Unofficial Massivetraits Calculator


Founder of Gilead
Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
New England
Gilead (Old and New Guard)
Hey all,

I created an interactive spreadsheet in Excel to help keep track of the slots and tally as one adds and removes traits. Until something fancier comes along (or I actually put together a real webtool for this) I'll try to keep this spreadsheet updated. Tomorrow, I'll likely modify it to produce a (/t a skillname) command script for easy trait switching.

To use just mark the checkboxes. The slot and point totals up top should update. I'm using a full version of Excel to view this, but it should work in the free viewer or maybe even openoffice, others.

To try it out just use the link below and then click download in the upper right (you shouldn't need to sign up for Dropbox or anything convoluted). Note that you have to save this locally before it lets you actually use it -- what you see at first is just Dropbox showing you a preview.

Let me know if you find any errors! Hope this helps.

I know it works in Google spreadsheets too, and I like that more than OpenOffice just because it's backed up on the cloud and the UI is less weird.
Yay this awesome. Now MassiveTraits are easier to use. (Cayorion should make a chest GUI for MassiveTraits)
If you create a web based calculator I will want to talk to you about it. Great work!
+15 WaterDrinker, +30 StoneEater, -20 Carnivore, -20 Herbivore, -50 Nonivore
These need ammending.
Other than that, fantastic work. Thanks!