
On the twentieth of March, the cathedral found itself in a bustle. Not a single hand idle as the sun began its descent in the sky, the rich blue exploding into every manner of pink, orange, and purple imaginable, blending together into something like that of a dream. Maeva Peirgarten lingered outside the doors of the edifice, her gaze fixated upon the sherbet hues overhead whilst she waited.

The weather was perfect for such an occasion, a light breeze that carried fresh, crisp air on its wings enough to ensure that there would be no uncomfortable fidgeting during the ceremony. The first day of Spring - a promise of new life and new beginnings of the season - her birthday, and her wedding day all wrapped in one blissful day.

With a nervous brush of her hand along the skirt of her gown, Maeva's posture straightened upon the doors of the cathedral opening. Music swelled within the cathedral, echoing and distant to her ears, to announce her arrival. With her arm wrapped around her father's, the blond and ginger pair took their first steps down the deep purple carpet.

The pews within the cathedral were filled with all manner of faces - plenty she recognised closer to the front, others that were foreign to her, sat closer to the back. The sea of strangers that greeted her, however, were easily recognisable by their colours alone. The Vigilant Chapter and the Viridian Knights were the first faces to set their eyes upon her. They were acknowledged with a broad, proud smile and a nod before the father-daughter duo continued their way up the aisle.

As they approached the front, Maeva was able to pick out far more familiar faces amidst the crowd. Emeline Delmotte received a watery smile alongside the mouthing of the words 'thank you' as she passed - she had thrown Maeva's wedding dress together to perfection, after all.

Erwald Ravenstad was the next familiar face she found. His presence nearly made the bride to be laugh - she could only imagine the internal fight he had trying to decide which side to sit on and, ultimately, did not blame him for his position at all.

The Howlester family took up the front right side of the pews, a sea of purple, black, and gold making them immediately recognisable. Among the pack of wolves, Maeva was thankful to see Genevieve Howlester and Alderik Kade. At the very front of the pack sat Rodderick and Katriane Howlester.

To the left of the Howlester family mimicked her own, the Peirgartens from all over having come in to fill the pews. Her brother, Julius, sat between Noelle, Orianne, Marie, and Hansen, surrounded by cousins and aunts and uncles alike. At the very head of the family, Amelina Peirgarten.

Upon reaching the altar where Aldwyn Howlester stood, Maeva turned to her father with a bright, watery smile. Without a word, she squeezed his hands three times before he handed her off to her husband to be. The young couple seemed to match in excitement, though Aldwyn was far more confident as per the norm of their relationship at that point. With a whispered I love you, I love you, too, the nobles turned their attention to the reverend.

In front of the Spirit, their friends, family, and peerage, Aldwyn Howlester and Maeva Peirgarten exchanged vows that spoke promises of loyalty and duty, to each other and to family.

"I present to you Lord and Lady Howlester."
OOC Info:

Maeva Peirgarten is now Maeva Howlester, having married Aldwyn Howlester.

This was a closed, private noble event that most general public was not allowed to attend. Any and all nobles would have received an invitation and, as such, will have been able to attend should they have chosen to. Non-nobles that would have been invited or allowed to attend include any commoners in Maeva's employ and any house guards to those whose families attended.

Please keep all responses to the post IC!
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On the intersections of the Peirgarten colonies in Essalonia, Rodrigo's attention was drawn towards a ceremony amongst the guards, servants and citizens of the land. It seemed they were celebrating a marriage in the family, using the open field as a location for the celebrations as they were not allowed in the cathedral to witness the marriage itself. Rodrigo, covered in brown dirty rags, long messy hair, a large beard and a stump for a right arm, approached the area to figure out what was going on. As he heard the names 'Maeva' and 'Howlester' get thrown around, a smile erupted in his features in excitement. He put the two pieces together. He tried to join in with the celebrations, but nobody in the land seemed to recognize him. A guard came towards Rodrigo, shoving him away and causing him to tumble to the ground. "Get outta' 'ere, peasant! No food for you 'ere!" exclaimed the brutish man in gear. Unsure of how to feel, Rodrigo slowly crawled back on the muddy terrain and climbed to his feet, and turned to depart quietly. A smile remained in his features, happy for his cousin-in-law.
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Akeno Hamasaki applauded as the ceremony wrapped up. The Chi'en-ji muttered a quick tongue of Wa'an under his breath. "May the stars guide you both on a profitable noble path."

