Archived Underwater Ancient Maiar "cities."

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites
I've been thinking that the MassiveCraft continents needed some more underwater activity, so why not add ruins of abandoned Maiar cities underwater? It would be a cool feature, just swimming around and exploring a Maiar area! They don't get /much/ popularity and this would be an awesome add on. Just imagine- riding out to sea and seeing these awesome structures! If the world staff were to add it, this would be so fascinating to explore.

And to the rest of the MassiveCraft community, what do you think?

Underwater Image..jpg
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Considering the Maiar don't really construct anything and still live primarily nomadicly, I doubt this is possible. Sadly I doubt the implementation of this, though there is currently underwater structure in Teled Methen for differing reasons.
This would be awesome! Minecraft in general needs more underwater sea stuffs if you ask me :3 These would add more atmosphere to the enviroment and would be a blast to explore!
If I recall correctly, Maiar have only recently begun building structures underwater. It wouldn't make sense for there to be ruins. What I'd suggest is things like ship-wrecks and whale/serpent carcasses that Maiar could move into and build cities around.
Some Seraph ruins could be located underwater, and some Slizzar temples.
I imagine repurposed structures/ruins from other land-dwelling races could be great, quick homes for Maiar. I imagine these ruins would be left over from catastrophic earthquakes. This doesn't really relate to your topic about implementation, but I think this could be a cool thing for players to add now if they happen to be Maiar themselves.
I requested this kinda of stuff when people were taking reccomendations when building the new Regalia.
Just imagine- riding out to sea and seeing these awesome structures! If the world staff were to add it, this would be so fascinating to explore.
View attachment 55653

I wholeheartedly support and am excited about the prospect of large underwater structures of some kind (but not Maiar for reasons already stated above).

Keep in mind the server experiences a lot of glitch/fly kick with boats these days so to be more inclusive with the entire server community it should be within visible proximity of a land based landmark... probably well lit so people will notice it as they walk past at night... and finally, I'd suggest the 'entrance' for us non gill-breathing bipeds could be a bit of an easter egg with the reward being a winding glass enclosed walkway that gradually decends to the structure allowing one to take in the spectacle as you descend.

In a similar vein to the airships you often see parked around well established larger factions you could have a diving bell 'dock' with a handful of different sized diving vessels.

The possibilities are endless.
Nobody likes Aquaman
upload_2015-4-17_21-5-6.jpeg upload_2015-4-17_21-8-43.jpeg

Otherwise, I think this would be a pretty frickin awesome idea.
As long as they don't have Aquaman.
If I recall correctly, Maiar have only recently begun building structures underwater. It wouldn't make sense for there to be ruins. What I'd suggest is things like ship-wrecks and whale/serpent carcasses that Maiar could move into and build cities around.
This is a cool idea. Ship-wrecks and whale carcasses. Underwater structures would just be a cool thing to add.