Archived Unicode Characters Not Showing

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of Tranquility
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Since about a few days to a week ago the unicode characters on the forum isn't showing properly. Instead of the icons, it's showing boxes with the unicode value in them instead, such as [F024] in the very upper right corner where the alerts icon should be, and [F0E0] for conversations next to it.

I'm not ruling out that it's on my end, but my character encoding (in Firefox 31.0) is set to Unicode, and I've tried changing it to a few different things with no result. While trouble-shooting and looking up the unicodes I noticed I had to enable scripts for the sites where I wanted them enabled. I'm using the (always up to date) NoScript addon. But I've already enabled them here and it's been working fine until just recently. And the Unicodes are working fine on other sites.

Anyone that can enlighten me on my problem? Anyone else have it?
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I too have this problem. Same thing, using Firefox, Massivecraft enabled for NoScript, various menu symbols show as unicode values.

Works fine in other browsers though.
Found the problem. I had blocked on another site because it delivered bad code there. It's needed here to show the symbols (and proper fonts).