Tuesday the 23rd of November Upper House Assembly ((this Assembly was moved due to OOC considerations. I do not think this will be a common occurrence, so expect all other Upper Houses to be on Saturdays. Time is exactly the same.))
- Individuals with overt and grotesque extra-planar mutations are forced to conceal their afflictions while visiting the center-isle of our fair capital.
- To enact a permanent ban on the holding of Government Offices for those who have converted away from unionism.
Upper House Assembly Verdicts:
-Motion failed, as none came to support.
-Motion partially passed, with the following words from His Imperial Highness, Dominic Kade, acting as the voice of the Crown and His Imperial Holiness:
The Crown considers the law inadequate at redressing faltering loyalty of those who convert away from unionism. It is the Emperor's opinion that it is the right of those in families to dictate their patriarchial or matriarchal or other family institution of spirituality, the Emperor finds too often that Unionism, or indeed any faith like Old Gods, is forced onto the child, instead of letting the child come to the natural conclusions of spiritual rightness by providence found in the world all around us. The Everwatcher acts, and is proven to act in the miracles brought about for Unionism. But all too often is a child forced to believe the words of the Everwatcher at the threat of a beating. A belief fostered by punihsment as opposed to righteous being is one born out of deceit and willfull betrayal. it is not a matter of whether the individual will convert at that point, the betrayal is already made. [The Imperial Prince addresses possible rebuttals to this.]
We arrive at the complicated solution that many in this room claim to be Unionist, but we all know very dearly most of you just pay lip service to the Everwatcher and say the holy words to please the matter of Optics. As a matter of fact, if anyone were to convert, we wouldn't even know because many may hide their religious articles in their drawers. Or hope that public declarations of conversion are quickly forgotten, like Mister Rodsvar.
The Crown will thus institute this first: A policy of public declaration of faith of any one individual to the bureaucracy. Any person who is of adult age may proceed to the Bureaucracy adn declare their faith on citizenship record. Even if a child is raised in a Unionist household, no presumption of faith shall be made until this person has legally and with their own consent made a declaration before the Bureaucracy. This shall also go into effect for all adults of all ages in the coming two weeks, and those who fail to present will be presumed Unionist if Noble, and Agnostic if Common. Then, when faith is successfully registered, we shall approve the proposal to ban those who convert away from Unionism from holding government office, but only applicable for those who were registered as Unionist and convert /after/ registration. For purposes of adequate registry, we shall permit the registrations of Unionists by Denomination, Wavering Unionist, Atheist, Agnostic, or indeed any other religion that is legal in the Empire. And this data will be made publicly available.
-[Brought forward by the Crown] A proposal regarding the War in Ellador, tabled until the next Upper House after inadequate solutions brought forth.