After the ceremony and the attention to the newly weds died down. Akeno made his way over, as he raised a hand in greeting. "Greatest congratulations lady Howlester, and I pray for futures prosperity." He then turned to the groom "Lucky man, congratulations Lord Howlester." He said before departing to be an alcoholic way off where.

@Athelois @Anarchizm
Amelina sat at the head of the pew by herself, and though she was surrounded by family behind her she never felt more alone.
As the ceremony went on her mind tried to stop playing the images of her own wedding and to focus on her cousin finally marrying a successful man.
To Amelina, Maeva would always be a Peirgarten by blood and always a part of the family, but she couldn't help but wear a bittersweet expression on her face, the petal necklace that was always around her neck still a deep shade of blue.
She stood and clapped when the rest of the ceremony did as well.
During the after-reception Amelina stuck around after downing a few glasses of wine and speaking to people here and there, giving her congratulations to the new bride and groom. After what she felt was an eternity, the Duchess slipped out of a side exit and made her way home, unable to stay any longer.
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The younger Peirgarten beamed with happiness for her cousin, applauding towards the conclusion of the ceremony. Upon given opportunity, Noelle would approach the bride with a warm smile.

"I wanted to give you something from my heart. This silver chained necklace has been with me from the beginning of my time in Regalia, its Amethyst pendant acting as my motivation to continue fighting a good fight. It's served its purpose with me. This Heirloom now belongs to you."

At that, Noelle removed that same necklace she wears everywhere, all the time, unlatching it from around her neck, and offering it to her cousin.

"Congratulations, you two. I am truly proud and filled to the brim with happiness and a certain confidence that your future will remain prosperous. Spirit guide."
Aldwyn Howlester watched as his bride to be was walked down the isle, the brightest of smiles had etched itself upon his features as his gaze flickered between his family and friends. The happiest moment of his life was finally here. He was one step closer to where he wanted to be in life. A step closer to true happiness. His life with Maeva would begin here.

Julius Peirgarten sniffled as his sister went down the isle, doing his best to maintain his composure and usual stoic features. He would shadow his cousin, Amelina Peirgarten throughout the night, ensuring that she was alright. By the end of the night, he'd be the one to walk home with her.

The Lord Commander huffed uncomfortably back within the confines of the Howlester Country Estate. He himself had not been informed of the wedding between his son and Maeva, instead he was left to believe that he had once again been forgotten and abandoned. Wearing his General's attire, showing off his medals proudly, he glanced about the empty lounging hall on the day where he usually was celebrated. His stoic expression hid a deep cutting sadness, the emptiness of his gaze beginning to haze mistily. It was to expected. It happened to his father too when the title had shifted. He glanced to his right, to his wife, managing a smile. Ania placed a hand upon William's shoulder while the man glanced one last time out over the empty room, with Ania muttering only a simple "Happy Nameday, William"
Shae Wren stood guarding in silence throughout the ceremony, however this did not stop her from shedding a few tears for the newly weds. She held all the Howelster family close, and was thrilled to be adding a new member to the family. She would assuredly give them her congratulations and gifts at a later time, but was more then overjoyed to be able to guard them on their special day.
Fenic remained in his position, using his keen eye to keep watch over the wedding with the other Wulfsrudels. However, nothing could prevent him from watching the exchange of vows. The young Half Orc softly smiles, and thinks about the future.