight silver hair that flows down to his shoulders and back.
  • Height: Veshar is 7 feet tall.
  • Body Type: Veshar is immensely brawny and has a broad-shouldered, muscular physique.
  • Additional Features: Vesher is a biologically enhanced Elf-Wyvern-Urlan hybrid. This has manifested certain physical traits in the form of tusks, aggressive body and facial hair, and draconian scales on his neck, shoulders, forearms and thighs. He is noticably more muscular and taller than the standard Isldar.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Alchemy Hobby, Medical Hobby, Athletic Hobby, Magical Talent.
  • Mechanics: Isldar Evolver Traits.
  • Languages: Common, Sulvaley.
  • Veshar is a stoic Isldar warrior who was raised among the faction of Evolvers, genetically modified Draconists. He was trained as a youth to become a prominent swordsman and arcanist, skills he now wields with deadly precision in his one-man crusade against the Void.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Defense Stat: Magic.
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:


Weapon Throw Pack (Free)
Steady Body Pack
Bruiser Slam Pack
Bruiser Flurry Pack
Bruiser Parry Pack
Bruiser Feint Pack
Bruiser Agony Pack
Bruiser Rampage Pack
Constitution: 2
Rage Counter Pack (Free, Isldar)
Breather Pack
Thick Hide Pack
Magic: 5
Magic Snare Pack (Free, Isldar)
Magic Curse Pack
Magic Resist Pack
Magic Cleanse Pack
Magic Bolster Pack
Magic Shove Pack